Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 566: Da Liu with a protagonist template

"Since you saw us today, your life will definitely change a lot in the future.

So I now give you two choices. One is to erase your memory of us, let you know nothing and restore a peaceful life.

Of course, I will give you a wealth, so that you don\'t have to run around for a living in the future.

As for the second one, I will give you a copy of the inheritance, giving you the opportunity to contact a different world.

However, with the current environment, you may not do much in your life.

However, it is still possible to increase the life span by one hundred years.

So, which one do you choose? "

Wang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly handed over the choice to Liu himself.

These two choices have their own pros and cons, but in the final analysis, the most entangled Wang Ran is whether to erase the memory.

It may be the name of Huaxia, which made Wang Ran a lot closer to Liu, so he did not want to make a choice for Liu.

Wang Ran is like this, and Da Liu is even more so.

After all, these two choices, no matter which one you choose, can make a huge change in Liu\'s life.

But no matter which one you choose, you can be sure, and the results are beneficial to Liu.

Therefore, Liu was also very entangled at this moment, he could feel his heart beating continuously.

Excited, this is undoubtedly a portrayal of Liu\'s heart.

Is this a legendary adventure? Is he going to become the hero of an online novel?

Maybe it was because I had read too many novels, Liu couldn\'t help but flash this idea in his mind.

Which man has never dreamed? Flying with a sword is probably the childhood dream of most boys.

Da Liu is naturally no exception.

But Liu is no longer a kid after all. He has a family and concerns.

Now he is no longer the boy who could abandon everything to chase his dreams. He knows that the unknown world is not necessarily beautiful.

So Liu retreated, maybe ten years younger, without so much concern, Liu would choose that mysterious world.

But it doesn\'t work now, Liu has something he can\'t give up, and he doesn\'t want to take that risk.

So Liu gave up the seemingly wonderful world and chose Anshen.

Regarding Liu\'s choice, Wang Ran was silent for a moment, then smiled and agreed.

This person, Liu, really moved Wang Ran at this moment.

It seems timid to choose stability, but is Da Liu\'s choice not a selfless manifestation? A kind of selflessness towards the family.

Give up their own opportunities, so that those who are concerned about themselves can be stabilized.

At the same time, Wang Ran also knows that Liu is not a person, but the epitome of a class of people, a class of people under the influence of modern universal values.

This kind of person may not be able to carry the pot, but they can definitely become the mainstay.

Therefore, while satisfying Liu\'s choice, Wang Ran gave him an unknown future.

Easily erased Liu\'s memory, and Wang Ran added a bit of memory that did not belong to him in Liu\'s memory.

At the same time, he made a mark in his soul.

Wang Ran moved Da Liu with his eyes closed to the driver\'s seat of the truck, and put top-quality jade in the driver\'s seat of the truck.

In Liu\'s memory, this would have been opened by chance when he was in a sports car through a bought rough stone.

After doing this, Wang Ran thought for a while and entered a spiritual protection technique on Liu\'s body.

This is to prevent bad guys from taking risks, after all, wealth is touching.

Of course, this technique was controlled by Wang Ran.

The existence of that touch of spiritual power determines that if Liu is doing evil in the future, the body protection technique will be useless.

At this point, Wang Ran has fulfilled his promise.

Bringing goodness, evil, and Di Tian back to the side, Wang Ran snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, Da Liu, who was in a coma, came to his senses.

As if nothing had happened, Liu directly took a sip of water from the water glass.

Then he glanced at the jade beside him, joyful emotions gleamed from Da Liu\'s eyes.

"It\'s really good luck this time. Wenli will see it later, she must be very pleasantly surprised. Guoguo can live a carefree life in the future."

Liu in the truck said cheerfully.

After rubbing his face, Liu started the car again and drove away. He did not see the four of Wang Ran who were not far away at all.

Seeing Da Liu\'s realistic figure, the evil couldn\'t help but speak:

"Sect Master, are you too kind to this ordinary person?"

Di Tian may not know what Wang Ran did just now, but the goodness and evil in the same realm as Wang Ran are indeed clear.

Although the strength of the two of them is not as good as that of Wang Ran, their vision is still there.

Wang Ran not only fulfilled his promise just now, but also imprinted a legacy in Liu\'s soul.

If Liu can stick to his heart, this heritage will be awakened at some point in the future.

This kind of favor can no longer be described as compensation and rewards.

When Wang Ran heard the evil words, he did not give an accurate explanation.

With a slight smile, Wang Ran slowly said:

"Great? Isn\'t this his chance?"

Hearing what Wang Ran said, the good, evil, and Ditian were also silent for a while.

How do you say such things as chance? It can only be said that Liu has joined Wang Ran\'s eyes.

If Liu\'s disposition were not so, Wang Ran would not take care of him in this way.

"Forget it, it\'s the little guy\'s fate, not to mention him.

Sect Master, listening to the questions you asked just now, how do I feel that you are very familiar with this plane? "

With a helpless smile, the evil directly skipped Da Liu\'s matter, and Chao Wang Ran asked about another matter.

After all, the three of Kind, Evil, and Di Tian didn\'t pay too much attention to the matter of Da Liu.

To them, Liu, who has reached middle age, is really just a lucky little guy who has caught Wang Ran\'s eyes.

Even when the evil asked just now, he was just surprised by Wang Ran\'s attitude.

The three of them weren\'t interested, and Wang Ran naturally didn\'t intend to go on.

After all, even for him, his attitude towards Liu was not without a whim.

After gently exposing this topic, Wang Ran put the matter aside.

This matter was just a small episode in his long life.

Now, let\'s answer the evil question first.

"Familiarity is indeed quite familiar, but I am not familiar with this plane, but with this planet.

Because I suspect that this planet is most likely my hometown. "