Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 567: Sudden peep


This time, it wasn\'t just evil, even Kindness and Ditian both asked in surprise.

No wonder they were surprised, it was the first time they heard about Wang Ran\'s hometown.

Although the level of this plane is a bit scary, how can a character like Wang Ran appear on a planet that is close to the Age of Judgment?

Even if the inheritance is profound, not being able to cultivate is a big problem.

But Wang Ran wouldn\'t lie to them about this kind of thing.

So the question is, how did Wang Ran break the shackles of cultivation and even break through this world?

The three of them couldn\'t understand, they could only secretly guess in their hearts that Zangmen must have secrets that they didn\'t know.

They didn\'t ask, and it might not be good to know some things.

Naturally, Wang Ran would not take out his own bottom tray as the master, especially when his current strength is not strong enough, it is necessary to maintain a sense of mystery.

Therefore, after hearing the shock of the evil people, Wang Ran didn\'t say much.

He just shook his head slightly and explained the evil and their surprise.

"It may not be our hometown, it\'s just possible.

After all, there are many planes, all of which have some similarities.

And this plane, the time point is not in line with my hometown.

If it wasn\'t for us to provoke time, then I think too much. "

After listening to Wang Ran\'s explanation, the evil, the good, and the Ditian nodded thoughtfully.

It\'s no wonder that Wang Ran treated that big Liu a little too well, it turned out that it was for this reason.

Although this is not necessarily Wang Ran\'s hometown, at least they have the same background.

Under Aiwu and Wuxia, Wang Ran is understandable to take care of Liu.

The four did not stay here for too long, and after a brief discussion, they were ready to leave.

However, at this moment, they suddenly felt a strong feeling of being spied on.

The four of them are all powerful, so this is definitely not an illusion.

The good, evil, and Di Tian were shocked in an instant, and directly released their spiritual thoughts to find out who was spying on them in the dark.

But unfortunately, they did not gain much.

Unexpectedly, a chill arose in the hearts of the three of them.

Could it be that on this planet in the Age of Dominance, there are still strong people that they can\'t reach?

This is not impossible. After all, it is at least in a world with the same background as Wang Ran\'s hometown, and some horrors are understandable.

"Sect Master, is this?"

Evil, Kindness, and Di Tian all asked in a low voice with some uncertainty.

Compared with the tension of the three, Wang Ran seemed calm and unusual.

Because he has found the source of that sense of peeping.

It\'s not a so-called mysterious powerhouse or horror, but a simple surveillance camera.

Oh, it can\'t be said to be simple.

Because this surveillance camera, at this point in time in 2010, is really a bit of a black technology.

It not only depicts the formation pattern, but also special concealment.

Wang Ran can be sure that when ordinary people pass by, even standing under the surveillance camera, they will not be able to detect the existence of this thing.

And there are not a few such things.

At the very least, there are quite a few within Wang Ran\'s range of perception.

No need to ask, this is definitely something of a state agency.

Because ordinary individuals or forces have neither the opportunity nor the resources to rectify these things.

It seems that even in the Age of Domination, this place that seems to be my hometown hides a world that ordinary people don\'t know.

Gently waved his hand, Wang Ran spoke to the three of Kind, Evil, and Ditian:

"Don\'t be nervous, it\'s not a threat to us."

Hearing what Wang Ran said, the hearts of Good, Evil, and Di Tian calmed down.

Wang Ran didn\'t say much, but smiled at the surveillance camera that spotted them.

He did not intend to destroy the camera, because with the speed of network transmission, the scenes they appeared might have already been recorded in the database.

And unless it is forcibly destroyed, it is difficult for magical magical powers to have any impact on human network data.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is entirely a question of the development system.

At the same time, a few young people sitting in the middle of the huge screen wall in a secret and heavily guarded base, the place where the highest authority of the Huaxia Imperial Capital gathers, suddenly shouted:

"Under what circumstances, did they find us?"

Following the screams of several people, everyone in the base looked up at the huge screen.

Where, in the Dark Sky Eye plan, the surveillance display in Shandong Province is like a display screen.

The Dark Eye Program is the same as the Sky Eye program, in that there are no surveillance cameras all over the country to ensure national security.

However, the objects monitored by the Skyeye Project are mainly ordinary people, while the objects monitored by the Dark Skyeye Project are all kinds of extraordinary people.

The so-called extraordinary people are practitioners, monsters, etc., who possess extraordinary powers.

Not necessarily, the country can be said to have made great efforts, and it can even be said that the power of the whole country has been used.

Not only the surveillance camera technology used is ahead of an era, but also practitioners are invited to portray the aura-sensing array on each camera.

As soon as there is an aura level that exceeds the average concentration, the monitoring system will automatically magnify the picture of the problem location on the display.

In order to ensure that this plan is not leaked, all the installers of surveillance cameras are special forces directly under the highest leadership.

Everyone in this force is a "non-existent" person, an elite cultivated by the country since childhood.

At this moment, on the huge display, the four figures of Wang Ran were presented.

And it was Wang Ran\'s mysterious smile that aroused everyone\'s surprise.

In fact, since the appearance of the four Wang Ran, the surveillance cameras have locked their presence.

It\'s just that everyone in the surveillance room didn\'t care too much about them.

After all, although there are few practitioners, they are not without them.

I can\'t say every day, but there are still a few that can be found every other day.

Therefore, Wang Ran and the others were not special, and everyone didn\'t care too much at first.

It wasn\'t until Wang Ran and the others communicated with Liu, when Wang Ran took action, that they paid attention to it.

It\'s like meeting someone on the road without any special feeling.

Only when that person is staring at you will you feel peeped.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Ran and the others didn\'t feel much at first, and until just now, they didn\'t feel that they were being spied on.