Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 556: Shock

As a last resort, Wang Ran had to let someone replant another batch, and then removed the immortal grass Lingzhi that had given birth to spiritual wisdom and had become soul beasts.

After all, you can\'t mutilate these new-born little guys.

Of course, this time Wang Ran also has a long memory, and at the beginning of planting the spiritual plants, he erased the possibility of them giving birth to spiritual wisdom.

If under these conditions, these spiritual plants can still give birth to spiritual wisdom, then Wang Ran must consider whether to accept a new disciple.

After all, this kind of luck can\'t be justified if it\'s not a big deal.

In the past few years, this incident has caused Wang Ran to withdraw from his cultivation state.

Wang Ran originally thought that after he re-entered the cultivation state, he would continue until he broke through.

In the end, he was wrong, because just now, he suddenly felt that the space had suddenly become unstable.

He opened his eyes violently, and a mysterious and profound flash disappeared.

Not only Wang Ran, but also the evil and the good in the cultivation state, also suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a solemn flash in the eyes of the three of them. This situation is not a good phenomenon.

However, the three of them just felt that the space had suddenly become unstable because they were immersed in the cultivation, but they did not carefully investigate what the situation was.

Looking at each other, the three of them understood their thoughts.

Without hesitation, the three of them immediately closed their eyes and jointly explored what was going on.

In the entire Douluo plane, the three of them deserved to be called the strongest.

The three of them joined forces, and the three of them found out the cause almost instantly.

There was a problem in the small symbiosis world between Douluo Continent and other worlds on the Douluo plane, the so-called God Realm.

The God Realm space at this time was extremely unstable, and there was a risk of collapse at any time.

And with the collapse of the God Realm space, the God Realm will collapse.

In that situation, for the various worlds that maintain the existence of the God Realm, it can be said that it is a natural disaster that covers the entire world.

If you don\'t stop it, how many creatures will be left on Douluo\'s plane by then, it would really be a matter of uncertainty.

Although I don\'t know exactly what happened in the God Realm, Wang Ran, the good and the evil all know that it is definitely not the time to talk about it.

The most urgent thing is to go to the God Realm to see if there is any possibility of salvation.

Even an outsider like Wang Ran doesn\'t want the Douluo plane to be destroyed, let alone the two native Douluo people, the good and the evil?

Not daring to stay, the figures of the three of them instantly disappeared in place.

With the disappearance of the three of them, strange spatial fluctuations also spread from inside the Tibetan gate.

By the time the three figures reappeared from the chaotic space, the three of them had already come to the edge of the God Realm.

Perceiving again, being familiar with the evil and goodness of the God Realm finally set the goal to maintain the stability of the God Realm\'s control center.

Without hesitation, Wang Ran followed the good and evil, and quickly moved towards the control center.

With the strength of the three people, even if it almost spans the entire God Realm, it still only took a moment.

And with the arrival of the three of them, it became clear what exactly happened, which destroyed the control center of the God Realm and put the God Realm at risk of destruction.

A hundred-foot golden dragon, with the assistance of a black-robed man, is madly destroying the control center of the gods.

And the surrounding God Realm divine residences, even if there are a group of top-notch existences such as the Shura God, while maintaining the stability of the God Realm, there is no way to strangle the two who are wreaking havoc.

Even if he could spare his hand to attack the Golden Dragon that day, those attacks would not be too powerful, and he was easily resisted by the black-robed man.

After the three of Wang Ran arrived, the faces of the gods of the gods all showed surprises.

On the contrary, although the golden dragon and the black robe man could not see the expression, they could also feel uneasy from them.

"The sect master, two **** kings, please hurry up and kill Rakshasa and the Golden Dragon King."

God Shura, in a blood-red battle armor, said with a surprised expression on his face.

Hearing the words of God Shura, Wang Ran also speculated that apart from the identity of the Golden Dragon and the black robe man.

Golden Dragon King and Raksha God.

Of course, this Rakshasa **** is naturally not Bibi Dong who has a **** position.

Not to mention anything else, Bibi Dong didn\'t have the power to stir the God Realm at all.

Moreover, it is impossible for Bibi Dong to give birth to the idea of ​​destroying the world.

Then this Rakshasa is naturally the last Rakshasa god, that is, the one who passed the divine status to Bibi Dong.

Not surprisingly, the Golden Dragon King who was sealed by the God Realm should have been released by this Rakshasa.

As one of the incarnations of the Dragon God, the Golden Dragon King perfectly inherits the body of the Dragon God.

His strength naturally does not need to be questioned.

In their heyday, the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King were both top-tier gods.

Only one step away, the two can touch the realm of the **** king.

And now the Golden Dragon King is clearly at its peak.

And the Rakshasa God is an old first-class god\'s residence.

When he was reigning, he even fought with the **** Shura for a while, and at the peak stage he also stepped into the existence of the **** king with one foot.

Although Rakshasa has passed the position of God out, it is still a powerful first-level divine residence.

The two preemptively destroyed the control center of the gods.

The gods of the God Realm who are bound by their hands and feet naturally cannot deal with the two of them.

Even if the **** Shura has already entered the realm of the **** king, there is no way to change this result.

So just now the two sides were directly in a stalemate, and this kind of stalemate will become more and more unfavorable to the gods over time.

After all, destruction is much easier than maintenance.

But the situation is different now, and the two sides are at the same stage at the same time.

But now, the God Realm suddenly has three existences of Good, Evil, and Wang Ran that are about to surpass the God King.

What Golden Dragon King, what Rakshasa, isn\'t that enough?

Rakshasa naturally understood this, so after the Shura God exited, Rakshasa directly gave up the protection of the Golden Dragon King, even gave up his own protection, and desperately initiated destruction towards the control center.

As long as the center of the gods is destroyed, even if only a part of it is destroyed, it will be enough to drag on for a while.

Maybe, Wang Ran, the evil and the good will all be in the quagmire.

At that time, who is the winner may be.

Raksha\'s thoughts are very good, but how can Wang Ran make Raksha\'s wishes come true?

Whether it was Wang Ran, good or evil, they were really just grabbing hands to deal with Golden Dragon King and Rakshasa.

They didn\'t use Wang Ran to make a move, the good and evil both stretched out their arms directly at the Golden Dragon King and Rakshasa.