Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 562: The new world of the first echelon

Their more than one hundred years of experience of wandering in the void tells them that they can\'t be wrong.

Without Wang Ran\'s reminder, Di Tian directly increased the twisting range of his body, his speed instantly increased, and he moved towards that brand new world.

In the void space, Di Tian\'s speed is still very fast.

It didn\'t take long for the newly discovered world to float in front of the four people.

As long as they raise their hands, the four of them will be able to touch the world barriers of this world.

If it were before, the four of them would have entered this world without hesitation.

But now they have not done so, on the contrary, their faces are still solemn.

Because the size and strength of this world has exceeded their expectations.

With the inheritance of Zangmen, Wang Ran is sure that even if this world plane is placed among all world planes, it is at the top level.

It\'s just the level of coercion from the world that has already made Wang Ran feel the pressure.

There is no doubt that the upper limit of the strength of this world is extremely astonishing, and the masters are not something they can provoke now.

Entering this unknown world, their chance of encountering danger naturally rises linearly.

Therefore, at this moment they will hesitate.

Of course, this is also due to the large number of people.

Even Wang Ran, if he makes a decision at this time, he must follow the opinions of others.

If it was Wang Ran himself, he would definitely have entered in the first time.

After all, danger and opportunity coexist.

This world is certainly dangerous, but if you can reach the top of this world and then detach yourself, you might be able to go to the last step.

The meaning represented by this is much bigger.

If you miss this world and want to find this world or someone of the same level later, it may not be when.

After all, in the void space, there is no direction coordinate.

Some have to rely on luck or the signposts they have left.

And in this world, Wang Ran still has no confidence in leaving a legacy that cannot be deciphered.

The risk of the inheritance being cracked was too great, and Wang Ran didn\'t dare to take any risks at all.

But if you just leave a simple guide coordinate, it will be destroyed too easily.

Therefore, Wang Ran must enter, but he must be prepared to deal with various risks before entering.

Moreover, we must also ask the good, evil, and Ditian three people, and arrange them.

"Good, evil, emperor, you can also feel the level of this new world.

You are dissatisfied with saying that even if this world is placed among the heavens and the realms, it is at the top level.

You can also imagine the degree of danger, so will the three of you enter this world? "

After clearing up his heavy heart, Wang Ran Chuanyin asked several people.

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the three of them instantly understood Wang Ran\'s own thoughts.

As Wang Ran\'s contract partner, Ditian took the lead in responding:

"Sect Master, I am naturally with you."

Good and evil are not to be left behind, the two looked at each other, and the years of tacit understanding made them instantly understand each other\'s thoughts.

There was a smile on their faces, and the two directly spoke through:

"It\'s more interesting because of danger. Isn\'t it? Sect master."

Hearing this, Wang Ran\'s face also had a smile.

Sure enough, these are the few people he knows.

Now that it had been decided, Wang Ran and the others did not flinch.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ditian recovered his body before entering the world barrier.

The four of them rallied into twelve points, and the energy in their bodies was completely mobilized.

Maintaining the best state that can be achieved now, directly breaking through the barriers of the world.

A wave that was too shallow was born above the barrier of the world, but when it went out without trouble, it disappeared.

The entry of the four people did not cause any waves, and it can also be seen that the level of this world is high.


And what happened to the Wang Ran four who passed through the barriers of the world at this time?

At this time, the four of them only felt their brains dizzy. Also, how could it be possible to pass through the barriers of the world and enter such a powerful world without any sequelae.

Even though Wang Ran had already experienced the situation of entering the new world, he still couldn\'t control the dizziness in his mind.

After all, the dizziness of entering the Douluo plane was nothing compared to this time.

The appearance of this dizziness directly caused the four of them to lose their perception of the surrounding environment. Even, they can\'t respond.

In order to prevent accidents, the four originally wanted to use a protective technique to get through this dizzy moment.

But before the dizziness of the four of them disappeared, a strong sealing force directly fell on the four of them.

The original incomparable strength was directly suppressed to an unacceptable level.

This result made the four people accustomed to their own strength instantly feel a sense of powerlessness.

The hearts of the four of them were suddenly shocked, because this is not a good situation.

Although the seal was not directly applied to the four people, it was just because there was a seal in the surrounding environment, and the four were only incidental.

However, this at least proves that the environment they are in is not so friendly.

Without daring to be careless, the four hurriedly adjusted their state, wanting to quickly relieve their dizziness.

But things didn\'t go as smoothly as they thought. Before they could act, a fairly powerful impact directly hit their bodies.

At this time, the four of them had no time to control their bodies, and they were directly knocked back a few steps by the impact.

Of course, although this impact is not weak, it is not a big deal to Wang Ran, Evil, Good, and Di Tian.

Except for those steps backwards, there was no impact at all.

Not to mention the powerful cultivation base of a few people, but the physical strength, this little impact force is unlikely to have any effect on them.

Not to mention that the body is a golden-eyed black dragon, the body is naturally powerful.

Even the bodies of the three of Wang Ran, Good and Evil have all undergone qualitative breakthroughs.

In addition, they are also practising Zangmen\'s unique physical training exercises. Simply speaking of physical strength, they will not be weaker than the strong physical training of the same level.

Based on the impact just now, if it weren\'t for the sequelae caused by the barriers that traveled through the world, they would not have time to react, and they would not even move.

However, after so many things, the four of them also got rid of the sequelae of crossing the barriers of the world, and restored their normal perception and body control capabilities.

After recovering, the first reaction of the four of them was to perceive the surrounding situation and to find out what exactly was the thing that attacked them just now.