Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 596: first lesson

"Master, let\'s forget it otherwise, we have nothing to do anyway."

In the end, sympathy prevailed, and Li Xiaoman and Zhou Yi couldn\'t bear to speak at the same time.

Although Ye Fan and Pangbo did not speak, the meaning revealed in their eyes was nothing more than the same.

Hearing Zhou Yi, Li Xiaoman and Zhou Yi opening to help begging for mercy, the faces of the six elders of Dongtian instantly showed a touch of surprise, and suddenly they began to kowtow harder.

Regarding this, Wang Ran just cast a faint glance, and then slowly spoke to the four of Ye Fan:

"I understand your thoughts, but sometimes it is better not to have sympathy.

I want to tell you something, and this is also the first lesson I want to teach you. "

Hearing this, Ye Fan\'s spirits instantly lifted, and they pricked their ears to listen to Wang Ran\'s next words.

Wang Ran didn\'t pause either, and then he said:

"You have to remember that you can be compassionate on the path of spiritual practice, or you can choose to help others.

But when dealing with enemies, especially those with sinister minds, it is best not to have this kind of sympathy.

Because they will not remember what you are good to them, but only the losses they have suffered from you.

If there is a chance in the future, they won\'t mind stepping on you.

If you are far away, just like these guys, if I didn\'t come, do you think he will let you go?

In the same way, did they just treat you like this?

When you don\'t know, they still don\'t know how many people have been killed.

Do you think it is a good thing to let them go?

Of course, if you are already invincible, you don\'t need to consider the consequences. "

After listening to Wang Ran\'s words, all the faces of Ye Fan showed complicated expressions.

They are in a mess right now, and they don\'t know what choice they have yet to make.

But the elders of the Six Great Caves who knelt on the ground were terrified to the extreme.

They understood that Wang Ran didn\'t intend to let them go.

In fear, they want to ask for mercy and escape.

But at this time, they were horrified to find that they could not move at all, even the slightest bit.

They even couldn\'t even speak out.

An invisible force is controlling them, and they can only kneel on the ground honestly now.


After a long silence, Ye Fan sighed deeply.

After struggling for so long, they also understand that this world is not the world they are familiar with after all.

The so-called moral ethics cannot be imposed on the current living environment.

What Wang Ran said is very reasonable. If Wang Ran hadn\'t come, their fate would really have been turned into a pill.

And the elders of the cave who can do this kind of thing, I am afraid that they are also burdened with countless sins.

The four of them are all people with firm xinxing.

Taking a look at the six elders of Dongtian who were still kneeling on the ground, Ye Fan and the four of them closed their eyes tightly.

Turning their backs, the four of them spoke to Wang Ran in unison:

"Master, we understand, thank you for your enlightenment."

Wang Ran nodded in satisfaction when he heard the answers from the four of them.

Without saying much to the four of them, Wang Ran looked at the six big Dongtian elders who were kneeling on the ground and said sharply:

"I saw greed and sin in you.

In the next life, strive to be a loyal generation. "

After speaking, Wang Ran stretched out his palm and shook it gently.

In an instant, the six elders of Dongtian who were kneeling on the ground collapsed on the ground together.

There is fear on their faces, some regrets, some resentments, the only thing they don\'t have is pain.

Although the lives of several people ended, Wang Ran did not torture them.

Let them die without pain, is it not Wang Ran\'s kindness?

Without looking at the cave elders who had lost their vitality, Wang Ran waved his hand and directly brought the four of Ye Fan to Di Tian\'s back.

The good and evil that had been floating on both sides of Wang Ran also floated onto Di Tian\'s broad back.

Wang Ran took a deep look at the depths of the deserted ancient forbidden land, arched his hands, and then directly addressed Di Tian under his feet and said:

"Di Tian, ​​let\'s go."

As Wang Ran\'s voice fell, Di Tian slowly twisted his body and quickly left the barren ancient forbidden ground.

At the same time, in the depths of the barren ancient forbidden land, which is called the top of the sacred mountain, a woman in white is quietly standing on it,

I can\'t see her face clearly, but I can clearly see the huge chains tied to her body.

The direction she looked at was exactly where Wang Ran was just now.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, the woman in white nodded suddenly, and then jumped directly into the hole of unknown depth behind her.



Several days passed in a flash, and the bodies of the six dead elders were finally discovered.

Although the strength of several people is not worth mentioning in the entire Big Dipper domain, they still occupy an important position in the territory of the swallow.

The deaths of several people directly caused an uproar in the entire Yanzhi territory.

However, as the forces behind several people, the six caves within the territory of Yanzhi unanimously chose to be silent.

Not wanted, and didn\'t even say a word, as if this matter has nothing to do with them.

This made all the practitioners in the entire Yanzhi area bewildered, after all, this completely did not conform to the working style of the Six Great Caves.

Only those students of Ye Fan had guesses in their hearts.

However, the victims have no intention of pursuing them, and they are even less likely to be investigated by outsiders.

Only since then, the people in Yanzhi\'s territory have more money for post-dinner talks.

But no matter how lively the area of ​​Yanzhi is now, it has nothing to do with Wang Ran and the others who initiated it.

Because now they have already left early.

Although there are cultivators in Yandi, it is too remote. Except for a few places, the spiritual energy of most of the world is in a state of scarcity.

This is not only not conducive to Wang Ran\'s development of Tibetan Sect, but also for practitioners of Wang Ran and his level, there is almost no help in practice.

These days, Wang Ran led everyone to walk in the Big Dipper Starfield to understand the specific situation of the Big Dipper Starfield, while teaching Ye Fan the knowledge of the four people\'s practice.

With Wang Ran\'s personal teaching, even though it only took a few days, Ye Fan and the others have officially stepped into the door of practice.