Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 557: Raksha's wrong view

With the actions of good and evil, the Golden Dragon King and Rakshasa, who were still making waves just now, were directly pressed onto the ground, unable to move.

Looking at the subdued Rakshasa and Golden Dragon King, an expression of anger flashed in the eyes of evil and kindness.

The practice of the two of them today has challenged their bottom line.

But compared to evil and kindness, Wang Ran\'s expression was much calmer.

However, if you have to observe carefully, you can find that Wang Ran\'s attention is completely off Rakshasa and the Golden Dragon King at this time.

Even Wang Ran\'s slightly squinted eyes were hollow, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

It\'s just that now everyone\'s attention is not on Wang Ran, no one notices it.


After the good and evil took the initiative to subdue Rakshasa and the Golden Dragon King, the faces of the gods of the gods all relaxed.

In the next second, huge divine power gushed out from their bodies.

Through the ground beneath his feet, he kept mending the control center of the God Realm.

During this process, evil and kindness also removed the Golden Dragon King and Raksha from the control center, and moved them in front of them.

However, after the Golden Dragon King and Rakshasa came under the eyelids of the good and evil, they also discovered the strangeness.

That is the eyes of the Golden Dragon King, although it is still the same as usual, full of tyrannical expressions.

But the difference is that the current Golden Dragon King does not have the original spirituality in the eyes.

In this regard, the good and the evil looked at each other, and the two also figured out the strangeness.

At the beginning, the Dragon God was in chaos, and after his death he became the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King.

The Silver Dragon King, who inherited the elements and spiritual power of the Dragon God, undoubtedly inherited the principles of the Dragon God.

The Golden Dragon King carries the tyranny and madness of the Dragon God.

Even in the recognition of the Golden Dragon King, only destruction is the most important.

For this reason, in the original battle, after the Golden Dragon King was defeated by the God Realm, he could not escape from the God Realm like the Silver Dragon King.

However, after the God Realm had subdued the Golden Dragon King, he could not kill him, but could only seal it and slowly obliterate him.

In this process, the gods of the gods will naturally use some small methods.

For example, killing the soul of the Golden Dragon King slowly turns him into an unconscious walking dead.

It now appears that the gods of the God Realm at the time were undoubtedly successful.

Then the current situation has become very clear. The root cause of cholera today is still the Raksha who inherited the godhood.

As for the Golden Dragon King, who has lost his self-consciousness, it is nothing more than a chess piece in Raksha\'s hand.

Thinking of this, good and evil immediately sealed the struggling Golden Dragon King.

Looking at Raksha, the evil face was dark and sternly said:

"Raksha, thinking about the affection of my former colleagues, I can give you a decent ending.

However, you have to tell me honestly, what is the purpose of your move, and is there anyone behind you who supports you? "

The evil voice is very cold, and anyone can hear that the evil mood at this time is very unpleasant.

As a subordinate of the once evil god, Rakshasa can naturally also see that his former fixed-head boss is trying his best to suppress his anger.

However, Raksha at this time did not mean to be afraid, and regret was even more impossible to talk about.

As early as when she made this decision, she had already figured out all the possible consequences.

Even the countermeasures to face such consequences have already been thought of.

Raksha did not think that what she had done was wrong, and she even thought she was pursuing the truth.

At this time, Raksha was a fanatic, and she even had the confidence to persuade the evil and good to join herself, destroy the gods and pursue the truth for herself.

After all, the two have also inherited their own identity, isn\'t it just that they don\'t want to be bound by this false world?


Without responding to the evil question positively, Raksha frantically persuaded the evil and the good:

"Two **** kings, since you have also passed on the gods, have you also discovered the secrets of this world?

Hahahahaha, I know that there are still some sober people in this world. "

Listening to Rakshasa\'s crazy words, both evil and kind frowned.

They didn\'t understand what Raksha was talking about, but they didn\'t interrupt either.

Because the next moment, Rakshasa\'s voice rang in their ears again.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, I went to hunt down a second-level divine residence that defected.

From his mouth, I heard for the first time that the world itself is a scam.

At the beginning, I also thought this was just nonsense.

But in the years that followed, more and more things verified the original statement of the second-level divine residence.

For countless days and nights, I have been troubled by this matter.

Finally, I made a decision, a decision to open the door to truth.

I decided to explore the truth of this matter myself, to verify whether this matter is true or not.

I spent tens of thousands of years and finally convinced that the existence of this world itself is a huge scam.

The so-called world is actually a huge cage that keeps us in it.

There are those second-level divine residences everywhere, it is not a defect, he just understood the nature of this world, and wanted to pursue the method of breaking the game.

He is respectable, but I personally ended such a great pioneer.

But it doesn\'t matter, I have inherited his will and found a way to break this huge prison. "

After listening to Rakshasa\'s words, the brows of evil and kind only frowned.

The two of them couldn\'t help but slap their tongues, this Rakshasa is too extreme, even extreme to crazy.

There is no doubt that such people are extremely terrifying.

As long as they have the opportunity, no one knows what they will do.


Seeing that the good and the evil frowned and did not speak, Raksha thought that their hearts were shaken, but they still had some doubts.

Hurry up and continue to speak, and said while the iron is hot:

"The two **** kings are also people who came here. After so many years, even if you are the **** king, but before the gods are passed on, are you really free?

Shendi Shendi has an endless life span, but it is controlled by the world everywhere.

There is no way to break through the upper limit of his own **** position, and he will always be controlled by the world.

Even if he inherited the position of God, his own strength will receive a step backward that cannot be rejected.

Of course, this is just a little bit of evidence, and there are various things that can prove that the world is just a large cage.

Everyone in the world is just a lamb to be slaughtered.

And the so-called Divine Mansion is nothing more than a high-level domestic animal. "