Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 649: Any Hao's invitation

Chapter 649

Unexpectedly, such enthusiastic young people like Pangbo scratched their heads uncomfortably, and then explained:

"Um, brothers and sisters, my name is Ren Hao. Three years ago, when Senior Brother Pangbo, Senior Sister Ji Ziyue, and Senior Sister Li Xiaoman met the sect, I stopped you, so you may think you are familiar with me."

Having said this, an awkward look appeared on Any Hao\'s face.

After all, this way of meeting is really not that wonderful.

However, Pangbo did not care about these.

After hearing Ren Hao\'s answer, Pangbo\'s face showed a sudden realization.

Patting Ren Hao on the shoulder, Pang Bo said directly:

"I said I can\'t remember it wrong, so you are the kid from a few years ago."

Kid? Brother, you don’t seem to be much older than me, right?

Hearing Pangbo\'s words, Yi Hao couldn\'t help but vomit.

Not to mention, although Pangbo\'s actual age is not young, he and Anyhao seem to be really about the same age because of the fact that he had eaten divine fruit in the forbidden land before.

Pang Bo saw Ren Hao\'s expression and instantly understood Ren Hao\'s thoughts.

However, Pangbo didn\'t mean to explain, anyway he didn\'t feel embarrassed.

Looking at Ren Hao, Pangbo continued to speak:

"Anyway, we are quite destined.

Junior brother, are you planning to go home first this time? "

Hearing Pangbo\'s inquiry, Either Hao didn\'t entangle Pangbo\'s name, and directly nodded.

Upon seeing this, Pangbo continued to ask:

"Where is your family, Junior Brother? Who else is there?"

As soon as Pangbo asked about the situation in his home, Yi Hao\'s eyes brightened a bit.

It can be seen that any Hao\'s family is still very happy.

Without any hesitation, Ren Hao directly talked to Pangbo and the others about the situation in his family with great interest.

"Brother, my family is from the Eastern Desolation Southern Territory. In addition to me, there are parents and a younger sister in the family.

You don’t know how many brothers and sisters, although the conditions in my family have been poor since I was a child, our family is still very happy.

I and……"

Looking at Ren Hao who couldn\'t stop talking, all of Ye Fan\'s faces showed envious expressions.

Although because of various opportunities, their status and status are all low or high.

However, it is difficult for them to feel the happiness of any Hao anymore.

Although he was on the road again, everyone still listened to Ren Hao patiently.

After a long time, Ren Hao realized that he seemed to be talking too much, and a little awkwardly stopped his topic, and apologized to several people:

"Um, I\'m sorry, Senior Brother and Senior Sister, on a whim, I seem to be talking a little too much."

Hearing Ren Hao\'s apology, Ye Fan and the others felt a little bitter. After all, Ren Hao did nothing wrong in this matter.

Gently waved their hands, Ye Fan said with a chuckle:

"It\'s okay. We also like to listen to the stories in your family. It\'s hard for us to experience this kind of warm story.

And we are also going to the Eastern Desolation Southern Territory, so we have to form a team for a long time next.

We have enough time to listen to your story, and if you don’t mind, just talk to us, just to pass the time. "

Hearing what Ye Fan said, Ren Hao\'s face also showed a smile.

The initial restraint was also gone because of this incident, and Ren Hao said easily and naturally:

"Haha, yes, you, like brothers and sisters, probably rarely come into contact with life like us.

If you don’t mind, I’d be happy to talk to you about my life. "

Hearing what Yi Hao said, Ji Ziyue said directly:

"What a proud man of heaven, we just have better luck.

If we are unlucky, or if we throw the wrong tires everywhere, we are probably just ordinary people.

Besides, if you really want to say the pride of heaven, Ichiho, you can be regarded as right now.

You know, being able to visit the Tibetan gate already explains the problem.

Coupled with entering the sect practice a year later, your future may not be better than ours. "

Hearing Ji Ziyue\'s words, Yi Hao couldn\'t help but laughed out loud.

"Senior Sister, reincarnation is also a skill, but you are right. I guess from the outside world, it can be regarded as the pride of heaven."

Any Hao said with a light smile.

Any Hao didn\'t have much next, and he directly talked to Ye Fan about his original anecdote.

Ye Fan and the others are the same, exposing each other\'s interesting stories.

Although everyone has known each other for a long time, it is still difficult for everyone to get such opportunities for communication due to various reasons.

Therefore, everyone does not feel bored when talking.

Everyone spent the long journey in such a relaxed atmosphere.

Although there were a lot of unopened mountain bandits, robbers, and even some not weak monks on the road.

However, everyone nowadays is not a little kid, and everyone can easily solve these dangers.

Within a month, everyone walked with the help of the teleportation array, and soon came to the southern region of the Eastern Desolation.

Along the way, Ye Fan\'s understanding of Any Hao directly rose to a level.

Knowing that he has a pair of kind parents, knowing that he has a lovely sister, knowing his character and family.

Similarly, in this month\'s time, Ye Fan and the others, in Ren Hao\'s heart, went from labelled characters to a lively brother and sister.

It can be said that although it hasn\'t been a long time, everyone\'s feelings have risen very quickly.

Unfortunately, everyone will be separated soon.

Because, now he is near Ren Hao\'s home.

Seeing the villages not far away, the excitement on Yi Hao\'s face could not be concealed.

Although it is poor, it can even be said to be backward, but it is indeed the place where he has lived since he was a child, with his closest relatives.

However, although Ren Hao was excited, he still did not forget Ye Fan and others around him.

Taking a look at his hometown in the distance, Ren Hao turned to Ye Fan and said:

"Senior Brother and Sister, my house is right in front."

Hearing what Yi Hao said, Li Xiaoman chuckled and said:

"Look at your excited look, go home quickly, don\'t let the family wait, we should also leave."

Hearing Li Xiaoman\'s words, Yi Hao directly opened his mouth and invited everyone:

"Senior brothers and sisters, do you want to come and sit at my house?"

Hearing Ren Hao\'s invitation, Ye Fan smiled and asked:

"With so many of us, going to your house will disturb your family, right?"

(End of this chapter)