Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 551: Heavenly Tribulation?

Because Qian Renxue was still going through the catastrophe, even though Wang Ran had some doubts in her heart, she didn\'t show it.

And Qian Renxue had already experienced four robberies at this time.

The thunder was originally only slightly black, but now the black is already very rich.

But correspondingly, Qian Renxue also became embarrassed at this time.

The golden armor on his body also became a little scorched at this time.

Even faintly you can see that the crack is coming.

More than that, Qian Renxue\'s face began to see a lot of sweat. It can be seen that Qian Renxue was already struggling to deal with it.

But now I have only insisted on four thunder tribulations, and there will be five others next.

Everyone watching, even Wang Ran couldn\'t help but tugged.

But Qian Renxue\'s heart was calm and abnormal.

It should be said that Qian Renxue is very confident in herself.

The fifth thunder robbery came down, and Qian Renxue at this moment did not shrink back, and did not even have a defense.

Facing the fifth black robbery thunder, Qian Renxue held the angel\'s holy sword, waved her wings behind her, and rushed towards the sky.

The tip of the sword faced Jie Lei, and the terrifying energy burst instantly.

In a collision, Jie Lei was smashed by Qian Renxue, and she herself was severely smashed to the ground by Jie Lei.

The cracks on the battle armor were more obvious, and Qian Renxue couldn\'t help but shed a touch of blood.

After breaking into a prepared pill in his mouth, Qian Renxue rushed into the air again.

The sixth way, the seventh way...

One after another, the thundering thunder was wiped out by Qian Renxue abruptly before it landed.

Correspondingly, Qian Renxue was struck by thunder thunder to the ground again and again.

After the eighth thunder robbery, the armor on Qian Renxue\'s body could no longer withstand the terrifying power of thunder thunder, and it was completely shattered.

The aura on Qian Renxue\'s body also became extremely weak.

The originally fair-skinned and beautiful person not only lost his original demeanor, but also had a tattered and embarrassed body.

Qian Renxue\'s injuries were serious, but no blood came out.

Because, the blood around the wound had already dried up due to the attack of Jie Lei.

However, no one would make fun of Qian Renxue for this.

If they get along with each other, no one of them has the confidence to bear the terrifying thunder robbery.


Unlike the embarrassment on the body, Qian Renxue\'s eyes were unusually bright.

Strong confidence radiated from that seemingly thin body, even if the body had reached a limit, Qian Renxue did not shrink from the most terrifying ninth thunder.

The cloud of robbery in the sky has gathered to a terrifying point, and looking up, there is no trace of sunlight at all.

This time, Jie Lei did not fall as quickly as before.

But it is precisely because of this that makes people even more worried.

Because everyone can perceive that Jie Lei is brewing in the air, as if it is accumulating a catastrophe that will destroy the world.

Everyone held their breath, for fear that the sound of their own breathing would affect Qian Renxue\'s performance.

What should come will come after all, Jie Lei did not make everyone wait too long.

With the power of the robbery brewing to an extreme, it finally fell from the robbery cloud.

There is no sound, and the pure black color does not seem to be any threat.

But as the robbery thunder fell on Qian Renxue\'s body, everyone\'s heart raised their throats.

Because just the aftermath falling on the ground instantly turned the soil into scorched earth.

A dead silence, the kind of scorched earth without any vitality.

Even Wang Ran, who had already experienced strong winds and waves, couldn\'t help but straighten his body.

For a moment, Wang Ran almost couldn\'t help but want to break the robbery thunder.

But after all, he resisted it, because Wang Ran could feel that the center of Jie Lei still had an unquenchable vitality.

Before figuring out the usefulness of the vitality deposited in Qian Renxue\'s body, Wang Ran didn\'t dare to intervene in Qian Renxue\'s catastrophe at will.

However, Wang Ran was still ready at all times.

As long as Qian Renxue\'s vitality decayed to a point, Wang Ran would immediately take action.

Then what is the state of Qian Renxue that everyone is worried about at this time?

It\'s hard! Very difficult!

Qian Renxue felt that she was like a lone boat in the stormy sea at this moment, and she was in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Gritting his teeth, Qian Renxue put up a ball of defensive cover with both hands.

It\'s not that she didn\'t want to be the same as before, violently obliterating the ninth thunder.

In fact, she can\'t do it.

Even if she just held up the defensive cover and resisted, Qian Renxue had exhausted all her potential.

The clenched silver teeth already made a prickly rubbing sound.

This voice makes people wonder whether the teeth of this mouth will be crushed by her in the next moment.

Not only that, Qian Renxue\'s internal organs were also under terrifying pressure at this time.

Blood kept flowing from Qian Renxue\'s mouth, as if it would fall into this robbery in the next moment.

But even so, the protective cover Qian Renxue was propping up was constantly shrinking.

From the beginning, it was able to cover the size of one meter around Qian Renxue, and now it almost fits Qian Renxue\'s body.

As the defensive shield shrinks, the tiny thundering thunder keeps splashing on Qian Renxue\'s body.

Even after taking sufficient protective measures, Qian Renxue\'s body was still covered with flesh and skin from the explosion.

With the passage of time, Qian Renxue\'s consciousness has become a little fuzzy.

The originally bright eyes gradually dimmed at this time.

Qian Renxue has reached the limit, I am afraid that it will not be long before the protective shield she is holding up will be shattered in the thunder.

At that time, it is no longer necessary to describe how Qian Renxue\'s body will face the thunder robbery.

Wang Ran was ready to take action, but at this last moment, the power of Jie Lei began to weaken.

After such a long time, Jie Lei couldn\'t help but dissipate.

Wang Ran, who was outside of Jie Lei, felt that a smile finally appeared on his face during this scene.

He understood that Qian Renxue\'s test was over.

Finally, Jie Lei disappeared completely. Qian Renxue, who was exhausted at this time, fell directly on the ground with a soft body.

Gasping heavily, Qian Renxue\'s consciousness also slowly returned.

Pain, severe pain. But under the stimulation of this pain, Qian Renxue still didn\'t want to move.

She is so tired that she has no strength at all in her body.

When Wang Ran saw this scene, he couldn\'t help but reveal a touch of distress.

How can I not feel sorry for the child who I regard as my own, and is suffering from such a hardship?

However, now is not the time to distress, because there is still one thing that has not been resolved.