Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 599: Wang Ran's plan

Hearing Wang Ran\'s instructions, Di Tian did not hesitate, and directly took the Ninja Staff from Wang Ran\'s hand.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the ninja rod, a shock flashed across Di Tian\'s face.

To be honest, I haven\'t seen Ditian about the Ninja Rod.

When he was in the Douluo plane, Wang Ran\'s strength could have been said to be the only one in the world.

Except for the battle with evil, Wang Ran has hardly used the ninja rod to fight.

And after coming to the plane of obscuring the sky, they have not encountered any powerful characters.

As a result, Di Tian didn\'t have any special concept of this ninja rod.

But now that he had come into contact with the emperor and genius, he discovered that the power contained in this ninja rod was beyond his imagination.

Without saying much, after taking over the ninja rod, Di Tian put it away directly.

Seeing that Ditian had put away his cane, Wang Ran said directly:

"Well, you can take Xiao Fanzi and the four of them to start."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Di Tian nodded, then rolled his hand with a big hand, and directly flew away with Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi and Pang Bo.

Seeing a few people leaving, the good and evil behind Wang Ran asked softly:

"Sect Master, Ditian and the others have gone to the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, what are we going to do now?"

Hearing the question of the two of them, Wang Ran didn\'t think about it, and said directly:

"Let\'s first go to find a treasure place for spiritual practice, and build a Zangmen residence based on it.

Then set up an academy and choose a doorman who can take on the big task.

Of course, you can\'t let go of your own practice.

The battle of the general trend of this plane is not far away, and if you want to get a chance in this battle of the general trend, strength is indispensable. "

Hearing this, the good and evil brows frowned slightly.

Looking at Wang Ran, the two asked in a puzzled manner:

"Sect Master, what exactly are you talking about?"

Hearing the two of them, Wang Ran narrowed his eyes and glanced at the sky, then slowly explained:

"You should be able to sense that although the level of this plane is high, it seems to be damaged, and the law is somewhat incomplete."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, kind and evil nodded slowly.

Wang Ran did not sell Guanzi, and continued to speak:

"If it\'s in other planes, I can\'t say the strength of immortality, but it will definitely not be so short.

The reason for this situation is that the law is not complete, and the plane cannot support the existence of a large number of immortals.

Even the powerhouse of the emperor level cannot appear on a large scale.

Because there is no great emperor-level powerhouse, his own Dao Yun will affect the entire plane. Only when the great emperor dies and Dao Yun has completely faded, a new emperor can appear.

The so-called battle of the general trend is the battle between the powerhouses of this plane for the chance of becoming an emperor.

But unlike them fighting for the chance to become an emperor, what we are fighting for is the chance of detachment.

If we fail, we will continue to stay on this plane for countless years. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the faces of the good and evil instantly became serious.

They know very well what it means to stay on this plane for countless years. Perhaps it is precisely because of these years of staying that all their efforts will be abandoned.

"We understand, don\'t worry, the sect master, we will never fail in that general battle."

The good and the evil said in unison, their voices full of solemnity.

Wang Ran didn\'t say anything more, there was still a long time before the general battle, and during this period of time, they had finally grown up.

Wang Ran is confident and determined to climb to the top before the general battle begins and seize the opportunity for detachment.

The firm expression in his eyes flashed away, and Wang Ran directly said:

"Let\'s go too."

As the voice fell, Wang Ran, the good and the evil three instantly disappeared where they were.


When Wang Ran and the crowd were searching for holy places for cultivation and recruiting doormen, Ditian also took Ye Fan and the four to come near the place where the demon emperor’s tomb was present.

At this time, the present world of the Demon Emperor\'s Tomb was already close at hand.

Except for the scattered repairs that are still rushing here, almost all the forces have arrived.

Unlike the mighty momentum when those big forces arrived, the arrival of the five Ditians did not cause any fluctuations.

They are like ordinary casual cultivators, hiding in the crowd.

After a few days in a row, the five Ditian people only practiced quietly around the demon emperor\'s tomb.

Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi, and Pang Bo thought that today would be the same as the previous few days, and one practice would be a whole day.

As a result, when the four of them were practicing in the camp, a surprise voice suddenly awakened the four of them from their cultivation.

"Ye Fan, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, Xiaoman, really you guys!"

Hearing this voice, the four of them directly recovered from their cultivation state.

Looking at the voice of the mirror, the faces of the four of them also showed surprise expressions.

"Yiyi, why are you here?"

It turned out that the person who made the noise was not someone else, but Ye Fan\'s old classmate Liu Yiyi.

At this time, Liu Yiyi was following a middle-aged man, and there were many young people in his twenties with her.

Among them, there are even a few old acquaintances of Ye Fan.

However, they were not as excited as Liu Yiyi.

After all, among these people, only Liu Yiyi had a good relationship with Ye Fan.

Moreover, instead of being excited at this time, they looked at the eyes of the four people, and there was even a touch of pity and loftyness.

Although it was speculated that Zangmen was very powerful, but now it seems that Zangmen is nothing more than that.

Not only stationed at the outermost periphery, but the number of people is also pitiful.

Except for that Emperor Tian, ​​there were only four of them left, Ye Fan.

On the other hand, not only did he worship a good sect, but he could also be stationed inside.

Therefore, they are now afraid that Ye Fan and the four will rely on them and make some excessive demands.

How could they, who wished to draw a clear line between Ye Fan and the four of them, took the initiative to greet Ye Fan.

They didn\'t want to talk to Ye Fan, and Ye Fan naturally wouldn\'t use hot faces to stick cold buttocks.

Therefore, they just greeted Liu Yiyi.

Hearing Ye Fan\'s four voices, Liu Yiyi didn\'t know what he said to the middle-aged man in front.

After the middle-aged man frowned and nodded, he ran towards Ye Fan and the others.

After Liu Yiyi arrived at the camp in Zangmen, Liu Yiyi directly bowed and greeted Di Tian:

"Hello, Senior Ditian."