Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 581: Loyalist

Now that they had accepted their next destiny, everyone in Ye Fan also began to make plans for their next path.

Although Wang Ran said that they were bound to become monks, but now they are just ordinary people.

They still don\'t know anything about spiritual practice.

At this time, it is necessary to inquire about spiritual practice.

As a senior in the spiritual world, Wang Ran, who is now in the same room with them, is undoubtedly a very good target for inquiries.

So everyone did not hesitate, and immediately prepared to ask Wang Ran about cultivation.

After all, they still have a chance now, and if they wait until later, whether they can meet Wang Ran, they have to say otherwise.

After making a decision in his heart, Ye Fan directly asked Wang Ran:

"Senior, you are also aware of our situation. I don\'t know if you can teach us some spiritual experience, or some things that need to be paid attention to on the path of spiritual practice."

Upon hearing Ye Fan\'s question, Wang Ran didn\'t mean to conceal it, and directly replied:

"Since you have asked, then I will briefly talk to you.

To become a powerful monk, there are four core things that are indispensable.

You should also have some understanding of these four things, and that is the land of wealth.

Money is naturally money, or resources for spiritual practice.

If a monk wants to grow up, huge resources are bound to be indispensable.

With the same talent and the same cultivation technique, if you have huge resources for cultivation, you will grow much faster than others.

The gap may not be large in a short period of time, but as time goes by, the gap will become more and more obvious.

So wealth is indispensable on the path of spiritual practice.

Couple refers to the companion on the path of spiritual practice.

You know, spiritual practice is a long journey. On this journey of spiritual practice, you will encounter all kinds of difficulties.

At this time, having a like-minded fellow can not only help you solve the difficulties on the path of spiritual practice, but also make your mind calm.

As for the Dharma, it is the key to practice.

This method includes not only the cultivation method, but also the teaching of others to you on the path of cultivation and so on.

To give a simple example, people who came from a big sect are more likely to become strong than those who come from a small sect.

This is not only because it is easier for people from Dazongmen to obtain cultivation resources, but more importantly, Dazongmen has a more powerful practice method than the small schools.

At the same time, there are more strong people inside the big sect, and the things that can be taught to the disciples of the sect are more comprehensive.

In this way, the disciples of the big sect can take fewer detours on the path of cultivation, and the success rate will naturally far exceed that of the small sect.

As for this last point, in my opinion, it is the basis that determines the upper limit of a practitioner.

From this name, you can see that it refers to a place of practice.

Why do I say that it is the basis for determining the upper limit of a practitioner? I also give you a simple example.

Take your earth as an example, if you are in the dharma-end environment of the earth, it is impossible for you to make a big breakthrough in your entire life.

However, if you change to a treasured geomancy place, not only will your cultivation speed be greatly increased, but even the upper limit of your realm will be increased a lot.

You should all understand the legendary fairy world, why are there so many powerful existences in the fairy world?

One of the most core reasons is that the aura in the fairy world, whether it is quantity or quality, is much stronger than the others.

As for the other world law issue, it is still too early for you now.

But for this point, you don\'t need to worry too much.

This time you leave, there is no need to worry about it in a short time.

These are the four core points on the path of spiritual practice. If you can all gain something in the future, then the future can be expected. "

After listening to Wang Ran\'s explanation, Ye Fan and others were silent for a moment.

They need some time to digest what Wang Ran said.

At the same time, they are also thinking about how they should pursue these things next.

After a while, Li Xiaoman took the lead and asked Wang Ran:

"Senior, I want to dare to ask, do you have a sect?"

As soon as Li Xiaoman\'s words were spoken, her thoughts became clear.

She was hitting Wang Ran\'s idea, or she was hitting Wang Ran\'s idea.

However, as Li Xiaoman said, she was not the only one who made this idea, and a gleam of light flashed in everyone\'s eyes.

Yes, the four elements of the path of spiritual practice.

Although it is simple to say, it is not something they can get involved now.

Although there is no need to consider land for the time being, what about the law of finances?

There is no need to consider the spiritual resources, they will not be able to own them in a short time.

As for the Taoist practitioners, they are even more illusory.

The human mind is hard to guess. It is more difficult to have a trustworthy Taoist companion than to obtain a large amount of spiritual resources.

Even to a certain extent, companionship is the most difficult to obtain on the path of spiritual practice.

Now the only thing they can come into contact with is the law.

In other words, only Wang Ran was the only opportunity they could come into contact with.

As a great monk, Wang Ran must have a strong heritage.

Although he didn\'t understand Wang Ran\'s specific strength, he didn\'t understand the practice system of the spiritual world.

But these did not hinder their recognition of Wang Ran\'s strength. After all, from the previous dialogue between Wang Ran and Crocodile Zu, it was possible to hear that there was definitely a big opportunity for Wang Ran.

Wang Ran also said before that the big sect had a crushing advantage over those small sects.

Everyone does not naively think that they are the sons of heaven, and they can easily worship the big sect.

Rather than arduously worshipping a small sect in the future, it is better to gamble that the king is strong enough and the sect behind him is also strong enough.

If this were the case, they would have solved the two major difficulties on the path of spiritual practice at once.

First of all, there is definitely no need to worry about Fa. Secondly, everyone has come to the big sect, and money must be enough.

Why not try this kind of two birds with one stone?

Even if the facts were different from what they had guessed, Wang Ran was not from a large sect, nor was he powerful.

However, they are also making a lot of money to worship Wang Ran\'s door and use Wang Ran as a springboard to enter the wider world.

Taking another 10,000 steps back, even if Wang Ran rejected them, what about it?

Is it possible that because of Wang Ran\'s refusal, they will incur any losses?

Laughing to death, it\'s not a good deal at all.