Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 585: Murder shrouded, Wang Ran persuaded

Wang Ran is going to give it a try, can you just take Ye Fan and the others away.

The result was naturally predictable. After all, Ruthless had spent so much effort to pave the way for Ye Fan, how could Wang Ran destroy it.

Just when Wang Ran just started to take Ye Fan away, the murderous intent that had just calmed down once again fell on Wang Ran\'s head.

Even this time, the murderous intent was stronger than just now.

For a moment, Wang Ran\'s body trembled uncontrollably with fright.

Not daring to hesitate, Wang Ran quickly dissipated the energy that had been condensed, and stopped the movement in his hand.

But this is not over yet, although the murderous intent dissipated after Wang Ran stopped his actions.

However, Wang Ran, Kindness, Evil, and Ditian felt a force of expulsion at the same time.

Although they were able to resist, the murderous intent that hovered above everyone was like a guillotine, threatening the lives of the four people at all times.

Wang Ran didn\'t dare to be careless, he knew very well that this was an ultimatum given by the ruthless person.

Their existence has greatly affected Ruan Ren\'s next plan.

The four looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts at the same time.


While Ye Fan and others were still excited, Wang Ran suddenly spoke to Li Xiaoman, Ye Fan and others:

"We still have some things to deal with, and give you a task to get out of this barren ancient forbidden land on your own.

After you go out, you will gain a lot of things.

At that time, when you start to practice, I will be waiting for you outside the forbidden land. "

After finishing talking, Wang Ran didn\'t give Ye Fan time to react, he took the three of kindness, evil, and Di Tian and disappeared in the same place.

As the three of them left, Ye Fan and others reacted to what was going on.

Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Pang Bo, and Zhou Yi glanced at each other in confusion, and Pangbo slowly said:

"Master, they just left like this? It really doesn\'t care about us? Then what should we do?"

Hearing Pangbo\'s words, the other three shrugged helplessly, and then said:

"Otherwise, haven\'t you seen it too. There is no way, we can only watch us go outside."

Not just the four of them, but also helpless and solemn expressions on the faces of the rest.

When Wang Ran left, they couldn\'t get the light, so they could only walk out honestly.


As Ye Fan\'s voice fell, a burst of noise followed.

Everyone glanced at each other and sighed helplessly.

Everyone used a lot of energy to climb Mount Tai, and then they encountered the crocodile ancestor\'s chase.

Despite the huge physical exertion, Ye Fan and the others still waited a lot of time in the bronze coffin.

All of a sudden, the sequelae of huge physical energy consumption came up.

Ye Fan and the others are not Wang Ran, Good, Evil, and Ditian. They have reached the realm of Bigu a long time ago, and they don\'t need to consume energy through physical objects.

Ye Fan and the others, after consuming a lot of physical energy, can only consume energy through food.

I couldn\'t feel anything when I was excited just now. As soon as the unexcited energy passed, a deep sense of hunger spread.

"Come on, let\'s find something to eat now. Otherwise, I\'m afraid we will be starved to death before we get out of this forbidden place."

Zhou Yi sighed, then spoke directly to everyone.

Everyone had no opinion, they nodded and agreed.

However, the faces of a few people, including Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing, became ugly.

In the beginning, before Wang Ran and others appeared, everyone faintly focused on Ye Fan.

In the future, as Wang Ran brought Ye Fan and others into his custody, the core position of the few of them became even more apparent.

It can be said that it is now on the bright side.

This made it possible for Liu Zhiyun and others, who had a rift with Ye Fan, to accept it.

Originally, their ability to worship Wang Ran\'s door was enough to make them jealous, but in the end everyone still regarded them as the core.

Why is this?

Not to mention how uncertain your future development is, even now, Ye Fan and the others have just entered a teacher\'s gate.

Ye Fan and the others know the information of the spiritual world, and everyone knows it too.

Since everyone is on the same level, why should Ye Fan and his people be the core?

But now, although they were dissatisfied, they did not show it.

After all, the situation is better than people, but if you want them to convince Ye Fan and them like others, it is absolutely impossible.

If you are not all the way, don\'t think about having a heart.

The strangeness of Liu Zhiyun, Li Changqing and others did not attract the attention of others, or even if they noticed, they did not take it to heart.

After Zhou Yi\'s voice fell, everyone just discussed briefly, and then dispersed to find food.

It is not clear what others are looking for, but under the deliberate guidance of Ruthless Man, Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi easily came to the opportunity Ruthless Man prepared for Ye Fan.

Seeing the clear spring water in front of them, nine small fruit trees full of fruit, the four of them instantly became excited.

The hunger in their abdomen has long made them unable to control their desire to eat, especially Pangbo, a nervous guy.

Without hesitation at all, Pangbo went directly in front of a fruit tree on the runway, plucking a fruit and preparing to eat it.

But Pangbo\'s nerves are thick, but Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, and Zhou Yi\'s nerves are not.

How can they not be wary of this kind of wild fruit?

All kinds of poisonous wild fruits emerge in endlessly on the earth. Diarrhea, vomiting, and even paralysis are not uncommon.

Now in the world of spiritual practice, if you encounter that kind of poisonous wild fruit, wouldn\'t it be possible to send them to the west to see the Buddha in one bite?

Therefore, at the moment Pangbo was about to eat the fruit, several people hurriedly said:

"Pangbo, wait, don\'t..."

Unfortunately, although everyone was wary, they couldn\'t bear Pangbo\'s movements fast enough.

Before they could finish their words, Pangbo spoke directly to the wild fruit in his hand.

He even swallowed without chewing.

Pangbo didn\'t react until now. Hearing what the pedestrian said, Pangbo turned around and glanced at everyone with a puzzled look.

While turning around, Pangbo also chirped, and then asked:

"What\'s the matter, what\'s the matter? Don\'t say it, this fruit is quite delicious.

It deserves to be the growth of the virgin forest of the spiritual world. It is pure natural and pollution-free, and it is impossible to eat on the earth.

Hey~Don\'t be stunned, come over and eat together. "