Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 564: After the founding of the People’s Republic of China

How could an ordinary citizen of Dali deal with such a thing?

Even if the responsibility lies with the other party, the result is not something Liu can handle.

The most terrible thing, such a character, Da Liu, hit four at once.

Isn\'t this the rhythm that God wants to play with his big Liu!

Not surprisingly, a loud noise came directly into Liu\'s ears.

I don\'t know if it was because of the large number of people hitting him. Liu felt that what he had hit was not a physical body, but a wall.

Because of this, even the airbag was knocked out.

Liu\'s face was directly connected to the oncoming airbag, and he couldn\'t see the specific situation outside the car at all.

But Liu could imagine the tragic situation outside the car at this time.

Buried his face in the airbag, Liu felt his legs tremble uncontrollably.

There was also a panic in my heart, and all the thoughts that came out of my brain were all messed up.

Is my life ruined from today? Is my wife and children leaving me? Is my parents forced to commit suicide...

The more he thought about it, the more flustered Liu\'s heart, and the more chaotic his mind.

Liu did not dare to get out of the car, he was terrified. He neither had the courage to face the tragedy, nor the courage to face the unknown.

For a moment, Liu even wanted to desperately and restart the car to escape from the scene.

It is also commonly known as hit and run.

Don\'t say that Liu is cold-blooded, no matter which ordinary person this kind of thing is placed on, the first thought is to escape.

It\'s just that some people can control it, and some people can\'t control it.

Fortunately, Liu finally held back. This is not only the embodiment of the moral bottom line in Liu\'s heart, but also the rational control of Liu.

Liu, who has been walking on this road all year round, knows that there are many surveillances on this road.

Hit-and-run, you\'re afraid that you are not thinking about fart.

You can\'t get away with such a big thing even without monitoring.

After all, so many vehicles coming and going around are not furnishings, they are all living witnesses.

Of course, what Liu didn\'t know was that although there were many vehicles passing by, they all drove past quickly as if they hadn\'t seen this scene.

Naturally, this is not cold-blooded by others, after all, even if it is cold, they are not too much to watch the fun.

The sunken mark on the head of Da Liu\'s truck clearly means that there is a lively look here.

The reason why the pedestrians ignored this incident was naturally because Wang Ran took the shot.

Although his strength was suppressed very much, Wang Ran could still do it easily with a little magic spell or something.

After all, Wang Ran didn\'t want to make a big noise when he first arrived.



Leaning on the airbag, just when Liu made up his mind to get out of the car to have a look, the sound of Dangdang knocking on the glass suddenly rang from his ears.

Da Liu subconsciously looked towards the car window, and in a short time, Da Liu\'s face showed a haggard look.

Just from the face, it can be seen that Liu was very uneasy at this time.

But in the next second, Liu\'s expression eased.

Because following Liu\'s gaze, a young and handsome face appeared in Liu\'s line of sight.

Just looking at his face, this person seems to be just a college student in his early twenties.

It\'s just that this college student has long hair and is wearing a series of ancient costumes.

At that time, these were not the places that attracted Liu\'s attention. It was the eyes of the "young man" that really attracted Liu\'s attention.

Liu didn\'t know how to describe those eyes, they were so clear and bright, but Liu felt very deep.

It seems to have experienced countless years of baptism, full of stories.

The first moment he saw these eyes, Liu felt that his mood had been purified and his heart settled down.

Naturally, what Da Liu looked at was not someone else, but Wang Ran who came to ask questions.

Wang Ran also came from an ordinary person, and naturally understood the psychological transformation of ordinary people.

An ordinary person, encountering this kind of thing, must be extremely flustered.

Therefore, Wang Ran deliberately released a peaceful message to let Liu relax and settle down.

Wang Ran didn\'t even say that he didn\'t even have this confidence. Liu\'s reaction was already a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, after knocking on the car window, he directly signaled Liu to get out of the car and have a chat.

Da Liu who settled down did not refuse, and he opened the car door and went down.

It\'s just that Liu was dumbfounded when he got off the bus.

Because the four Wang Ran stood in front of him straight and unscathed.

Liu was sure that these four people were definitely the four he had just ran into.

No wonder, no wonder Wang Ran felt familiar at first sight just now.

It turned out that he had just glanced at it in surprise.

But how is this possible?

To be loaded by a truck like this, not to mention being hit to death, at least it is a severely injured high amputation!

As a result, the four people who were seriously injured and unable to take care of themselves, who should have been hit, stood in front of their own eyes intact, without even scratching their skin.

But his truck was hit and the airbags popped out.

He glanced at the four people in disbelief, and Liu glanced at his truck again.

Well, after the impact, the truck head dented in, which is normal.

However, the truck head was only sunken in, but there was no blood stain.

What did this prove? It proved that there was nothing wrong with hitting four people just now.

No, it shouldn\'t be said that there are four people. It is not certain whether you hit a person or not.

Normal people, how could it be okay to be hit!

As an ordinary human being, even if he has read Internet fantasy novels, Liu is still scared.

Even, the sense of fear is more than when I thought I had killed someone just now.

Even if it was Wang Ran\'s guidance just now, it was invalid at this moment.

However, it is understandable. After all, the unknown is the most frightening. Wang Ran just gave a psychological guidance just now, and did not use coercive means.

Moreover, the current situation is undoubtedly the kind of unknown situation.

What kind of existence are Wang Ran and the others? The legendary practitioner? Still a legendary monster.

But Liu looked at Wang Ran and the others, and felt that they were more likely to be practitioners.

After all, the four of them were dressed in ancient costumes and looked like fairy spirits, and they didn\'t look like monsters.

And there is a rule, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is not allowed to be refined.

Of course, Liu couldn\'t guarantee. In Chinese mythology, not all monsters are hideous.

There are also a large number of monsters, with a good skin and a good temperament.

For example ~ vixen.

And it\'s all monsters, it\'s normal to have a transformation technique or something, isn\'t it?