Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 579: Turn your face, do it

"Since fellow daoists are so angry, why not break the seal at ease, why waste time to trouble these little guys?"

Wang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked softly as he watched the roaring crocodile.

The already angry Crocodile Ancestor, hearing Wang Ran\'s words, and seeing Wang Ran\'s calm look, also slightly narrowed his eyes.

Now the anger of Crocodile Ancestor has reached its extreme, but he did not continue to yell, but slowly said:

"An Xin broke through the seal, do you know how many years this saint has been sealed?

There is not a living person, even those monster races that have been sealed, have been eaten clean by me long ago.

I don’t know how many years have passed since the impact of the dark sky.

Finally, I finally waited until the living creatures arrived.

Don\'t you think they are good playthings, they can bring me a lot of fun.

Otherwise, do you think they can survive? "

Hearing the words of Crocodile Ancestor, the hearts of Ye Fan and the crowd were filled with endless anger.

Playthings, crocodile ancestors actually regarded them as playthings.

Such an attitude can\'t be unconscious on anyone\'s body.

Especially people like Ye Fan, who are much more arrogant than ordinary people in their hearts.

But they can\'t help it, because the crocodile ancestors are telling the truth.

Although less than a day has passed, Ye Fan and the others have already recognized it clearly.

In this world, strength is the last word.

Crocodile ancestors are powerful enough, so they can be treated as playthings as they should.

Wang Ran is strong enough, so he can talk to Crocodile Ancestor on an equal footing, Crocodile Ancestor is also willing to talk to him.

And they, because of their weakness, even their own lives cannot be in their own hands.

If it weren\'t for Wang Ran\'s help, they wouldn\'t know what they would be tortured by the crocodile ancestors.

Wang Ran, kindness, evil, and Ditian, who have seen through these a long time ago, naturally won\'t have any emotional fluctuations because of the words of Crocodile Ancestor.

Shrugging irrefutable, Wang Ran said softly:

"From your perspective, it is true.

However, I still want to give you a piece of advice. "

Hearing this, Crocodile Ancestor\'s eyes showed doubts, and he asked incomprehensibly:

"Advice, will you give me advice?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Ran nodded gently, and then continued to speak:

"Yes, just advice.

Everyone\'s cause and effect are not clear to you, so I don\'t think it is correct for you to play with life like this.

If you have a chance next time, don\'t provoke these little guys to exist.

Because maybe one of these people, behind the scenes, can\'t afford to offend. "

After listening to Wang Ran\'s words, Crocodile Ancestor felt that he had captured some important information.

Without pause, after Wang Ran finished speaking, Crocodile Ancestor immediately asked:

"What do you mean, do you know some secrets?"

Unfortunately, Wang Ran did not answer this question from Crocodile Ancestor to help him solve his doubts.

On the contrary, Wang Ran continued to speak as if talking to himself:

"Oh yes, there is one more thing. You should firmly remember the truth, that is, villains mostly die from talking too much."

As the voice fell, a terrifying coercion broke out instantly on Wang Ran\'s body.

In an instant, Ye Fan was so touching that he was forced to lie on the ground, unable to move his body at all.

Even if it is, a little bit.

Wang Ran, who was fully prepared, would naturally not leave any mistakes.

Therefore, the crocodile ancestor had no time to react at all, so Wang Ran directly controlled it.

For fear of an accident, Wang Ran directly suppressed the consciousness of the crocodile ancestor after controlling the crocodile ancestor.

In an instant, the eyes of the crocodile, who had already moved with smart eyes, instantly became sluggish.

At this time, Wang Ran\'s aura slowly dissipated.

As Wang Ran\'s aura dissipated, Ye Fan and others also climbed up on the ground one after another.

At this time, the expressions on everyone\'s faces became more rigorous.

Originally, because there was no reference, they still didn\'t know Wang Ran\'s strength, so the long and comfortable life made them inevitably have some thoughts in their hearts.

But now it\'s different, although Wang Ran\'s strength is still unclear.

But after what happened just now, they knew in their hearts that they were in front of Wang Ran, and I was afraid that they were no different from the front of Crocodile Ancestor.

As long as they want, they can easily be crushed to death.

However, unlike Crocodile Ancestor who treated them as playthings, Wang Ran respected them even more.

But this is definitely not the reason why they can make an inch.

Didn\'t you see that Wang Ran, who was still talking to Crocodile Ancestor with Yanyue, turned his face in an instant and started doing it?

This kind of old monster who has not known how many years is living is beyond their imagination.

Even if Wang Ran seems to be a respected senior now, he might turn his face and reveal his fierce side in the next second.

So now Ye Fan and others, standing in place called a trembling.

To put it bluntly, they didn\'t even dare to show one of them now, for fear that they would offend Wang Ran and the others without knowing it.


The reaction of Ye Fan and others was naturally caught by Wang Ran, but he didn\'t have the time to take care of everyone.

As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night.

Crocodile ancestor is not a simple character, who can grow into a giant existence, who hasn\'t used the means to press the bottom of the box.

In order to prevent the rebirth incident, Wang Ran invaded the will of the crocodile ancestor the first time after he controlled the crocodile ancestor.

Sure enough, there is no simple one who can grow into a giant.

It didn\'t take long. The little crocodile possessed by the crocodile ancestor exploded instantly and turned into a blood mist.

Correspondingly, the will of the crocodile ancestor was also annihilated at the same time.

Fortunately, because Wang Ran shot in time, he still got a lot of knowledge he needed.

Like what kind of cultivation system, the division of realms, and even he intercepted some information about the treasures of the crocodile ancestors.

With this information, Wang Ran not only had an understanding of the comparison between his current strength and the realm of the occult plane.

It also greatly assisted Wang Ran\'s next plan.

As the clone of the crocodile ancestor exploded in the bronze coffin, the crocodile ancestor\'s body, which was still sealed in the ancient star of Yinghuo, let out an angry roar.

"Asshole thing, you dare to be yin. Don\'t wait for me to go out. When I go out, I will definitely put you and those bald donkeys to pieces!"

Unfortunately, the anger of Crocodile Ancestor did not have any effect on Wang Ran.

On the contrary, the crocodile ancestor\'s overreaction also aroused the suppression of the seal, which made the crocodile ancestor a little bit more painful.