Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 648: Familiarity

Chapter 648

Almost without any hesitation, the Tibetans from the same town spontaneously formed a small team.

As for those who have no fellow villagers, they are on the road alone.

But Ye Fan and the others were going to visit Ji\'s house with Ji Ziyue first.

After all, let Ye Fan and the others go home, he might not be able to go back either.

The goals of several people are very clear, that is, to visit Ji\'s house first, then visit the god-king Jiang Taixu at Jiang\'s house, and finally, to go to the monster clan\'s sphere of influence with Yan Ruyu to experience.

Traveling through these three places, one year\'s time is estimated to be almost consumed.

The task of receiving the doorman was basically completed on the road.

After the plan was finalized, Ye Fan set off directly.

Like most of the same class, they did not choose to call it a teleportation array.

After all, this year\'s time is also their experience time. If they ride the teleportation array on the road, the effect of the experience will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, unless it is specially chosen by the road, most of the doormen still choose to drive on the road physically.

With the Taoist Institute as the core, many Tibetan disciples left in a radial direction.

Ye Fan and the others, who were in the crowd, couldn\'t help but feel the wonder of fate in their hearts.

Although they are very reluctant to leave their families and relatives, they have to admit that they will never see this kind of sight on the earth.

Their experience here, but they hadn\'t experienced it in their younger half of their lives before.

I can\'t even imagine it.

However, Ye Fan\'s hearts were just sighing, no matter what arrangements there are in the future, whether to go back to the earth or live in the Big Dipper Star Region, strength is indispensable.

Therefore, practicing well is the truth.

After briefly cleaning up the emotion in his heart, Ye Fan and the others quickly moved forward.

There are still a lot of people who drop in with them now, and here is still the radiation range of Zangmen, so everyone doesn\'t need to be too careful.

However, with the passage of time, Ye Fan and the others have fewer and fewer fellow sects, and they are getting farther and farther away from the Tibetan gate, gradually leaving the range of influence of the Tibetan gate.

Ye Fan\'s spirit was also beaten to death by twelve points in their hearts.

Hunting monks is not a difficult scene in the spiritual world.

In order to plunder other people\'s wealth and opportunities, it is really commonplace to intercept and kill them halfway.

Gradually, there was only one young man left with Ye Fan and them walking with them.

For the sake of safety, the youth also temporarily joined Ye Fan\'s small team.

In this regard, none of Ye Fan and the others were unhappy.

Although there were too many sects in Zangmen, and many of the same sects were busy cultivating, the only people they knew were those beside them.

However, this does not mean that there is no sympathy between people who do not know each other.

On the contrary, because of the recognition of the sect, the cohesion among the Tibetan disciples is very high.

Therefore, even if they don\'t know each other, as long as everyone is a Tibetan child, then they have a high sense of sympathy.

Let alone the trivial matter of temporarily teaming up, it is incumbent to help you find a place.

Therefore, Ye Fan\'s group of six people plus the youth, the seven people temporarily formed a team.

However, looking at the youth\'s appearance, Pangbo kept scratching his head.

Seeing Pangbo like this, Ye Fan directly asked in an angry voice:

"Pangbo, what\'s the matter with you, you have lice?"

Not only him, but Li Xiaoman, Ji Ziyue, Yan Ruyu, and Zhou Yi are also full of doubts.

As one of the protagonists, the young man Pangbo watched closely felt his scalp numb.

Pangbo looks like this, and people who don\'t know think he is crooked, and what wrong thoughts he has for his young fellow.

Of course, Pangbo doesn\'t have this thought. The reason why he looks like this is entirely because he thinks the youth is really familiar, but he just can\'t remember who it is.

To be honest, this kind of briskness is normal in Zangmen. After all, within three years, there will be some contact.

But this is too abnormal for Pangbo.

Because Pang Bo and Ye Fan are known as the existence of the two great cultivators in Zangmen.

The two of them really spent all their time on cultivation.

Even in Zangmen, it is an absolute top existence.

Therefore, in the past three years, there are only a handful of people who have had intersections with Pangbo.

And those people, Pangbo can also call out their names.

But it was obvious that the young man in front of him was not those people.

Therefore, after hearing Ye Fan\'s questioning, Pangbo directly said in confusion:

"What? I think this junior is familiar, but I can\'t remember the name."

Hearing Pangbo\'s words, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows suddenly.

He is very clear about Pangbo\'s situation.

Therefore, even Ye Fan couldn\'t help but become curious.

Like Ye Fan, there are Yan Ruyu and Zhou Yi.

However, after hearing Pang Bo\'s words, Ji Ziyue and Li Xiaoman were slightly stunned and showed a surprised expression.

There is no other reason, just because after Pangbo\'s reminder, the two of them also feel that this junior has become familiar.

You know, the memory of monks is not comparable to ordinary people.

If Pangbo remembers it wrong alone, it is fair, but three people at a time remember it wrong, it is unlikely.

Therefore, after hearing Pangbo\'s words, Li Xiaoman and Ji Ziyue also opened their mouths with surprise and asked the young man at the same door:

"Hey, listening to what Pangbo said, I also feel that Junior Brother is very familiar.

Have we met? But why don\'t I remember your name? "

Hearing Ji Ziyue and Li Xiaoman also say the same, the puzzled expressions on the faces of the others became even heavier.

After hearing the cause and effect, the young fellow\'s heart was also a little bit dumbfounded.

Speaking of contact, he and Pang Bo, Li Xiaoman, and Ji Ziyue had such contact once.

However, Pangbo, Li Xiaoman, and Ji Ziyue obviously had important things at the time, and they weren\'t even a nodding acquaintance, so naturally they wouldn\'t know their names.

Since that time, in the three years of practice, the young man and Pangbo have not had any contact.

I thought this incident was just an episode, so it passed.

The young people thought that Pangbo didn\'t care at all, and they had forgotten about it.

But who would have thought that Pangbo\'s memory was so good, and even though his appearance had changed a lot, he still had some faint impressions.

Even Ji Ziyue and Li Xiaoman were reminded by Pangbo.

(End of this chapter)