Become Prince's Wife By Accident


The emperor has not summoned Princess Xue for three days, but she is not flustered. After all, the queen, who threatens her most, has been banned.

Now, there are only Shu Guifei and Jia Guifei who are higher than her. But the man was not interested in her, and had an adult Prince's son to rely on, even more disdained to Gu and Xuefei competing for favor.

So, when the maids were worried about her. Xuefei is not afraid at all.

Imperial concubine Zhuang and Princess he died one after another. Among the harem, only concubine Shu and Princess Jia presided over the overall situation. The emperor looked at those impeachments with great headache.

Among them, the most intolerable is that the prince has coveted the women in the harem many times. It turned out that the affair of Yu Meiren earlier was not groundless. Now, the death of Princess he Guifei, I'm afraid, is also true.

Sitting on the Dragon chair, the emperor looked coldly at the empty and cold palace. His son is not only looking forward to his death, but also coveting the beauty of his harem.

Is it because you are old? So beauty Yu and Princess he colluded with the prince one after another. If he had not known that the crown prince was broken, he would not dare to use it in the miraculous medicine, for fear that the emperor would not be able to take it boldly.

Taiyi has explained that the reason for coma is because of overindulgence. These days stopped the elixir, but feel that the body is not strong, is a bit old.

Therefore, under the instruction of the imperial physician, the emperor took the elixir again.

"The Emperor Lady Xuefei is here... "

The emperor was distracted, waving his hand and not summoned. Can think of that enchanted taste son, he still let snow princess come in. "This is the tremella soup made by my concubine for you."

She twisted the waist of a snake, which dazzled the emperor's eyes. He took her waist and ate tremella soup with catkin. This night, the emperor still did not follow the doctor's advice.

And Li Gonggong, is no longer as usual exhortation. Just quietly closed the Palace door and left.

"The Emperor I'm afraid... " Snow Princess nestled up to the emperor, and the soft words made the emperor's heart melt, "what are you afraid of? I am the son of heaven! Who dares to touch you with me? "

"On that day, his royal highness was staring at his concubine." Snow princess said, tears fall down, "he also..."

The emperor was angry, "how is he?"

"Say After that, let my concubine follow him. "

"Presumptuous! Do you dare to slander the prince? " The emperor pushed aside Xuefei and said, "my concubine How dare you? "

Calm down, Xuefei is really helpless, how dare to talk nonsense. The emperor looked at that pair of eyes, such as silk, affectionate with tears. Bear under the heart is not happy, and snow princess again.

The next day, the emperor was very angry in the court and banned the prince from going out for life. The government and the public were in an uproar, and the prince smiled.

Sure enough Green hat is the worst.

But Shen's face was like gold paper, and she fell down slowly. Ji Qinglin is far away, and he is also very happy. Shen family

After the emperor abolished the crown prince, he did not announce the establishment of another prince on the spot. Prince Cheng was very disappointed, but Ji Qinglin told him that the emperor had been embarrassed by the fact that Yu Huai had nearly forced the palace.

Now in this wind outlet, whoever comes out will lose the favor of the emperor.

After the news that the prince was banned, song Jinyu silently recited Sutras in her heart. "Master Yan Fei... "

"It's not far away. The golden water palace is about to fall."

The news came as a bolt from the blue to Mrs. Shen. The crown prince's confinement meant that he was further and further away from the throne. However, because the crown prince had many disagreements with Prince Cheng, he was the most popular one in the imperial court.

When Zhong Li comes back from the next morning, he sees song Jinyu busy in the garden. It turns out that she has opened a small field of herbs.

Can't help laughing, "this kind of thing, you let the servants do it." Take the handkerchief and wipe the sweat between the temples for her.

"Do something by yourself, or you'll be idle when you're free."

"Since I'm free, can you help me to relieve my muscles and bones?" With that, he took song Jinyu into the study.

No, I had to hold his shoulder for him.

"Be soft."

"This way Over there... " When he sees her so obedient, he has the heart to toss and turn.

Until song Jinyu slapped him on the forehead with one hand, "what are you doing? Is it fun? " This man is very abnormal today.

Sure enough, he suddenly leaned on Song Jinyu. "Love Princess..."

What's going on? "Maybe The days of security are over. " The prince was banned, followed by the undercurrent between him and Prince Cheng.

The stable life that had been promised to song Jinyu is going to be broken.

Song Jinyu smile, "a little bit of small things, why worry, soldiers will block the water and cover up the earth."

"Little things..."

Zhongli MINGYE laughingly looks at her. He is indeed a leader. He is very brave! Holding her in her arms, "you are always so bold. What can I do?"

In fact, song Jinyu expected the prince to be banned. However, this will be the clock from the Ming Ye pushed on the crest of the waves. I feel a little guilty,"You Want to be emperor? "

The study is quiet for a moment. Zhong Li Ming Ye looks at her seriously and says: "it's better to be with you every day, rather than be an emperor." She didn't answer her question because every Prince wanted to go further where he was closest to the emperor.

He is no exception.

Love me what? This person three words does not leave the sentiment, the love love.

Inexplicably, he made his face blush. He was about to say something. Outside the door came the sound of star sword, and she was about to leave.

Don't want to, Zhong Li Ming Ye didn't let her go, "what are you flustered about?"

Feng Mou playfully looked at her, "I......"

What should we do with such a clear division? He didn't want to hide a lot of things from Song Jinyu, but song Jinyu didn't want to know.

"Lord Now the ministers in the court have already begun to recommend the prince

"Is it? Then let them vote. " Zhong Li Ming Ye smiles. "Now the whole man's spirit of the father's emperor is tense. The more they make, the more opportunities they will give others."

"Prince Cheng, you must understand this truth."

"Let's make fun of it. I'm more relaxed."

Next, he has to push his errands out. After all It doesn't feel good to be on the edge of the waves. What's more, Zhongli MINGYE knows that the prince is the first son of the emperor and was raised by himself.

Before the prince so many wrong things, have not been thoroughly studied, this time is just a harmless mistake, to put it bluntly, the blood book is not worth doing evidence.

The prince and Yu Meiren's affair is just the testimony of several eunuchs. He thought about it. This time, the prince may not be dead, unless Plan against

Do you want to go against it? He looked down and thought of a man.

Song Jinyu is not comfortable sitting, Qingfeng does not change his face and goes out. Zhong Li Ming Ye is not willing to let her go. "After a while, we'll go to Chuang Tzu in the suburbs of Beijing. It's always boring in Beijing... "


Although I didn't know his intention, song Jinyu felt that she was still at his side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!