Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 598: Wang Ran's trump card

"Not only that, even forces like the Shaking Sacred Land and the Jiang Family that have handed down imperial soldiers have all sent their own descendants.

And I heard that there are also big factions in West Desert and Central Continent in addition to their own descendants.

After all, this is the tomb of the ancient Qing emperor, and the opportunities contained in it are simply unimaginable.

If it weren\'t for the lack of strength we were waiting for, we would also like to try the big chance that day. "

At the end, a look of yearning was evident on the faces of several people.

It can be seen that they really want to take a chance.

Wang Ran didn\'t care about this. After hearing a few people\'s words, he just nodded indifferently.

At this point in time, the battle of power has not yet begun, and the foundations of the various forces are still dormant. Although there is such a great opportunity as the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, they cannot disrupt their plans for countless years.

At most, each family will send out strong leaders at the leader level, and even the strong at this level will not necessarily send them out.

Although this is still a meat grinder for those low-level monks, Wang Ran and the others still don\'t see it.

The only thing that can make Wang Ran jealous is the handed down emperor soldier that might be sent out.

But after thinking about it, Wang Ran felt unlikely.

The handed down emperor soldiers can be said to be the heirlooms of the major forces. Every launch has to pay a great price, and it is impossible to invite them out so easily.

In this way, it would be enough for only one Di Tian to go to the field.

The current Ditian is not just the Douluo second-level divine residence at the time, it has been wandering in the void for a hundred years.

As soon as he reached the Zhetian plane, Di Tian seemed to have opened his own cultivation shackles, and his realm grew rapidly.

However, within a few months, Di Tian had broken the realm again and again and came to the realm of the once **** king.

If it is divided by the realm of the sky, it is the second stage of Sendai, commonly known as the leader of the leader.

It was only a small realm from the realm of Wang Ran, evil, and kindness.

It\'s not that Wang Ran doesn\'t want to end in person, but it\'s mainly because Wang Ran has to take other forces into consideration.

It is impossible for him to say that he ended up personally and swallowed the opportunity of the entire Demon Emperor Tomb.

If he does this, Wang Ran is sure that he will definitely be chased by the entire spiritual world.

After all, this is already breaking the rules.

No matter which world you are in, rule-breakers will not be accepted by the world.

If Wang Ran\'s strength is strong, it\'s okay to say, but with his current strength, if he really has enemies with all the forces, life will definitely be very difficult.

With a decision in his heart, Wang Ran\'s eyes instantly condensed.

Waved and dismissed the cultivators who had been questioned, Wang Ran and the others left the restaurant directly after Ye Fan and the four had finished eating.

Leaving the downtown area, Wang Ran turned his head directly to Ditian and said:

"Di Tian, ​​you can bring Xiao Fanzi and the others to this Demon Emperor Tomb.

Remember, as early as possible to ensure their safety, intercept as many opportunities as possible. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s instructions, Di Tian didn\'t ask much, and directly nodded and accepted.

However, Ye Fan were a little confused.

Lifting his head, looking at Wang Ran\'s indifferent face, Li Xiaoman asked with some doubts:

"Master, this time it\'s only the uncle Ditian taking us there, won\'t you go with the two uncles, good and evil?"

Hearing Li Xiaoman\'s question, Wang Ran chuckled lightly and said:

"Why, you can\'t believe in the strength of your emperor\'s uncle? Don\'t worry, your emperor\'s uncle\'s strength is not weaker than those of the leaders of the holy land."

Hearing what Wang Ran said jokingly, Li Xiaoman shook his head in a panic, and said quickly:

"No, stop joking, Master, how could I not believe in the strength of Master Ditian? I\'m just curious."

Seeing Li Xiaoman hurriedly explaining, Wang Ran all chuckled.

Wang Ran did not continue to tease her, but directly said:

"I won\'t go this time. After all, I have to take into account the thoughts of those holy places.

Their background has not yet been born, and the strong people sent this time are at most the leader level.

We are unfounded, we are not too high-profile. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s explanation, everyone nodded.

They are not fools either. Wang Ranyi can also understand this kind of self-defeating thing.

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he paused for a while before speaking again:

"But you still have to pay attention. Although those holy places and the great family will not send out the background, they may send out the emperor soldiers.

Although this chance is very small, it has to be guarded against. "

After a moment of hesitation, Wang Ran continued to speak:

"Let\'s do this, Ditian, take my Shinobi with you.

In this way, even if they really sacrificed the emperor\'s soldiers, you can still resist it. "

After speaking, Wang Ran stretched out his palm directly.

An invisible wave slowly condensed in Wang Ran\'s hand. In the next second, a pure silver cane directly emerged from Wang Ran\'s body and fell on the sound of his right hand.

The azure blue jewel at the top of the walking stick is as deep and mysterious as the eyes of heaven.

Just floating quietly on Wang Ran\'s palm, everyone could feel the terrifying coercion contained in that stick.

This cane trained by Wang Ranji, after the baptism of the three planes and the catalyzing warmth that was incorporated into the mysterious atmosphere of the cane, the extent of growth is simply amazing.

It can be said that even Wang Ran\'s growth is not as large as that of a cane.

At the beginning of the Douluo plane, with this cane, Wang Ran\'s strength could be raised to a level.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, I don\'t know if it has absorbed the power in the void, and the quality of the cane has reached an astonishing level.

Although not as good as those handed down emperor soldiers, they are much better than ordinary sage soldiers.

If you have to use a quality to describe it, this ninja rod can be called a half-infantry soldier.

The most important thing is that this is a weapon that Wang Ran personally practiced, and it is in harmony with Wang Ran\'s blood.

Wang Ran can fully display the strength of the Ninja Rod. With the Ninja Rod, although Wang Ran cannot compete with the Great Sage, he can defeat ordinary saints.

And with Wang Ran\'s support, even the ninja rod activated by the emperor can also contend against the imperial soldiers who are not fully awakened.

As for this trip, will there be a fully awakened imperial soldier?

This kind of situation is impossible. If you want to fully activate the emperor\'s soldiers, you must use at least the strength of a saint or even a saint without the great formation map.

It is impossible for a powerhouse of this level to appear in this visit to the Demon Emperor\'s Tomb.