Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 583: Everyone's decision

After Li Xiaoman\'s voice fell, Wang Ran did not answer.

I saw Wang Ran sweeping his eyes on the faces of Ye Fan and others with different expressions, and slowly said:

"Since you asked, let\'s solve it all at once, what do you think?"

Hearing Wang Ran\'s question, all but a few people showed a hesitant expression on their faces.

They originally wanted to wait and see first, and wait until Li Xiaoman\'s affairs were over before making plans.

As a result, Wang Ran didn\'t come as they thought, but directly let them choose.

At this moment, everyone was sitting on the wax, unable to make up their minds to make a choice.

Wang Ran looked at the people who were a little startled for a while, with a smile on his face.

Just kidding, he has lived for so many years, can he not even see the cautious thinking of everyone?

If you want to wait and see and see if you can take advantage of it, you should hurry up and go to bed, because that is impossible.

Of course, not everyone is hesitant.

After Wang Ran asked the question, Ye Fan and Zhou Yi only hesitated for a while before directly making a choice.

"Senior, I also want to join your sect."

Seeing Ye Fan\'s words, Pang Bo, who was already thinking about it, directly chose to join.

Hearing Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi speaking, Wang Ran asked the others:

"what about you?"

At this time, returning to China with Li Xiaoman, the only Cadet present with a western face took the lead and said:

"Sorry, senior... senior, I don\'t want to join, join your... Zongmen, I think... in the future I will... have a better... future."

Although Chinese is sloppy, but Cade\'s meaning is already obvious.

Wang Ran was not surprised by CapitaLand\'s choice.

Born in the West, it is normal to value one\'s own interests.

Compared with the endless possibilities in the future, Wang Ran\'s temptation is obviously not big enough.

Cade\'s words obviously resonated with the rest of the people who did not make a decision. After thinking for a while, the rest of them also gave answers to rejection one after another.

However, judging from the distressed expressions on everyone\'s faces, they still value this opportunity very much.

However, these Wang Ran ignored them. Since they had all made a choice, it meant that the fate between them and Zangmen had been exhausted.

Wang Ran turned his gaze to the four people who had chosen to join Zangmen, Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi, and Pang Bo. He chuckled and asked slowly:

"Can I ask you one last time, why did you make this decision?"

Hearing that, Ye Fan and the others did not have the hesitation just now, and directly replied:

"Of course, seniors, although we don\'t understand the spiritual world, we can also guess that there must be various competitions in the spiritual world.

Like the holy place you mentioned, you can tell by its name that it is definitely not a simple place for practice.

The resources in the spiritual world are certainly not endless. Like the kind of powerful sect, we don\'t think we can compete with the local geniuses. "

"That\'s right, since cultivation is about talent, the sooner you get involved in cultivation, the better.

We are now almost 30 years old. Compared with those young talents, our competitiveness is too small. "

"Moreover, even if we can join those so-called holy places, we will not necessarily receive attention or even be excluded.

So, instead of fighting for those uncertain futures, we still think it would be better to follow you. "

"Although the time spent with your seniors is not long, we can still see that you are all generous elders.

Following your practice, we will certainly not suffer. "

After listening to Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi, Wang Ran nodded in satisfaction.

Not only him, but the good, evil, and Di Tian who have been sitting on the ground as tools, smiles on their faces.

May I ask the younger generation who knows how to be satisfied and know how to be grateful who doesn\'t like it.

Of course, the words of Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi made the faces of the rest of the people regretful.

Although they had thought of this just now, they were always comforting themselves, and the future was definitely bright.

But now that the shortcomings are being spoken out, they can\'t help but start thinking about that.

Could it be that this decision was made wrong?

Everyone couldn\'t help but ask themselves.


"You guys are really pretty good," Wang Ran said with satisfaction.

After Wang Ran finished speaking, the faces of several people did not show arrogance, on the contrary they showed some modesty.

They know very well that they are not really a big deal, they just know how to choose.

He did not delay the praise of himself. After Wang Ran\'s voice fell, Li Xiaoman took the lead and said:

"Senior, I\'m ready, you just need to perform any assessments."

After Li Xiaoman finished speaking, Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi also nodded firmly, their eyes full of determination.

But when faced with the questions of the four, Wang Ran didn\'t use any means, just smiled at a few people.

Wang Ran\'s smile directly made Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Pang Bo and Zhou Yi confused.

The four of them glanced at each other, and asked with some doubts:

"What\'s wrong, senior, is there any problem?"

Hearing the doubting voices of the four people, Wang Ran shook his head first, and then slowly said:

"Problem? No problem, it\'s just that you have already passed this assessment."

"Passed? When."

After hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the four of them couldn\'t help but their eyes widened, looking incredible.

Regarding this, Wang Ran did not answer, but just smiled at a few people.

Soon, the four of them reacted and asked tentatively:

"Senior, are you saying that the decision just now is the assessment?"

Hearing this answer, Wang Ran nodded calmly, and then said:

"Yes, from the moment I gave you a choice, the assessment has already begun."

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the faces of Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman, Zhou Yi and Pang Bo all showed joyful smiles.

They were worried that they could not pass the assessment just now, but the surprise came so suddenly.

This is simply meeting love at the corner.

However, compared to the joy of the four, the others who chose to give up felt very uncomfortable.

They feel that they are losing more and more now, can they really have a better future in the future?

If it doesn\'t, wouldn\'t it be that you ruined your own future?