Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 580: First metamorphosis

Regardless of how pitiful the crocodile ancestor is now, anyway, Ye Fan and the others are now shocked by the explosion of the crocodile ancestor clone.

That\'s right, I was really taken aback, and my body couldn\'t help but tremble.

Seeing the appearance of Ye Fan and others, Wang Ran couldn\'t help but chuckle.

"Why, you are so afraid of me, and I won\'t do what you guys do."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the corners of Ye Fan\'s mouths twitched stiffly.

That\'s what I said, but it really relaxes them, and they can\'t do it.

At this moment, Ye Fan and others felt weak in their hearts.

But Wang Ran spoke to them, and they didn\'t dare not answer the conversation.

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally Ye Fan bit his scalp and said:

"Shangxian, it\'s not that we are afraid of you, but mainly around you. We feel too much pressure."

No loss is a person who can become the emperor of heaven in the future, even if he has not yet contacted the practice, his courage is not comparable to others. Sure enough, it is a good seedling.

Looking at Ye Fan, Wang Ran couldn\'t help sighing in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Ran cultivated Ye Fan\'s mind more deeply.

With Ye Fan taking the lead, everyone nodded in response.

Li Xiaoman, who was not far away, bowed deeply to Wang Ran, and then said:

"Just now, thank you Shangxian for helping me. I really have nothing to repay you."

Gently waved his hand towards Li Xiaoman, Wang Ran said:

"It\'s okay."

With that said, Wang Ran directly sat cross-legged on the ground, and then continued to speak to everyone:

"Sit down, don\'t stand up even if you are under pressure, but there is still a long time to go through."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the good, evil, and Di Tian naturally had no opinion, and they just sat down cross-legged.

And Ye Fan and others, after a brief eye contact, also sat on the ground.

It\'s not that they want to climb up the pole, it\'s mainly that they are really tired.

After the great escape just now, they were already tired and didn\'t want to move.

If it wasn\'t for fear of Wang Ran\'s dissatisfaction, they would not even have the will to stand up.

After seeing everyone sitting down, Wang Ran continued to speak:

"You don\'t have to put too much pressure on yourself. We never bully the weak at will.

In your words, we can actually be called pacifists. "

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan and the others widened their eyes in surprise.

Zhou Yi and Ye Fan couldn\'t help but asked:

"The gods still know about our earth? Could it be that the gods are the ancient sages of the earth?"

Hearing Ye Fan and Zhou Yi’s questions, Wang Ran shook his head gently, and then said:

"You can say yes, or you can say no.

Before we stayed on the earth for a while, this time the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, we are also witnesses. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Ye Fan and others couldn\'t help sighing in their hearts.

Wang Ran meant that he was a human being on earth, but he was not a human being from Ye Fan and the others.

However, Ye Fan and others subconsciously believed that Wang Ran and the others had only been on the earth for a while, so they would understand it.

Regarding this, Wang Ran didn\'t mean to explain more, and continued to speak:

"You don\'t need to call us the gods. The title of gods is not something we can bear now."

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Ye Fan and others put away the depression in their hearts, and then asked:

"Then you are not called Shangxian, how should we call you?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Ran said softly:

"Since you have embarked on this journey, you will definitely embark on the road of spiritual practice in the future.

Since you are all monks in the future, just call us seniors directly. "

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Ye Fan hurriedly said:

"We understand, senior."

As the voice fell, the bronze coffin slowly fell into silence.

Wang Ran, Kindness, Evil, and Ditian had no intention of taking the initiative to speak, and Ye Fan and others didn\'t know what to say for a long time.

Fortunately, after the conversation just now, the pressure in the hearts of Ye Fan and others has also dissipated a lot, and it will not be said that they feel depressed.

But even if the pressure dissipates a lot, it still exists.

What\'s more, in such a confined space inside the bronze coffin, the depressive atmosphere will slowly grow.

Ye Fan didn\'t have such experience like Wang Ran and others.

In such a depressing environment, not speaking is too suffocating.

Sure enough, it didn\'t take long for Ye Fan and others to stand the atmosphere. They took the initiative to ask Wang Ran:

"Senior, you just said that we will also enter the world of spiritual practice in the future, can\'t we choose to be ordinary people in the future and simply live our lives?"

Hearing the people\'s questions, Wang Ran simply cast a glance at them, and then said:

"It can be, but can you withstand the temptation?

Even if you can stand it, can you endure your own destiny in the hands of others?

You know, other worlds are not as harmonious as your earth, life and death are really too common.

And sometimes it’s not something you can’t do if you don’t want to. There will be countless shadow powers behind you, pushing you forward. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, everyone fell silent.

Yes, can they really stand the temptation? High probability is impossible.

On earth, they dare not say that they can withstand the temptation of feasting and feasting, and they have to rely on the constraints of the law.

So in a world where power is paramount, how dare they guarantee that they can withstand the temptation.

Moreover, they really don\'t want to try again, it feels like fate is in the hands of others.

Even on the earth that Wang Ran called harmony, all kinds of chaos are happening all the time.

What about the spiritual world? Everyone is not a fool, and the situation in the spiritual world can be understood by them as long as they think about it.

It cannot be said to be lawless, but it is almost impossible for ordinary people to live as easily as on earth.

Life and death are held in the hands of others. As long as you have experienced this experience once, you will never want to experience it a second time.


After a long silence, everyone sighed helplessly.

They have accepted the fact that they are about to enter the world of spiritual practice, and they plan to say goodbye to their past lives.

However, there are too many things on the earth that they can\'t let go.

Lovers, parents, friends, etc., etc., I don’t know if there is any chance of seeing each other again in this life.

This sigh contains not only their compromise to fate, but also their reluctance to give up the past.