Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 563: China, hometown?

It doesn\'t matter if you look at it, all the faces of Wang Ran and his party showed weird looks.

Most of the weird looks on the faces of the good, the evil, and the Di Tian were all doubts.

Because they saw what was attacking them, there was no energy fluctuation.

Although it looks peculiar, it is fundamentally an object of the mundane world.

Not only that, but there are many similar things around.

But is the impact of ordinary people\'s gadgets so powerful?

Moreover, the surrounding environment is also the first time they have seen it, which is very novel.

Not only that, the aura in the surrounding sky and earth is simply astonishingly low.

However, there is always such a powerful sealing power, how can aura be so low?

Different from the good, evil, and Di Tian, ​​although Wang Ran\'s expression was a little bit puzzled, he still couldn\'t believe it and was surprised.

Why can\'t you believe it? Why surprise? Because Wang Ran knows these novelties.

Although he hadn\'t seen it in hundreds of years, Wang Ran still knew very well that the thing that attacked them was called a truck.

And what makes Di Tian, ​​good and evil three feel novel is the towering tall buildings and all kinds of modern products.

Now Wang Ran once wondered if he had taken the wrong script.

Because of the rolling subtitles and the logos on the passing vehicles, they all told Wang Ran that this is Huaxia, the place where he once lived.

But how is this possible?

If this is his former hometown, why did U Dao Ren bother to get him into other worlds?

After all, the level of this world is so high, it should still be very suitable for his development.

Although the earth was sealed by a huge seal, there must still be other planets suitable for cultivation on this plane.

Wang Ran was silent for a moment, but soon he wanted to understand.

Regardless of whether this plane is his hometown or not, he is really not suitable for development in this world.

Let alone whether he can grow up in a world of this level, simply cultivating Tibetans is not a good choice.

Because no matter how high the level of a plane is, no matter how many geniuses, it may not be able to cope with the future situation.

If Wang Ran breaks through this plane, it doesn\'t necessarily take long.

At that time, if Wang Ran went to layout other planes, there would be too much time delay.

It seems that the situation that Zangmen has to deal with in the future is indeed too bad, otherwise it would not be so arranged.

After sighing silently, Wang Ran couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

At this moment, he felt that his responsibilities were heavier.

However, although Wang Ran felt a little emotional in his heart, Wang Ran was still very happy.

After all, it may be back to the world where he might be born and raised.

Although Wang Ran thought about it a lot, the time had only passed for a moment.

Wang Ran\'s sigh was also caught in the ears of evil, kindness and Ditian.

Involuntarily, the three of them raised their brows.

Wang Ran sighed unexpectedly. Did he find out what was happening around him?

"What\'s wrong, the master, is there something wrong?"

The three of them did not dare to hesitate, and immediately questioned them.

After all, no matter how safe the surrounding environment is, they dare not care about it.

After all, the level of this plane is too high, they dare not be too confident in their own strength.

What\'s more, the environment here doesn\'t seem to be very safe either.

At that time, their seal was always being suppressed, and they still had no way of solving it.

Wang Ran was slightly taken aback when asked by the three of them, but he reacted in the next moment.

Shaking his head lightly, Wang Ran said:

"It\'s okay, just thinking of something.

In addition, the three of you don\'t need to be too nervous.

If there are no accidents, it is still very safe here.

Let\'s not talk about this, let me go over and inquire about the situation. "

Wang Ran said briefly, without explaining too much.

After speaking, Wang Ran didn\'t wait for the three to speak, and walked directly to the truck that hit them.



Liu is a truck driver, and the pressure of life forces him to gallop on the road almost every day.

To be honest, this kind of life is tiring, but Liu is very happy.

But he has sensible parents, a gentle and considerate wife, and a lively and lovely daughter.

Although he was tired from work, it brought him a good income and allowed his family to live a pretty good life.

That\'s why Da Liu was very sorry, and every time he went on the road, he was twelve points.

After all, so many car accidents and so many truck drivers who die in car accidents every year is no joke.

But today he had an accident, an accident that made him stand up on the spot.

Because this section of the road is a road he often walks, he knows that there are no pedestrians on this road.

In addition, today is his daughter\'s birthday, so he speeds up a little bit.

Liu swears that he just speeded up a little bit, far from speeding.

And even so, he took a more careful attitude than before.

Everything was normal, as long as half an hour later, he could stop work and go home.

But he suddenly saw the middle of the road, and suddenly four figures appeared.

Liu subconsciously stepped on the brakes, but the distance between the truck and the four people was too close. Before Liu had stepped on the brakes, he slammed into it.

Even if he is not speeding, but the speed is very fast. What\'s more, this is a truck.

Is this weight, this inertia, it\'s a joke to hit someone directly?

At this moment, Liu felt that the flow of time in his eyes had slowed down.

That\'s it!

This is the only thought in Liu\'s mind at the moment.

Let’s not talk about the issue of human life, self-blame or self-blame, even if he is compensated, he can’t afford it.

Four lives are not enough even with insurance.

What\'s more, these four people seem to be lovers of costumes.

Although it was just a glimpse, Da Liu still vaguely saw the appearance of the four people.

Although not real, Liu felt that the four of them were very handsome and beautiful.

Moreover, he also felt that the clothes on the four of them were all high-end goods.

As the husband of a costume lover, Liu still knows what level of high-end costumes are.

Those who can buy such clothes are not only wealthy, but at least they are also wealthy and free.

If such a person is killed, it is certainly not something that can be solved with a small amount of compensation.

Maybe, I will go to court, and even be ruined by others.

This is not alarmist. The phenomenon of social class still exists even in a society under the rule of law.