Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 553: Dependence on good and bad

If Bibi Dong, who inherited the Raksha\'s throne, had deliberately concealed and did not enter the Zangmen resident, it would not have been discovered by the Zangmen guards.

Those people present, Wang Ran also discovered Bibi Dong\'s arrival.

But Wang Ran didn\'t mean to expose Bibi Dong, so she let her do it.

Therefore, Bibi Dong was watching the whole process of Qian Renxue\'s tribulation just now.

Several times, when Qian Renxue was in danger, Bibi Dong couldn\'t help but wanted to rescue Qian Renxue.

But after all, she resisted it. This was the trust in Qian Renxue and also the trust in Wang Ran.

But now, seeing this situation, she couldn\'t suppress the feelings in her heart after all.

Bibi Dong knew that Qian Renxue\'s side was very dangerous, and also knew that the aftermath of Wang Ran\'s attack was far beyond what he could bear.

Even if he was about to touch the strength threshold of the first-level divine residence.

However, Bibi Dong, who had always been sensible, couldn\'t help but rushed out.

Even if it was meaningless, even if the gods were broken or even died, Bibi Dong couldn\'t help watching Qian Renxue Xiaoxiang Jade damage in front of her.

The result was not surprising, even if Wang Ran had stopped, Bibi Dong still suffered serious injuries after the attack.

Flying upside down in the air, Bibi Dong\'s eyes were already filled with crystal tears.

There is no radiance of hatred in the eyes long ago, and some, only fear and sadness are left.

Weakness, this is what everyone feels. Even Qian Renxue who collapsed to the ground was no exception.

Qian Renxue was just unable to move with exhaustion, and did not lose consciousness.

From the moment Jie Yun changed, she had already noticed it.

Including Wang Ran shot out in anger, Bibi Dong gave birth to her.

Qian Renxue took all of this into his mind.

But these did not bring substantial help to Qian Renxue at this moment.

They couldn\'t bring any improvement to Qian Renxue\'s injury.

Nor, let Qian Renxue give birth to some strength out of thin air.

For Qian Renxue, who was seriously injured and exhausted, even moving his eyes was an extremely laborious task.

However, Qian Renxue didn\'t have any fear in her eyes, instead she was full of satisfaction.

It may not end well, but knowing that so many people care about her and love her, even Bibi Dong is the same, it seems that it is still good.

At this point, Qian Renxue didn\'t even have the strength to open her eyes.

With her eyes closed, Qian Renxue quietly waited for death to come.

Suddenly, the sad atmosphere spread directly on the scene.

No one had the heart to see this happening, and many people couldn\'t help closing their eyes.

Similarly, there are many people looking at Qian Renxue\'s figure with some ugly faces.

At this moment, Wang Ran was not able to avoid vulgarity either.

Even if his heart is strong enough, Wang Ran\'s eyes are still slightly red at this time.

But soon, Wang Ran\'s expression changed from sadness to surprise.

Because with the whereabouts of Jie Yun, no Jie Lei fell.

On the contrary, as Jieyun got closer to Qian Renxue\'s position, the color of Jieyun, which was originally dark, began to slowly change.

The color changed from black to light, and then refined into a bright golden red.

At the end of the day, the clouds are no longer even visible.

When those pieces of robbery thunder fell on Qian Renxue\'s body, they turned into golden-red flames.

Although the flame seemed very powerful, Wang Ran could feel a strong vitality from it.

Wang Ran can be sure that what will happen next is definitely a good thing for Yu Qian Renxue.

Therefore, Wang Ran was no longer sad or angry at this time.

What only puzzled Wang Ran was that since the will of the world spent such a large price to block his chance of destroying Qian Renxue, why was it such a gesture of wishing Qian Renxue to die sooner in the first place?

This is what Wang Ran can\'t figure out anyway.

It can only be said that Wang Ran is still too young and has too little experience.

If he was experiencing more things, Wang Ran would be able to understand.

Unless the world itself has undergone tremendous changes, the will of the world cannot be stingy with support for those who cross the robbery.

For a world, the robbers are not only the cancer of the world, but also the hope of the world.

If the robber has spent his entire life in his own world, then he will naturally do more harm than good to the world.

But if the robber can truly transcend, it can drive the sublimation of a world.

That\'s why, crossing the catastrophe is always dangerous and opportunity coexist.

And the more genius, the higher the danger and the greater the natural benefits.

After all, the more genius, the greater the harm to the world if it has been mixed in the world.

If there are more people like this, the world is probably not far from collapse.

This is the world\'s screening of hope for the future. After passing through, then it proves that the world has recognized you.

At the very least, it can be said that you have the hope to fight for the opportunity to break free and drive the world to sublime.

Of course, if you don\'t have the qualifications, don\'t blame the world\'s will to act so hard.

For this kind of guy who has been determined to be a malignant tumor to himself, no matter how people look at it, it is impossible to stay.

Of course, these are all superfluous now, and the protagonist at this time is still Qian Renxue who collapsed on the ground.

Qian Renxue, with her eyes closed, thought it was her last time.

Although it is not regrettable, there are many regrets after all.

I thought that after a short memory of the past, I would disappear on the spot.

However, as time went by, the pain in the imagination did not come.

Not even a trace of tingling pain came.

On the contrary, a tingling sensation came from somewhere in his body.

Is this the true feeling of death?

An unbelievable thought flashed through Qian Renxue\'s mind.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, how can normal people experience death?

Under such circumstances, it is normal for some inexplicable thoughts to appear in the mind.

But soon, Qian Renxue realized that things seemed to deviate from her own expectations.

Because, with the tingling feeling, the pain in her body slowly subsided.

Not only that, the stamina that should have been exhausted long ago is also slowly recovering at this time.

Even the energy in the body began to slowly recover,

In this case, how could the subject be a dying person?

With the help of recovering a lot of strength, Qian Renxue, who collapsed on the ground, slowly opened her eyes.

And as Qian Renxue\'s eyes opened, it seemed that two stars flickered.