Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 584: Arrive at the destination

As the saying goes, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand.

The people who have chosen to give up now feel extremely uncomfortable in their hearts.

When everyone felt uncomfortable, Wang Ran spoke again:

"Since you have passed the assessment now, I will accept several of you as registered disciples.

Of course, if you can satisfy me in the future, I will also accept you as a personal pass.

However, although you have joined Zangmen now, I will not teach you the practice right now.

Moreover, I don\'t have much spiritual resources for you in a short period of time.

Ao, by the way, Zangmen is also my sect.

The three of them are also the gatekeepers of our Zangmen, you can just call them uncle master. "

Having said that, Wang Ran pointed to the good, evil, and Ditian, and made an introduction respectively.

Facing Wang Ran\'s words, Ye Fan, Zhou Yi, Pang Bo and Li Xiaoman did not show any dissatisfaction.

I\'m not a cultivator, so I should just listen to Wang Ran\'s arrangements in the future.

Since they chose to join Zangmen, they must believe in Wang Ran.

Anyway, the four people didn\'t believe it, Wang Ran would cheat them.

But the others who didn\'t choose to join Zangmen, because Wang Ran\'s words looked a lot better, and his heart was not so heavy.

After all, from this point of view, this Tibetan gate does not seem to be very powerful.

Moreover, the most important resources for cultivation, Ye Fan and others couldn\'t get much in a short time, and they didn\'t even pass on the exercises to them.

In this way, they feel much better in their hearts.

At least everyone is still the same now, so I might develop better.

If Ye Fan and the others get dazzled by the various cultivation techniques and cultivation resources as soon as they enter the door, then they will feel really uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, what everyone didn\'t notice was that after seeing the changes in their faces, the three of Kind, Evil, and Di Tian flashed a look of compassion in their eyes.

Really, Wang Ran didn\'t have the training resources and didn\'t pay much attention to Ye Fan.

Although Wang Ran didn\'t have many cultivation resources, it was enough for Ye Fan and the others to use it for ten or eight years.

If Wang Ran wanted to, Ye Fan and the others could start cultivating now, and even the speed of cultivating would be much faster than ordinary people.

It was precisely because Wang Ran valued them that he didn\'t worry about letting a few people practice.

After all, the four of them are almost thirty years old, and too many of them have lost their vitality.

If you don\'t think of a way to replenish your vitality first, but start practicing now, it will be harmful to the four of them, but not profitable.

It can only be said that these people are too knowledgeable and think too simple.

If you use one sentence to describe it, it is that the clown is yourself.

However, the roads are all chosen by themselves. Who is so greedy?

After all, they are not their own, and the good, evil, and Ditian three have no intention of instructing them.

After a gleam of pity flashed in their eyes, the three of them closed their eyes and entered a state of cultivation.


I don\'t know how long it took, and suddenly there was a violent vibration in the bronze coffin.

At this time, everyone in the bronze coffin, whether sleeping or cultivating, all woke up in an instant.

They knew that a brand new world had arrived.

Sure enough, after everyone woke up, the door of the bronze coffin that had been closed loosened and opened in an instant.

Strong light and fresh air came from outside the bronze coffin one after another.

Everyone\'s spirits came in an instant, they were really suffocated just now.

Wang Ran, Good, Evil, and Di Tian had no problem. Such a short period of time was not enough for them to cultivate.

But Ye Fan and the ordinary people are different. They really survived, and even fell asleep in the end.

Not only that, because Wang Ran and the others were cultivating with their eyes closed, they did not dare to talk at will, for fear of affecting Wang Ran\'s four.

Now they have finally come to the new world and can see the sky again. They all walked towards the outside of the bronze coffin with excitement, and didn\'t want to stay in the bronze coffin any longer.

As everyone walked out of the bronze coffin, a thick greenery immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The tall trees around, no longer know how many years they have grown.

Ye Fan and the others were looking at everything around them in a novel way. This feeling of seeing the world of life again was really exciting.

However, everyone is very clear that there are definitely dangers in this world that they can\'t imagine.

The huge strange bird that flew over from time to time, and the broken stone monument with three characters in the distance, all confirmed this.


Wang Ran, Kindness, Evil, and Ditian, the moments when they walked out of the bronze coffin, their complexions changed frantically.

Because they felt that their vitality was constantly being lost, and there was a strong murderous intent locking them down.

The loss of vitality is not a big deal to them, but this murderous intent is terrifying.

They can feel that if they are not paying attention, they will be killed on the spot.

Regarding this, the trio of Di Tian, ​​Good and Evil were not clear, but Wang Ran understood very well that now he had been spotted by Emperor Ruthless, one of the ultimate bosses who covered the plane of the sky.

If the ruthless people do it, they will not have a chance to escape, and they will directly explain here.

"Sect Master, is this murderous?"

Kindness, Evil, and Ditian asked Wang Ran in a low voice.

Wang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly said:

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll test it out first."

After speaking, Wang Ran directly released his spiritual consciousness, and the surrounding environment instantly appeared in Wang Ran\'s mind.

Very easily, Wang Ran found nine fruit trees that were split from the immortal medicine.

Without hesitation, Wang Ran directly used his magical powers, wanting to pluck the fruit from the fruit tree.

But Wang Ran had just taken action, and the murderous intent fell on Wang Ran\'s head in an instant.

Not daring to hesitate, Wang Ran stopped his actions instantly.

As Wang Ran stopped his actions, this murderous intent slowly calmed down.

In just an instant, Wang Ran\'s back was directly wet with cold sweat.

Wang Ran was sure that if he did something, he would die in the next second.

Sure enough, these were all prepared by Ruthless People for Ye Fan. It really took a big advantage to accept Ye Fan this time.

Wang Ran couldn\'t help feeling inwardly.

Kindness, Evil, and Ditian saw that they felt strange, and asked Wang Ran with some concern:

"Sect Master, what shall we do now?"

This time, Wang Ran didn\'t immediately answer the three of Kind, Evil, and Ditian.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Ran\'s eyes condensed, and then he said:

"Wait, I will try again."

After speaking, Wang Ran shot again. It\'s just that Wang Ran\'s goal this time is no longer those magic drugs, but Ye Fan and others.