Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 597: Tomb of the Demon Emperor

Eastern Wilderness, somewhere in a restaurant.

It has been several months since Wang Ran and the others came to the Big Dipper Star Region.

During this period of time, Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi, and Pang Bo have been on the right track in their cultivation, and Wang Ran has also roughly figured out the general situation of the Eastern Wasteland.

At this time, Wang Ran was sitting on the main seat of the wine table, watching Ye Fan and the four drank wildly.

The four Ye Fans who had just stepped into the cultivator\'s appetites were astonishing.

They are not like Wang Ran and the four, able to supplement themselves with the aura in the surrounding environment.

For them, eating a lot is the best source of energy supplement.

Of course, eating bigudan is also possible.

But as the saying goes, the medicine is three-point poison, and whoever is willing to take the pill.

Moreover, Wang Ran wanted to listen to some news about the Big Dipper Star Region.

Under this circumstance, various large restaurants are undoubtedly the best choice.

Fortunately, Wang Ran and the others came along this way and encountered a lot of robbers who didn\'t open their eyes.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would not be able to pay for their meals.

I have to say that Wang Ran\'s choice is very correct.

A lot of the information he got was obtained from these restaurants.

It\'s like now, Wang Ran and the others at the table next to them are drinking wine and talking.

"Hey, have you heard that the Tomb of the Demon Emperor is about to appear."

"Of course, how could I not know about such a big thing."

"That is, not only that, I also heard that almost all the major forces in the Eastern Desolation will go there for a chance."

"Cut, you have fallen behind with this news, the Demon Emperor\'s Tomb is in our Eastern Desolation, and the Eastern Desolation forces will definitely return.

But I got news, and many forces from several other continents are also coming to get in. "

"Hey, they come as they come. The Demon Emperor\'s tomb is in the Eastern Desolation. The big figures in the Eastern Desolation will not let them take the opportunity of my Eastern Desolation cultivator."


Listening to the conversation between you and me at the table next door, Wang Ran\'s face instantly showed an expression of interest.

When the evil saw Wang Ran\'s appearance, he also chuckled and asked:

"Why, are you interested in that Demon Emperor Tomb?"

Following the evil words, several people at the table stopped their movements and looked at Wang Ran curiously.

When Wang Ran heard the evil words, a slight smile appeared on his face.

Looking at the curious people, Wang Ran said softly:

"That is the tomb of the demon emperor. Although the demon emperor may not really be buried, the chances in it are absolutely shocking.

Although it is not very helpful to us, it is still very beneficial to Xiao Fanzi and others.

Besides, now that we go out of Tibet to the Big Dipper, we have a shallow foundation.

Although many secret treasures left by the crocodile ancestors have been found.

But the crocodile ancestor is only a great sage after all, and compared with the ancient emperor, there is an unknown difference.

Now we have more opportunities, and it will be convenient for us to train doormen in the future. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Evil, Kindness, and Di Tian nodded involuntarily.

Ye Fan didn\'t understand, but they knew how terrifying the great emperor was.

Back in the barren ancient forbidden land, if it weren\'t for ruthless people to attack them unintentionally, they would have a chance to get out of the barren ancient forbidden land.

And after so many years, they themselves have completely integrated into the Tibetan gate.

In order to cope with the terrifying power of the future, they also support Wang Ran.

Wang Ran didn\'t say anything more. After explaining to a few people, Wang Ran directly addressed the people around the table and said:

"A few fellow daoists, I don\'t know where the tomb of the demon emperor you just talked about is located?"

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the few monks who were still talking about them suddenly stopped their topic.

Looking at each other, a few suspicions flashed in their eyes.

In the realm of spiritual practice, they dare not let go of the guard they should have.

Wang Ran and his party saw that a certain force had gone out to practice, and their casual cultivators didn\'t dare to easily get involved with these forces.

Wang Ran naturally understood the consideration of several people, and it was not the first time he had encountered this kind of thing after such a long time.

After asking the question, he immediately said:

"Several fellow daoists don\'t have to worry, we don\'t have any malice, just curious.

The treasurer, the accounts of these fellow daoists are all on my body. "


Hearing that Wang Ran said so, and also invited himself to wait for a meal, the cultivators also showed a smile.

Of course, they had this attitude because they found that apart from the cultivation bases of Ye Fan\'s rookies who were new to cultivation, they couldn\'t see the strength of Wang Ran\'s.

The strength of Wang Ran and the others far surpassed them, and they did not dare to offend them too much.

Anyway, just ask a few words, no big deal.

With a smile on their faces, the practitioners hurriedly said:

"Senior, you are so polite.

To tell the truth, this demon emperor\'s tomb is in the Eastern Desolation Eastern Region. "

"Eastern Region?"

Wang Ran raised his brows, isn\'t this where they first arrived in the Big Dipper Star Region before?

Unexpectedly, this kind of opportunity will come to the world just after leaving.

The cultivators who were questioned by Wang Ran did not hesitate when they heard Wang Ran\'s words, and said directly:

"That\'s right, Senior, the Tomb of the Demon Emperor was born in the Eastern Region.

I guess the seniors are not our Donghuang people. "

Upon hearing that person\'s words, Wang Ran did not answer directly, but asked:

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

Upon hearing what Wang Ran said, the man didn\'t sell it, but directly replied:

"Senior, you don\'t know something, this matter has already been spread in our Donghuang.

At first it was just gossip, and few people believed it.

However, just a few days ago, the major forces of the Eastern Famine sent their doormen to the Eastern Region, and this was done.

It\'s just that these news are now only circulated within our Eastern Wilderness monks, and outsiders generally don\'t know it.

A monk who is as big as you, if we are from the Eastern Wilderness, it is impossible for no one to tell you about it. "

Hearing that person\'s explanation, Wang Ran also smiled helplessly.

"Indeed, we are indeed not the monks of the Eastern Wilderness. We only came to the Eastern Wilderness not long ago."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s explanation, the cultivators showed such an expression as expected.

Wang Ran did not continue to explain anything, but asked again:

"I heard you just said that many big forces have already gone to the Eastern Region. I wonder if you can tell us what forces are there?"

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s question, those cultivators instantly became interested.

With a proud look on their faces, several people spoke with excitement:

"The predecessors don\'t know anything, all the big forces like Xiaoyaomen and the Five Elements Palace have taken action."