Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 582: Dazzling, Li Xiaoman

Li Xiaoman\'s reaction caused Wang Ran\'s brows to be slightly raised, not because of displeasure, but because of surprise.

To be honest, everyone would make this choice, Wang Ran is not surprised at all.

However, Wang Ran originally thought that this question would be raised by some bold and active guys like Ye Fan, Pang Bo or Zhou Yi.

Unexpectedly, the first person who spoke was Li Xiaoman, a girl who didn\'t speak much.

Seeing Li Xiaoman\'s serious look, Wang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that I have a low evaluation of Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman not only has some good talents, but also his mind, mind and even ambition cannot be underestimated.

Well, it\'s also a good seed.

Wang Ran whispered in his heart.


"Why, girl, are you planning to take refuge in me?"

In just a moment, Wang Ran asked with a smile.

Seeing Wang Ran\'s smile on his face did not show any unpleasant meaning, Li Xiaoman was also relieved.

She was still playing drums in her heart just now. What if Wang Ran\'s dissatisfaction caused by her own little meaning?

After all, not every strong person allows people to think carefully in front of themselves.

But now, Li Xiaoman was relieved instantly. Wang Ran is still Wang Ran, and he is very tolerant to his juniors.

Li Xiaoman, who had no burden in his heart, became more relaxed now.

After Wang Ran asked, Li Xiaoman nodded and admitted:

"Yes, senior, I do have this idea."

Hearing Li Xiaoman\'s answer, Wang Ran had a better view of Li Xiaoman in his heart.

At the same time, the eyes of other people showed a fiery light, staring at Wang Ran closely.

Li Xiaoman is the forerunner among them. If Li Xiaoman succeeds, they will follow the trend.

There was nothing unusual about Wang Ran\'s fiery gaze facing everyone, even if Ye Fan existed in these people.

To be honest, Wang Ran is now much more interested in Li Xiaoman than Ye Fan.

After all, Ye Fan\'s road has been almost arranged, even without himself, Ye Fan can eventually become a giant.

His own appearance is at best to speed up Ye Fan\'s growth rate, and by the way, give Ye Fan a chance to break through the limit.

But Li Xiaoman is different. Fundamentally speaking, she is an ordinary person, and she is not on the same level as Ye Fan.

Without Wang Ran, even if Li Xiaoman had some talent, the ultimate achievement would not be too high.

At most, it can only become the mainstay of a holy land.

Even, because there is no backing protection like Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman will have a great chance of falling on the road to seek the truth.

For a teacher, to cultivate an existence destined to be a big boss and an ordinary person, do I have to ask which one has a stronger sense of achievement?

Therefore, facing the fierce eyes of everyone, Wang Ran still focused his attention on Li Xiaoman.

After Li Xiaoman spoke, Wang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Since you have this idea, then I will not hide it from you.

I do have a sect, even I am the master of the sect.

However, my sect is not so easy to enter.

For some reasons, my requirements for the sect people can be said to be almost harsh.

I can tell you responsibly, you spend a lot of time and energy to participate in the assessment, the result is not necessarily good.

Besides, even if you successfully join my sect, don’t you worry that my sect is just a small sect?

After all, you haven\'t been in contact with the world of practitioners, and you don\'t know exactly what level of existence I am.

By the way, I can also remind you that your talent is still very good.

After entering the world of spiritual practice, you may have the opportunity to join the Holy Land within a few years.

And my sect has nothing to do with those holy places.

If you join my sect, then those sects, no matter what the reason, will not accept you again. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the eyes of everyone including Li Xiaoman flashed with retreat and doubt.

If the facts are really the same as what Wang Ran said, then once they make a wrong bet and are accepted by Wang Ran, then even if there is a better choice in the future, it has nothing to do with them.

So, at this moment they flinched.

Wang Ran was not surprised by everyone\'s confusion.

With the huge information gap, Wang Ran successfully fooled this group of Xiaobai.

If Li Xiaoman and Ye Fan had been in contact with the spiritual world, they could easily find many loopholes in Wang Ran\'s words, and then make the right choice.

However, it is a pity that everyone in Li Xiaoman is just a little rookie who has never been in contact with the world of spiritual practice.

Of course, this was what Wang Ran had expected long ago.

It can be regarded as a small psychological test, after all, this time Wang Ran I am not going to do any assessment.

If everyone really made a choice and decided to join the Tibetan Sect, Wang Ran would directly enroll them in the Sect.

This can also be regarded as loving the house and the black, after all, these people are also regarded as earthlings.


Unfortunately, facing Wang Ran\'s psychological test so rough that it couldn\'t be rougher, only a few could make up his mind.

Most people turned their attention to Li Xiaoman, wanting to see what choice Li Xiaoman would make.

If Li Xiaoman agrees, then take a look at what Wang Ran can give Li Xiaoman.

If Li Xiaoman refuses, it can be regarded as giving them a reason for refusal.

In any case, it is always okay to wait and see first.

At this time, Li Xiaoman can already be said to have been pushed to the forefront.

All the pressure gathered on Li Xiaoman alone, what choice she made, almost determined her future fate.

So even if no one puts pressure on her, Li Xiaoman himself is very entangled.

However, being able to raise this topic first is evident in Li Xiaoman\'s mind.

Light flashed in his eyes, and a touch of firmness appeared in Li Xiaoman\'s eyes.

Although he was very entangled in his heart, Li Xiaoman quickly made a decision.

In other words, as early as when the question was asked at the beginning, Li Xiaoman had already expected it and made a decision.

The reason why I was silent for a period of time was more to persuade myself to stick to my heart without shrinking.

"Senior, I have already decided, I want to join your sect.

No matter how difficult the assessment is, I want to give it a try. "

Li Xiaoman spoke slowly, and what was hidden in his calm words was huge firmness.