Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 587: The anger from Ye Fan

"I don\'t want to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and return the things!"

Ye Fan got angry and said sharply towards Wang Yan.

Ye Fan has always been very gentle, but this does not mean that he will not be angry.

Ye Fan once became angry, which also left a deep impression on his classmates.

Therefore, after Ye Fan\'s face changed, Wang Yan shuddered subconsciously.

But Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing, who stood behind Ye Fan, didn\'t mean anything to be afraid. They even saw Ye Fan get angry, and their hearts were filled with joy.

Seeing Wang Yan was about to admit it, Li Changqing took a step forward, with a hint of playfulness on his face, and said to Ye Fan:

"This is a matter between Liu Yiyi and Wang Yan. If they are willing to exchange it, they will exchange it. Ye Fan, do you care too much?"

Hearing Li Changqing\'s words, Wang Yan\'s heart suddenly became calmer.

This time, Ye Fan didn\'t say much, he just squinted at Li Changqing slightly, let the back step forward and threw his arm towards Li Changqing.


With a sound of meat, Li Changqing was slapped to the ground by Ye Fan in an instant.

At the same time, Li Changqing\'s face seemed to be stung by a poisonous bee, and it swelled instantly.

All the students knew how powerful Ye Fan was.

It can be said that even the strongest Pangbo is a little bit behind Ye Fan.

Especially now, Ye Fan has also eaten a few divine fruits, and his physique has been further strengthened.

Ye Fan\'s all-out slap was something that Li Changqing, who had been spoiled for many years, could bear.

Under a palm, Li Changqing was directly beaten by Ye Fan.

Li Changqing almost fainted while lying on the ground.

Wang Yan was so frightened by this scene that he didn\'t dare to move. He didn\'t expect that Ye Fan would even dare to do it.

Like Wang Yan, there is Liu Zhiyun standing by.

However, in Liu Zhiyun\'s heart, what is stronger than fear is endless anger.

How dare Ye Fan, how dare he do it directly, this makes Liu Zhiyun how to raise his head in the future.

Therefore, after Ye Fan finished playing Li Changqing, Liu Zhiyun immediately shouted:

"Ye Fan!! What do you want to do...well~"

It\'s a pity that Liu Zhiyun hadn\'t said anything before, and he was knocked down by Pangbo who followed closely.

"Asshole thing, shameless, you still make sense, right?"

Seeing Liu Zhiyun who was kicked on the ground by himself, Pang Bo spoke disdainfully.

Ye Fan has done it. As a best friend, how could he stand idly by?

Pangbo\'s strength was already great, not to mention that he still kicked with his feet this time, so Liu Zhiyun was kicked to the ground directly, he could only retching, but he didn\'t have the strength to get up.

After a long time, Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing got up from the ground.

However, in order to avoid being beaten again, they didn\'t dare to jump this time, and stood aside honestly.

If it hadn\'t been for the spiteful gazes in the eyes of the two of them, everyone would have thought they were convinced.

Of course, the thoughts of Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing Ye Fan and others didn\'t care.

After solving Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing, Ye Fan directly spoke to Wang Yan:

"I don\'t want to say it a second time, you know what you should do.

Although I don\'t want to beat women, it\'s not that I can\'t beat women. "

Upon hearing Ye Fan\'s words, Wang Yan shuddered in fright.

She also saw Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing\'s end. The two big men were still vulnerable in front of Ye Fan and the others, so she was a woman who could make waves?

Although Wang Yan loves face very much, he still knows how to compare face with the suffering of flesh and blood.

What\'s more, she is also trying to save face, maybe it will be more embarrassing to wait a while.

Therefore, after Ye Fan\'s voice fell, Wang Yan directly shivered and sent the Buddhist beads in Liu Yiyi\'s hands.

Even his broken copper bell did not dare to come back.

If Liu Yiyi hadn\'t returned the copper bell to her, Wang Yan would have lost his wife and broke down this time.

"Hey, Ye Fan, you are here. Ah! What happened to Changqing, your face, why is it so swollen?"

It may be that everyone\'s voice was too loud, and other students who went out looking for food also rushed over.

But when everyone saw Li Changqing\'s miserable appearance, they were all startled and hurriedly asked.

As for Liu Zhiyun, although it was also miserable, because he was kicked by Pang Bo, there was nothing to be seen on the outside.

And Li Changqing, after hearing the questions from the classmates, resisted the anger in his heart, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and then endured the pain and said:

"It\'s okay, I was accidentally stung by a wasp just now."

Li Changqing did not say that he was beaten by Ye Fan. After all, he was also a face-saving person and didn\'t want to be known about his own scandals.

However, his answer was obviously not convinced by everyone.

After all, although Li Changqing\'s face is swollen, but the palm print is still clearly printed on his face?

However, Li Changqing said that, and everyone was not asking too much. He asked Li Changqing to be cautious and uncovered it.

As for Ye Fan and others, although they pouted their lips in disdain, they did not expose Li Changqing.

The matter is over, and they don\'t need to expose people\'s scars.

Now that Li Changqing\'s affairs have been exposed, the students are not entangled, but they opened their mouths and asked them:

"Have you found food? We searched for a long time, but we didn\'t find anything to eat.

Although a lot of small animals have been found, they are caught every time. "

Liu Yiyi shook his head directly when he heard the people\'s inquiries.

The time in their group just now was used to bully themselves, where they came from looking for food.

But Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing still had a lot of chocolate on them, and they and Wang Ran ate a lot.

As for yourself, just kidding, who would think that Liu Zhiyun and the others would share the food with Liu Yiyi?

When all the students saw Liu Yiyi shook their heads, their hearts sank.

Liu Yiyi and the others didn\'t get anything, so would Ye Fan and the others, who were with Liu Yiyi and others just now, have any gain?

This kind of thing is impossible no matter how you look at it.

However, when everyone was disappointed, Ye Fan and the others said directly:

"We found some wild fruit."

With that said, the four of them directly took out the fruits they had picked up.

It\'s a pity that there are really too few fruits, and there are only six when it comes to full play, which is not enough compared to the dozen or so people present.

Therefore, the people who had heard Ye Fan\'s words had hope in their hearts, but now their hearts sank again.

It is estimated that a person can only get one bite of this thing.

You may be hungrier if you eat it, so it\'s better not to eat it.