Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 586: Unpredictable

Seeing Pangbo greeted himself there with a okay appearance, he even commented on the taste of the fruit.

Ye Fan, Zhou Yi and Li Xiaoman couldn\'t help but twitched their mouths.

This means that the fruit is not poisonous, otherwise they are afraid that they will not directly collect Pangbo\'s body.

"No, nothing else."

Looking at each other, Ye Fan, Zhou Yi and Li Xiaoman said helplessly towards Pangbo.

"Since it\'s okay, you can come here as soon as possible. The fruit is really delicious."

Pang Bo didn\'t realize the problem at all. After hearing what Ye Fan said, he excitedly waved to them and said.

After speaking, Pangbo ate the fruit in his hand in twos and threes.

Ye Fan, who took this look, quickly walked to Pangbo\'s side and ate with him.

Don\'t hurry up, look at Pangbo\'s appearance, they are afraid of this fruit, Pangbo will be created by himself.

The four people who feasted on it did not realize how precious this fruit really is.

Even for Wang Ran, it had some great effects.

Under the effect of these fruits, the essence of Ye Fan and the others has been completely replenished.

Even their own talents have risen to a level.

These things were something that Wang Ran couldn\'t easily bring to them now.

Sure enough, a ruthless person is a ruthless person, even Wang Ran will be jealous with this handwriting.

Ye Fan and the others, who didn\'t realize the precious fruits, stopped after eating some fruits.

It\'s not that they are full, but that they are still thinking about other classmates.

"Okay, let\'s take the remaining fruits back to others. I don\'t know if they have found food."

After touching his unfinished belly, Ye Fan said directly.

Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, and Li Xiaoman also have no objection. After all, if you find something to eat, you should bring it back to your classmates.

But it should be, everyone is still a little bit reluctant.

After all, since they had eaten this fruit, they felt that their energy was extremely energetic.

Different question, this fruit is definitely not a common product, it is definitely a very precious thing.

Good things, everyone can monopolize the same thing.

It\'s just that none of Ye Fan\'s four is that kind of villain, so they can afford these good things.

After plucking these fruits, everyone put a few in their pockets.

There were not many fruits. After the four of them ate a few pieces, the rest was only enough for the rest to share.

But this kind of good thing is better than nothing.

After drinking a few more sips of spring water, everyone returned to their original path.

At first, everyone was in a very happy mood. Although they were not full, they also felt good about it.

Moreover, the energy of the four has become more energetic.

But it didn\'t take long for the four of them to look ugly.

Because on their way back, they met Liu Zhiyun, Li Changqing, Wang Yan and Liu Yiyi.

The four were grouped into a group, and it wasn\'t surprising that even if they ran into each other.

What really made everyone angry was that Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing and Wang Yan were actually bullying Liu Yiyi.

I saw Wang Yan playing with the Buddha beads that originally belonged to Liu Yiyi, and Liu Yiyi\'s hand was Wang Yan\'s broken copper bell.

Liu Yiyi stood in front of Wang Yan with an aggrieved look, while Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing also stood coldly behind Wang Yan to support him.

Don\'t ask, it\'s definitely Liu Zhiyun and the three who are doing little tricks.

Ye Fan and the others didn\'t understand why this happened. Liu Zhiyun and Ye Fan knew that they were at odds, but Liu Yiyi, a weak girl, didn\'t provoke them at all.

Everyone is old classmate for many years, why does this kind of problem occur?

What Ye Fan didn\'t know was that Liu Zhiyun did this for many reasons, but in the final analysis, it was because Liu Yiyi was on Ye Fan\'s side.

After experiencing so many things, everyone understands that the things they brought out of Da Leiyin Temple are treasures.

But they can\'t use it after all. After experiencing the hunting and killing of the ancestors of the Yinghu Ancient Star Crocodile, many of the Buddha artifacts brought out by them were damaged.

Wang Yan is one of them.

It just so happened that this time they and Liu Yiyi were grouped together.

Wang Yan herself was not pleasing to Li Xiaoman, so she deliberately bullied Liu Yiyi who was biased towards them.

Not to mention Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing, the three reached an agreement without much discussion.

Therefore, this scene will appear.

But Ye Fan and the others are not clear about this. Seeing Liu Zhiyun and the others\' excessive behavior, a few people ran over and asked Liu Zhiyun and the others harshly:

"What are you doing?"

As early as when Ye Fan and the others ran towards this place, Liu Zhiyun had already discovered it.

In an instant, their faces changed.

Although Ye Fan was not pleasing to their eyes, they didn\'t want to be an enemy of Ye Fan either.

After all, if they really fight, Ye Fan and Pangbo will be able to fight if they come out and they don\'t even know their own mothers.

What\'s more, there are now Zhou Yi, a second-generation figure with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art, and they are even worse.

Therefore, everyone subconsciously tugged.

However, their expressions quickly recovered, after all, now the matter is over, Ye Fan and the others have no evidence, what can they do with them?

As for how Liu Yiyi feels, what does it have to do with them?

Therefore, facing Ye Fan\'s sharp questioning, Wang Yan smiled lightly, and then said:

"Ye Fan, you are back, it seems that you have gained something.

We didn\'t do anything, but Yiyi liked my brass bell and wanted to exchange it with his prayer beads.

I thought, everyone has been classmates for so many years, and since Yiyi likes it, I also switched to her. "

After hearing Wang Yan\'s words, Liu Yiyi, who had been dragged behind by Ye Fan and the others, explained somewhat aggrievedly:

"I don\'t have it. After she took my prayer beads, she forced the brass bell to me."

In fact, there is no need to listen to Liu Yiyi\'s explanation. After hearing Wang Yan\'s words, Ye Fan\'s people laughed angrily by her.

Looking at Wang Ran, Ye Fan asked with a sneer:

"You mean, Yiyi used her intact Buddhist beads to take the initiative to exchange you for the broken and unusable brass bell?

Everyone has been classmates for so many years, do you think that Ye Fan is an idiot? "

Hearing that Ye Fan wanted to stand up for Liu Yiyi, Wang Yan was not afraid of him.

Originally, the relationship between everyone was not good, even if Ye Fan and the others developed in the future, it would be impossible to help her.

Therefore, Wang Yan directly said:

"Believe it or not, that\'s the truth anyway."