Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 565: Compensation from Wang Ran

However, to Liu, the identity of Wang Ran and the others is not the most important.

The most important thing is, how would they treat themselves when they saw them?

Is it killing people? Or kill them?

I saw their secrets, killing people and killing them was all too common.

As soon as he thought of this, Liu\'s calf began to tremble, and his face was also an expression of wanting to cry but unable to cry.

The fear was already beyond words, Wang Ran and the four looked at Liu, and they were a little silent for a while.

They think they still have a little affinity, why is Liu behaved like this?

In order to ensure smooth communication, Wang Ran had no choice but to use a physical plug-in.

As soon as he lifted his right hand, a clear light radiated directly from Wang Ran\'s hand.

And the goal of this clear light was Da Liu who was in fear.

Subconsciously, Liu wanted to avoid it.

But Liu was just an ordinary person, how could he escape Wang Ran\'s methods.

Before he could react, the clear light enveloped Da Liu\'s body directly.

In an instant, Liu\'s mood calmed down.

"What on earth are you guys doing?"

Da Liu, who was quite calm, asked with some doubts.

Although he didn\'t know what Wang Ran did to him, after Wang Ran eliminated the fear in his heart, Da Liu understood it.

Regardless of what Wang Ran and their identities are, at least they are safe now.

When Wang Ran heard Da Liu\'s question, but did not sell it, DC said:

"Don\'t worry, we will not harm you. We will even compensate for the loss caused to you.

But before that, I want to ask you some questions. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s explanation, Liu\'s mood instantly relaxed.

Although reason told him, he should pay attention to it.

But at this juncture, I don\'t have the right to refuse, and I dare not even discuss it.

After swallowing his saliva, Liu hurriedly said:

"You guys, just ask, as long as I know, I will try my best to cooperate.

As for compensation, it is really unnecessary. "

Just kidding, how dare he ask for compensation?

Of course, Wang Ran just smiled and did not respond to Liu\'s statement that he should not compensate.

Since Wang Ran said that there was compensation, he would naturally take action.

For ordinary people like Liu, it is enough for him to use it for a lifetime.

"Don\'t be nervous, my questions are simple common sense questions.

First of all, can you tell me if this country is called China? "

Wang Ran asked softly, the expression on his face also became serious.

I have to say that Wang Ran\'s question is indeed very simple and very common sense.

How simple is it? It was so simple that even the truck driver Liu was stunned.

There was only one thought flashing in Liu\'s mind at this moment, and that was whether these mysterious beings were teasing himself.

However, Liu quickly realized that this guess was impossible.

With such a mysterious existence, there is really no need to waste time and energy on small people like yourself.

Not dare to hesitate, Liu quickly nodded and replied.

Seeing Da Liu\'s affirmative answer, the look on Wang Ran\'s face couldn\'t help showing a trace of excitement.

Without pause, Wang Ran immediately asked several questions.

What kind of world situation, what kind of political system...

Anyway, Wang Ran asked almost all common-sense questions that could verify the information of this world.

Of course, the result did not disappoint Wang Ran.

Wang Ran knew every question that Liu answered, because this was the situation of his parent.

At the end of the question, Wang Ran was almost 80% confident that this plane was his hometown.

With a sigh of relief, Wang Ran calmed down his excitement.

Looking at Liu, Wang Ran slowly said:

"Last question, what year is it now?"

"year 2010."

Following Wang Ran\'s question, Da Liu subconsciously answered.

It\'s just that his answer was different from the previous ones, and it was not a surprise, but a disappointment that brought Wang Ran.

In 2010, Wang Ran was still in college at this time, and the timeline was not right.

However, Wang Ran still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, it was not difficult to see chaos in time during the process of crossing borders.

What\'s more, the current laws of heaven and earth are inherently weak, and this situation is even more common.

What if Wang Ran and the others touched the long river of time when they crossed the barriers of the world, and the time went wrong.

Therefore, the disappointment in Wang Ran\'s eyes only disappeared in a flash.

If the result is what he expected, it is naturally worthy of joy.

If not, it doesn\'t really matter.

Wang Ran hopes to return to his hometown, but if he can\'t go back for a while, there is actually no problem.


When he got the answer he wanted to know, Wang Ran also gathered his mind.

Putting other thoughts aside, Wang Ran directly took the shot to restore the truck that had been dented.

Although modern industrial parts are indeed very delicate, relying on Wang Ran\'s mental power, it is simply not too easy to simply resume work.

Wang Ran\'s hand directly made Da Liu\'s look happy.

This time, at least there is no need to repair the car.

You know, just like that, it costs at least a few thousand yuan for one repair.

And now, just check to see if there are any problems.

Therefore, after Wang Ran restored the truck to its original condition, Liu directly opened his mouth and thanked Wang Ran:

"Thank you so much."

Facing Liu\'s gratitude, Wang Ran nodded gently.

Because of this gratitude, he can still accept it.

Although Wang Ran was the cause of the incident, his compensation has not yet ended.

He was also the master of Zangmen sect at any rate, and now he can be regarded as a senior in the spiritual world.

How could the compensation that I said personally just repair the truck for such a low-end operation?

If this is the case, how should the good, evil, and Ditian look at him? Does Wang Ran\'s face anymore?

Even if it’s stingy, it’s not so stingy. Compensating the other party a little bit more will not cause any loss to Wang Ran at all.

What\'s more, the other party is just an ordinary person, and it is even more impossible for Wang Ran to deal with it.

After all, the psychological shadow that I have caused to others is quite big.

Moreover, Liu has a good temperament, and he has provided Wang Ran with a lot of useful information. Naturally, Wang Ran will not be stingy with his compensation and rewards.

"Don\'t worry, thank you, since I said to compensate you, naturally it\'s more than just talking."