Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 600: Demon Emperor Tomb Out

Looking at Liu Yiyi bowing to say hello, Ditian also knew that she had a good relationship with Ye Fan.

Nodded, Di Tian said directly:

"It\'s you, you guys talk."

After speaking, Di Tian turned around and entered the camp.

Watching Ditian leave, Liu Yiyi let out a soft breath.

Although Ditian was still very kind, she was an elder after all, and she was her lifesaver.

Di Tian was in front of him, and to be honest, Liu Yiyi\'s pressure was really great.

But now that Ditian has left, Liu Yiyi has no psychological burden.

Looking at the four Ye Fans who have grown a lot taller, Liu Yiyi said with some excitement:

"I thought I was wrong, but I didn\'t expect it to be you.

Why, are you here to watch the excitement or to compete for opportunities? "

Looking at the excited Liu Yiyi, Ye Fan couldn\'t help but said:

"We are fighting for the opportunity with the Ditian Shishu, but the main force is the Ditian Shishu, we just make up the excitement.

But Yiyi you, the changes are a bit big, you were not so cheerful before. "

Hearing what Ye Fan said, Liu Yiyi couldn\'t help but sighed and said:

"There is a change in me, it\'s just that this world is too depressing, and I suddenly get excited when I see you."


Ye Fan\'s four explanations made doubtful voices.

Liu Yiyi shrugged, glanced at the fellows in the distance, and then said:

"Yeah, you don\'t know, I don\'t have anyone who can talk to me during this period of time.

The previous classmates too, seem to have suddenly changed into a person, looking high all day long. "

At the end, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but sighed.

The four of Li Xiaoman also noticed that Liu Yiyi\'s interest was not high, so they quickly changed the subject and said:

"Hey, don\'t talk about these unhappy people, why are you here for Yiyi, do you want to assemble the entire Demon Emperor\'s Tomb?"

Hearing Li Xiaoman\'s change of topic, Liu Yiyi didn\'t entangle too much, smiled and said:

"Where do I have that ability, I just came to watch the excitement.

Speaking of fighting for the opportunity, maybe the uncle in my door will make a move.

However, even if the shot is just picking up leaks on the outside, the real big chance is not something we little cultivators can intervene. "

Upon hearing this, the four Ye Fan nodded in agreement.

"Yes, there are too many big forces coming this time..."

Before Ye Fan and the others had finished speaking, the earth suddenly trembled.

Everyone\'s eyes flashed with a touch of astonishment. Ignoring a glance, Ye Fan said with some inaccuracy:

"This is, the Tomb of the Demon Emperor is about to appear?"


As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, Di Tian\'s voice rang behind Ye Fan.

As Ditian walked out of the camp, Ye Fan quickly asked:

"Uncle Ditian, are you going to make a move?"

Hearing this, Di Tian shook his head gently, and slowly said:

"Don\'t worry, the Tomb of the Demon Emperor has just begun to live, and good things won\'t come out so early.

But you guys, you can go and try it. Although it\'s nothing interesting, it\'s not bad as an experience. "

Hearing Ditian\'s instructions, the four Ye Fan nodded directly.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yiyi didn\'t stay longer, and immediately left and returned to his team.

Just as Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi and Pang Bo were ready to wait, the Tomb of the Demon Emperor was finally exposed to the eyes of the world.

It is said to be a tomb, but it is actually a huge palace.

With the appearance of the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, a large number of divine weapon machines spewed out from the huge palace.

The scattered light was like a rain of light. It\'s just that every drop of rain represents a treasure.

The four of Ye Fan didn\'t froze either. When the treasure burst out from the sky, the four of them rushed out like arrows from the string.

Di Tian just watched all this quietly, only when he saw something that was pretty good, he would take it.

Like him, there are the top powerhouses of the big forces.

However, even though these top beings on the scene did not take action, there was still a **** storm around the entire Demon Emperor\'s Tomb.

Those low-level cultivators have no intention of being soft in the face of these opportunities, and all kinds of conflicts are endless.

Even the four of Ye Fan received a lot of attacks after grabbing the treasure.

However, because the four of them followed Wang Ran\'s practice, they did not receive any harm when they joined forces.

As time goes by little by little, the various treasures scattered in the sky are constantly decreasing.

Of course, the quality of the treasure is higher as it reaches the end.

At this time, many masters have already begun to end.

The protagonists who competed for treasures also began to change from low-level monks to high-level monks.

However, Di Tian still didn\'t end, but there was a bunch of treasures that didn\'t come together.

But even so, Ditian\'s harvest is still very amazing.

It can be regarded as having completed most of the tasks assigned to him by Wang Ran.

Finally, the spewing treasure is no longer in the tomb of the demon emperor, as if everything is over.

But everyone understands that the real struggle has just begun.

Di Tian also put away his indifferent expression at first, and expressed a lot of seriousness.

He is preparing, as long as the treasure is born, he will make a move.

Boom boom boom!

As time passed, a heavy heartbeat came from the Demon Emperor\'s tomb.

Everyone present felt that their heart became heavier with the sound of this heartbeat.

Just as everyone was eagerly looking forward to it, a heart exuding powerful might slowly floated out of the demon emperor\'s tomb.

In an instant, a terrifying light broke out in everyone\'s eyes.

"The Heart of the Demon Emperor!"

This word flashed through all people\'s minds.

Di Tian stared at the heart floating from the tomb of the demon emperor. He didn\'t know what the heart of the demon emperor was not the heart of the demon emperor.

But he could feel the terrifying power contained in that heart.

At the same time, he could also feel the temptation of the Demon Emperor\'s heart to him.

As long as he can obtain this demon emperor\'s heart, Di Tian has the confidence to use it to break through several realms all the way through cultivation.

Must get it!

This was the only thought in Ditian\'s mind at this time.

Without hesitation, Di Tian\'s figure instantly appeared next to the Demon Emperor\'s Heart.

However, Di Tian was far more than the one who had this idea.

Together with Di Tian, ​​there are leaders of the major forces.

None of these people are weak, and even like Ditian, there are also several that are at the same level as the leader.

Everyone\'s eyes were placed on them, wanting to know whose heart this demon emperor\'s heart would eventually go to.

However, compared to the other familiar powerhouses, Di Tian was obviously a lot stranger.