Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 578: Crocodile ancestor, chance!

"It\'s just that I\'m afraid that the predecessors will not be able to kill people, and they will be killed instead."

At the end, Wang Ran\'s face slowly leaked a sneer.

At the same time, a strong confidence radiated from Wang Ran.

This time, "Li Xiaoman" didn\'t say much, but his body trembled.

In the next second, Li Xiaoman returned to normal from the gloomy appearance just now.

Seeing everyone who looked at him in horror, Li Xiaoman\'s body was also shaking uncontrollably.

She was possessed just now, but she could easily feel it after passing by.

Even because of being possessed, Li Xiaoman\'s perception was directly magnified several times.

That kind of cold and violent feeling made her body tremble as soon as she thought of it.

And now, Li Xiaoman could feel something lying on his head.

But she didn\'t dare to look at it, she didn\'t even dare to even move it.

But Li Xiaoman is not good-looking, Ye Fan and others can see clearly.

The one lying on Li Xiaoman\'s head was nothing else, but the little crocodile who had just taken the lives of several of their classmates.

No, it should be a little crocodile possessed to be precise.

Although the little crocodile at this time is no different from the previous ones, his eyes, like gems, are full of complicated light.

Looking at the little crocodile above Li Xiaoman, Wang Ran said softly:

"This fellow Daoist, I wonder if I can know the name of fellow Daoist?"

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the little crocodile above Li Xiaoman\'s head let out a burst of laughter, and slowly said:

"Name taboo? Remember when the world called me, crocodile ancestor."

Hearing the answer from Crocodile Ancestor, Wang Ran did not show any unexpected expression on his face.

No matter who the other party is, he is just a passerby.

Or one step closer, the mighty passerby?

However, Wang Ran\'s attitude directly caused the dissatisfaction of Crocodile Ancestor. Although Wang Ran was young, his realm was not low.

For people in this realm, how could he have never heard of the name of his crocodile ancestor.

But what is Wang Ran\'s expression now? Do you look down on him?

"Boy, can I understand that you are provoking me?"

The crocodile\'s cold voice came, causing Ye Fan and the others to shiver together.

As the protagonist who was threatened, Wang Ran did not have any consciousness of being threatened.

Looking back carefully, this crocodile ancestor seems to have no good end, right?

With a chuckle, Wang Ran did not respond positively, but just said:

"Ancient demon crocodile ancestor, the world thought that you failed to pass the barrier, and died.

Unexpectedly, you were sealed here. "

Naturally, Wang Ran didn\'t know how the world judged the crocodile ancestors. He said that just to create his own sense of mystery.

After hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the aura on Crocodile Ancestor\'s body instantly became a lot violent.

Wang Ran\'s attitude has explained everything, his crocodile ancestor power is no longer there.

At least this is true for Wang Ran, Good, Evil, and Ditian.

But how did Crocodile Ancestor know that there is a reason why the four people\'s attitude is so calm.

Wang Ran is because he knows the details and future of the crocodile ancestor, and is confident that his strength will reach or exceed the realm of the crocodile ancestor before the crocodile ancestor is broken.

Good, evil, and Ditian, but they don’t know what Crocodile Ancestor is.

Wang Ran was not afraid, and the three of them naturally didn\'t care.

If someone who knows the identity of the crocodile ancestor comes later, the result will be different.

Maybe, take the initiative to help Crocodile Ancestor break the seal.

After all, this is very likely to be valued by the crocodile ancestor, and find a great backer for yourself.

Unfortunately, these crocodile ancestors did not know, nor would they know.

Consciously being despised, the crocodile who was not in power, roared frantically.

The sound was so loud that even if Li Xiaoman, who was riding under him, covered his ears, he was still shocked to bleed.

The crocodile\'s anger was not directed at Wang Ran and the others, or it was not mainly directed at them.

In the eyes of Crocodile Ancestor, the culprit responsible for all this was the person who sealed him.

"Bald donkey, wait for me. Sooner or later, I will eat your meat, drink your blood, give you cramps and cramp your body!"

The crocodile ancestor\'s voice echoed in the bronze coffin.

Wang Ran frowned as he looked at Li Xiaoman who was bleeding from the ears of the crocodile ancestor.

This child really received a disaster without ignorance.

He stimulated the crocodile ancestor, and Li Xiaoman was the first to be injured.

This thing really makes him feel bad.

But speaking of it, Wang Ran didn\'t expect a powerhouse at the level of Crocodile Ancestor to be so impatient.

With a wave of his hand, Li Xiaoman was directly out of the control of Crocodile Ancestor.

A green light flashed in Wang Ran\'s hand and he directly stroked Li Xiaoman\'s body.

In the next second, Li Xiaoman, who was in pain, instantly felt his pain disappear.

Even, the body is much lighter than before.

She understood that Wang Ran helped herself. I wanted to thank him, but when I looked at the current situation, it was not the time to thank Li Xiaoman, and Li Xiaoman closed it and quietly pushed into the crowd.

At this moment, the crocodile ancestor only felt anger rushed to his brain, and Wang Ran actually despised him so much.

However, the crocodile ancestor is after all a great demon who has practiced for countless years. Although he is angry, he also understands that with the body he currently occupies, it is impossible to affect Wang Ran at all.

So Crocodile Ancestor did not do anything, but kept Wang Ran firmly in his mind.

If there is a chance in the future, he will never let Wang Ran go easily.

Regarding these, Wang Ran is naturally clear.

He has offended the crocodile ancestor today, and the two will never get along peacefully in the future.

But he didn\'t care, the crocodile ancestor was not a threat to him.

The reason why he has been talking with the crocodile ancestor for so long is just to be completely prepared and directly control the consciousness of the crocodile ancestor.

He wanted to search the memory of the crocodile ancestors through this consciousness, and then infer the practice system of the occult plane, and testify to his own memory.

After all, Crocodile Ancestor is the top powerhouse after all, far from what Wang Ran can compare now.

Even if it is just a touch of consciousness and without perfect preparation, Wang Ran is not sure that he will succeed.

Who knows what crocodile ancestors have, if it fails, it will be delayed for a long time.

After all, such a good opportunity can\'t be encountered at will.

Wang Ran didn\'t think he could get a second one in a short period of time, a chance to obscure the memory of the top powerhouses on the heavenly plane.

If it weren\'t for this, Wang Ran would have killed the crocodile ancestor a long time ago, no matter how rampant he was here.

But unfortunately, Wang Ran is not ready yet, so he can only continue wrangling with the crocodile ancestors to kill time.