Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 552: Shock

What impact will the deposited strange energy with vitality have?

With this thought, Wang Ran immediately wanted to rush to Qian Renxue\'s side.

However, before he could act, his face suddenly changed.

Because, the Jieyun in the sky that should have dispersed, at this time suddenly floated towards the ground.

To be precise, it should be drifting towards Qian Renxue who collapsed on the ground.

I dare not care, Qian Renxue can\'t bear any attack at this time.

Without hesitation, Wang Ran directly stretched out his hand to hit the Jieyun in the air, preparing to disperse it.

However, the will of the world seemed to perceive Wang Ran\'s intentions, and the power of the law directly embodied in the air, directly blocking Wang Ran\'s attack.

Upon seeing this, Wang Ran couldn\'t estimate too much, and instantly increased his attack intensity.

However, what makes people desperate is that the power of the attack that the law embodies has also increased, maintaining the level of stalemate with Wang Ran.

Wang Ran deliberately bypassed the barrier of the will of the world and attacked Jieyun.

However, it is impossible to go around in the Douluo plane.

Anxiously, Wang Ran even opened the eyes of God in an attempt to forcefully break through the obstacles of the will of the world.

Now Wang Ran\'s regular cultivation base is close to the extreme point of the Douluo plane. After opening the eyes of God, he can even steal a part of the world will\'s control over the Douluo plane.

However, Wang Ran did not have the strength to detach after all, even if he opened the Eye of God, there was no way to break the barriers of Douluo\'s plane.

But the will of the world seemed to be like a king who had eaten the weight of the weight, and would not let Wang Ran disperse the robbery cloud at all.

But the others didn\'t have the strength to disperse Jieyun, and for a while, the situation was directly deadlocked.

Wang Ran\'s face was ugly at this time, and he wanted to protect Qian Renxue. But Qian Renxue\'s surroundings seemed to have become a forbidden area, as long as he stepped into it, there would be laws and regulations to block it.

It won\'t kill you, but it just entangles you and makes you hard to move.

Wang Ran was angry, leaving no affection at all in his hands.

One blow hit the incarnation of the law, and the space was shattered, revealing a deep and mysterious void.

No one doubts that if such an attack is not in the air, but in front of the ground, the entire ground will be penetrated.

All the people on the periphery looked at the angry Wang Ran in shock. It was the first time that they saw Wang Ran making a full shot.

That terrifying posture was directly engraved in the hearts of everyone.

At the same time, they were also worried in their hearts, not knowing what would happen to Qian Renxue.

But what\'s the use of being anxious? Let alone whether they can help, it is impossible to get them closer now.

Wang Ran was still showing off there, even if they were just getting closer, they risked being beaten into nothingness.

Clenched fists tightly, everyone\'s bodies were shaking.

They realized for the first time that they were so weak.

Uncontrollably, everyone\'s eyes became red.

But at this moment, a purple streamer flashed across the sky and headed towards Qian Renxue who collapsed to the ground.

Faced with this streamer, no one had reacted, except Wang Ran.

Although angry, Wang Ran has not lost his reason.

However, the attack in his hand has condensed and there is no way to disperse it.

In desperation, Wang Ran could only do his best to weaken the power of the attack.

With this kind of arrow on the strings but having to control it, even Wang Ran would have to endure tremendous pressure.

After all, it is a full shot, how can it be so easy to retract?

In a rush, a swath of blood ran directly from the corner of Wang Ran\'s mouth.

Wang Ran, who was not injured in the horrible collision just now, was actually injured by himself.

Fortunately, Wang Ran\'s attack was also under control.

Although it was still part of the shot, the power was weakened compared to Wang Ran\'s full shot. I don\'t know how much.

But even so, the aftermath of the collision between Wang Ran\'s attack and the attack formed by the law was not something that the invading person who turned into a purple streamer could bear.

Before reaching Qian Renxue\'s side, the purple light and shadow were directly swept away by Wang Ran\'s attack.

In an instant, the speeding purple streamer stopped in place, revealing a woman in a purple armor.

In the next second, the person flew out in the same direction as when he came.

At the same time, a big mouthful of blood spurted from the woman\'s mouth.

At this time, everyone could clearly see the face of the woman in the purple armor.

The woman is not bystander, she is the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, and the emperor Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Empire.

It turned out that Qian Renxue had already told Bibi Dong the news of her sprint to the 100th level today.

Although Qian Renxue hopes Bibi Dong will come, because this at least proves that Bibi Dong cares about her.

But reason told Qian Renxue that the chance of Bibi Dong coming was very small.

Although Qian Renxue proved herself through the incident of jointly plotting the mainland, the relationship between her and Bibi Dong has not been eased in any way.

The two stubborn people always look cold when they get along.

Therefore, after notifying Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue took this matter to the bottom of her heart.

She subconsciously thought that Bibi Dong would not come back, so naturally she wouldn\'t have any expectations.

To be honest, when he received the news from Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong was also struggling.

She thinks she should hate Qian Renxue, even if she is innocent.

Therefore, she shouldn\'t care about Qian Renxue\'s life and death.

But, does she really hate Qian Renxue?

The answer is naturally no, so after receiving the news, Bibi Dong wavered.

Although she didn\'t deal with Qian Daoliu, she still knew everything about Qian Daoliu.

She understands that the danger of sprinting to the hundredth level is no less than that of her divine residence assessment, and even more than an unknown amount.

She just passed on the position of God, she has experienced thousands of lives and deaths.

Where is Qian Renxue? The great risk and catastrophe came at once, can she really bear it?

It\'s really not true.

If it fails, it is really lost.

But can she really accept Qian Renxue\'s "enemy" and die under the catastrophe?

Even, I can\'t even see the last time?

Even if the chaos in his heart became a mess, Bibi Dong had to admit that he couldn\'t accept this kind of thing at all.

Maybe, she never hated Qian Renxue.

Everything is nothing but anger.

Yes, there is another mother in the world who hates her child born in October?

And this child still loves himself in his heart.

So, Bibi Dong is here. It\'s just that Bibi Dong has been hiding in the dark without showing up.