Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 650: Home changes

Chapter 650

"How could it be? My family would definitely welcome it if the brothers and sisters came as guests.

Besides, several senior brothers and sisters have also helped me a lot during this period. If you don\'t invite you to come to my house, my parents will scold me if they find out.

I sincerely invite senior brothers and sisters to come as guests, as long as you don\'t dislike my humble home. "

After hearing what Ye Fan said, Yi Hao quickly explained. It can be seen that any Hao is really sincere.

In this case, Ye Fan and the others were not polite, Pang Bo said directly:

"Haha, since you are going to invite Yihao, then we are not welcome, just to taste your mother\'s craftsmanship."

Hearing this, Yi Hao smiled directly and said:

"Don\'t worry, Brother Pangbo, my mother\'s craftsmanship will never let you down."

After finishing speaking, Any Hao directly made a please gesture towards everyone, and then quickly led everyone to the village not far away.

After Ye Fan and his party entered the village, their styled but exceptionally gorgeous clothes directly attracted the attention of the local villagers.

No matter how short their knowledge is, they can understand that they are definitely not ordinary people who can wear clothes of this material.

Coupled with this same style, it is very likely that he is a monk from a big power.

Although these villagers were very curious about why Ye Fan and his party came to their village, because of the timidity in their hearts, they did not dare to come forward and talk, but dared to look from a distance.

It\'s just that Yi Hao is a child who went out here after all, and there are not few people who know him.

Even after three years of development, Ren Hao\'s appearance has changed a lot, and his temperament is much different from before.

However, there are always sharp-eyed people who can see some clues.

Therefore, as Ye Fan and his party went deeper, those onlookers slowly began to discuss it.

"Hey, Lao Liu, do you think that is the son of the Ren family in the next village."

"The son of the Ren family? Dazhi, are you wrong? Didn\'t the son of the Ren family lose their news three years ago?"

"Isn\'t it that the son of the Ren family went out to find a fairyland? Maybe it is the son of the Ren family.

Tsk tusk tusk, look at what these grown-ups wear. They look so good. They must be from the Great Fairy Gate. "

"No, didn\'t you hear that the Ren family kid died outside?"

"Hey, don\'t tell me, the adult who led the way in front seems to be a bit like the Ren family kid."

"What kind of look, do you see that he looks so similar to the Ren family? It must be the Ren family boy."

"Unexpectedly, the Ren family boy actually found a fairyland.

Look at the companions behind him, all of them are so expensive.

A golden phoenix flew out of the grass nest. Hey, do you think my child can find a fairyland? "

"You can pull it down. Ren\'s children have been unusual since they were young. Just your children will be fine if they go there and not be beaten to death."

"Hey hey, don\'t talk about it. Although the boy of the Ren family has found a fairy relationship, the situation of the Ren family...

Hey, the Ren family boy may not end well when he comes back this time. "

Hearing this sentence, the surrounding people thought of something, their faces became ugly, and they didn\'t say anything more.

They looked at Ren Hao, and there was a little more pity and expectation in their eyes.

Ye Fan and the others are all monks. Although the villagers around them didn\'t speak loudly, how could they escape their ears.

Just after hearing the conversations of the surrounding villagers, everyone in Ye Fan realized that something might have happened to Any Hao\'s home.

Either Hao is not a fool, and of course he can hear the information.

He didn\'t dare to waste time asking what was going on, the anxious Yi Hao directly mentioned the cultivation base in his body and hurried to his home.

They didn\'t even greet Ye Fan.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan and the others would certainly not blame Yi Hao.

Several people glanced at each other and sighed a bit heavy to explain.

Ren Hao is their junior, and their relationship is pretty good. Of course, they are not the same as any problems in Ren Hao\'s family.

But now it seems that something must have happened. I just hope that the problem will not be too serious and that there is still a way to save it.

It was also not easy to hesitate, everyone chased directly towards Yi Hao.

Seeing everyone in Ye Fan who disappeared quickly, the light expected in the eyes of the surrounding villagers became even stronger.

They wanted to follow up and have a look, but the timidity in their hearts finally made them suppress their impulse, and they could only pray silently in their hearts.


Any Hao\'s speed is very fast, but he will not go to Ye Fan and others to be strong after all, so he was soon caught up by Ye Fan and others.

However, Ye Fan didn\'t say much after catching up with Any Hao, they just followed him silently.

Ren Hao\'s home is not too far away from Ye Fan and the others. Under the full flight, everyone came to Ren Hao\'s home in just a few breaths.

As Ye Fan and others fell from the air, the girl who was washing clothes in the courtyard of Any Hao\'s house was so scared that she threw down her half-washed clothes and ran towards the house.

Ask differently, this must be Yi Hao\'s sister.

However, after seeing Ren Hao\'s younger sister, Ye Fan and the others were stunned.

Because the influence of this young girl is very different from the image that Ren Hao described.

In Ren Hao\'s description, his sister should be a lively and beautiful girl.

Of course, judging from the appearance of Ren Hao, his sister is not much different.

But now, although the beauty of the girl can be seen, the scars on the girl\'s face completely destroy this beauty, and even make the girl look a little scary.

Coupled with the scene that just happened, Ye Fan knew very well in their hearts that Ren Hao\'s family really encountered a big problem.

"Little girl! I\'m your brother!"

Seeing his sister\'s face with scars and scars, it was like the movement of a small beast after being injured, and Yi Hao\'s heart was troubled as if he was being slashed by a blunt knife.

He didn\'t know what happened, he didn\'t know how much pain his sister had to endure to become like this, he didn\'t even know what his parents were doing now, but this did not hinder his inner self-confidence. responsibility.

Not staying with his closest relatives when they are suffering, this is a big unfilial piety in Ren Hao\'s heart.

Even if he knew it well, even if he was with his parents and sister, the result would only be one more suffering person.

(End of this chapter)