Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 558: Death is the best destination

The more I spoke, the more angry Rakshasa\'s expression became, and even his breath became distorted.

When the evil and the good heard this, their eyes flashed again.

They didn\'t believe Rakshasa\'s words, after all, they knew the secrets, but they did much more than Rakshasa.

They are just amazed by the actions of the Rakshasa, tens of thousands of years to pursue the so-called truth, no matter what the outcome is, it is worthy of admiration.

And the most important thing is that the results that Rakshasa came up with sounded quite reasonable.

If you think about it carefully, what Raksha has said seems to be true.

If it hadn’t known the many secrets a long time ago, maybe both Evil and Raksha would hesitate.

No, after hearing Raksha\'s words, the faces of many gods not far away became weird.

In this regard, evil and good looked at each other, and decided to wait until this time to solve them, and open up some secret information, so as to prevent Raksha from happening again.

But for now, we still have to solve the Rakshasa matter first.

"So, what does this matter have to do with your destruction of the control center?"

After calming down, the evil asked indifferently.

Raksha did not conceal it. If the evil cannot be persuaded, then she will have no future.

"Two gods, please believe me. It took me nearly ten thousand years to find such a way to detach from the world.

As long as the center of the God Realm is destroyed, the God Realm will collapse and all the world will collapse.

At that time, the world itself was the weakest, and it was also the best time for us to escape from this world.

At that time, even if it is the will of the world, because the world is about to collapse, there will be no way to stop us.

As long as we can break through this world, then we can really live as ourselves.

It took me several years to pass on my godhood for this moment.

I can\'t wait any longer. The more I know the truth, the more I fear this beautiful appearance.

The truth is too dark, even if we stay here for an extra second, we are all at risk of being harvested. "

The more Raksha said, the more obvious the craziness in his eyes.

Evil and kind gave Raksha a pitiful look.

Sometimes, it is really necessary to know some truth.

Otherwise, no one knows which step one will take on a wrong path.

And the stronger the strength, the more biased it may go.

It\'s like the current Rakshasa, and it has even reached the point of being confused.

The profound cultivation base and the paranoid thoughts made Raksha too invisible to the truth of the world.

Even if the evil told her what the truth was, she would not believe it.

Because once you believe it, it will prove that the Dao Heart of this Rakshasa is broken.

Instead of that, it\'s better to die in paranoia.

Moreover, Raksha\'s mentality is terrible after all.

Sacrificing countless worlds and creatures is actually just for oneself to have a chance of detachment!

Therefore, death is the home of Rakshasa.

The only good news now is that it can be determined that there is no messenger behind the scenes in this incident.

Rakshasa is already the biggest boss.


He sighed deeply, the evil eyes looked at Raksha with complicated eyes, and said softly:

"From a certain point of view, you are actually a very respectable person.

However, your path is ultimately wrong.

From the beginning, you fixed the result on the dark side.

But have you ever thought that the truth of the matter actually runs counter to your guess? "

Hearing the evil words, Raksha squinted his eyes in an instant, and asked vigilantly:

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

Unfortunately, Rakshasa\'s question is destined to be unanswered.

Because after the evil finished speaking, he directly placed his palm on top of Raksha\'s head.

In the next second, amidst Rakshasa\'s horrified expression and unbelievable tone, the evil hands burst into progressive energy fluctuations in an instant.

Rakshasa, facing the attack of evil, was directly turned into ashes under the attack of evil.

That kind of real ashes, even if it was mental power, didn\'t leave a trace.

Looking at the place where Luo Sha died, all the divine residences present sighed in their hearts.

Regardless of the current position, the original relationship with Rakshasa.

After all, they are colleagues who have been with each other for countless years, and the death of Raksha still makes these divine residences very emotional.

However, they didn\'t mean to complain for Rakshasa.

Regardless of other things, what Rakshasa did today will not be left to her life if anyone deals with it.

It\'s just that the words of Rakshasa before his death caused some muttering in the hearts of some gods.

Upon seeing this, Kindness said directly to the **** Shura:

"Sura, let\'s open the temple information library from today.

There is not much need to conceal some things.

The God Realm, after all, will embark on a new journey. "

Upon hearing Kindness say this, God Shura also flashed an expression of emotion on his face.

If you really do that, I\'m afraid the entire God Realm members will usher in a big change of blood.

And now that good and evil have passed on the gods, the two newly appointed **** kings are still too immature.

No matter whether it is strength or mind, there is no way to become a qualified leader.

If the gods of the God Realm change their blood, I am afraid that there will be many loopholes in the God Realm.

However, God Shura still bowed down and agreed.

Because he himself will eventually embark on a path of detachment, and there is no reason to stop others.

Although the gods don\'t know the meaning of kind words, they can understand that it is a good thing for them.

After repairing the control center, the gods retreated with anticipation.

Only good, evil, and Wang Ran remain in place, oh, and the Golden Dragon King who has passed out in a coma.

It\'s not that good and evil don\'t want to go, but that Wang Ran has actually entered a state of enlightenment, and the two of them don\'t dare to disturb Wang Ran at all.

Helplessly, the two of them could only accompany Wang Ran\'s side, waiting for him to wake up.

But before Wang Ran was sober, evil and kindness ushered in the Silver Dragon King.

The Silver Dragon King now is no longer the Silver Dragon King at the beginning, and the hatred between her and the God Realm has long been put down.

Even now, the relationship between the Silver Dragon King and the two great **** kings, good and evil, is pretty good.

why? Because after going round and round, the Silver Dragon King finally returned to the Star Dou Forest and joined Zangmen.

The three of them are serious fellows.

This is also the reason why the good and evil did not kill the Golden Dragon King just now.

For the Silver Dragon King, the Golden Dragon King is a very precious resource for practice.

After all, the Golden Dragon King has no sagacity anymore, it can be regarded as a high-level fairy grass.