Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 325

Tang Wenhao saw that Li Meihua was interested in asking about Chen Jianfeng\'s age. He knew that Li Meihua was probably Chen Jianfeng\'s brother-in-law tonight. He quickly changed Chen Jianfeng\'s age a little older and smiled, "Hehe, my eldest brother is in his forties this year and hasn\'t married yet. He is a career man. Don\'t worry. He is a boss who owns a BMW. Do you still look at his wife? But my eldest brother doesn\'t like ordinary little girls. He likes mature women like mom and you."

"Ah? Boss Chen won\'t have Oedipus complex?" Li Meihua asked in surprise.

"It\'s absolutely not, mom. My eldest brother grew up with his father. It\'s impossible to have Oedipus complex. His heart is very normal. Don\'t worry." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Dead boy, what\'s your mother worried about? Who\'s his mother?" Li Meihua glanced at Tang Wenhao with a whine.

Tang Wenhao thought Li Meihua\'s whiny glance was an important sign.

When Tang Wenhao, Chen Jianfeng and Li Meihua were eating at the farmhouse in Langshan, Tang Wenhao said that he had something urgent to discuss with ah Xiu and asked Chen Jianfeng to entertain and take charge of sending Li Meihua home. Chen Jianfeng and Li Meihua both knew that Tang Wenhao was looking for an excuse to leave and it was inconvenient to break, so they let him go.

Before leaving, Tang Wenhao specially told Li Meihua that he would go home and take ah Xiu to Ruan\'s house for a few days. He thought of ah Xiu. In fact, he and ah Xiu had not been together for some time. He really missed her and especially wanted to touch her bulging belly.

Caressing the belly of his women has now become Tang Wenhao\'s daily homework.

Without gossip, Tang Wenhao took a taxi back to ah Xiu\'s house. Because he didn\'t say hello to ah Xiu, he was very surprised when ah Xiu opened the door and saw Tang Wenhao standing at the door.

"Baby, you\'re here? Come on in, people are thinking of you!" ah Xiu smiled coyly, let Tang Wenhao into the house, and then changed his slippers for him.

After changing her shoes, Tang Wenhao picked her up and went straight to the bedroom with a bad smile on her face. Ah Xiu smiled and hugged his neck and said happily, "baby, what are you doing? Won\'t you come specifically for this?"

"Hehe, you don\'t want to, do you? Then I can go." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Think, baby, didn\'t sister Manny say you were going to accompany sister Yuanyuan and sister ah Yu these two days? How did you escape? Is it really because you miss me?" ah Xiujiao smiled.

"Of course it\'s true, do you? I\'ll check whether you really miss me. If not, I\'ll punish you." he said and gently put ah Xiu on the bed.

"Bad guy, kiss me first! I want you to kiss me, kiss me hard, like you want to swallow me. I like you like that." ah Xiu smiled shyly.

"Hehe, in Chinese, it\'s called Qiongjiang Yuye, an illiterate wife. I\'ll eat you first!" said Tang Wenhao, leaning on ah Xiu to avoid pressing her bulging belly.

They kissed wildly.

After the passion, ah Xiu collapsed in Tang Wenhao\'s strong arms, gentle, quiet and extremely satisfied.

"Oh, I miss you! By the way, we should go. It\'s too late for a while. Sister Ah Mui and they are all waiting for us to go back to bed!" Tang Wenhao said, sitting up and starting to dress.

"Well, no! Baby, sleep at home tonight! I want to sleep in your arms all night, okay? Don\'t go." ah Xiu whined.

Tang Wenhao thought that Chen Jianfeng might immediately take Li Meihua home and say happily, "ah Xiu, let\'s go! Manny has agreed that I\'ll take you back to bed. You\'ll try to sleep in Ruan\'s house in the future. You\'re already one of my wives. You have to follow most of the team, okay? Don\'t get away from the masses."

"Ha ha, that\'s OK! Then you wear clothes with me." ah Xiu said coyly.

"Ha ha, no problem. My wife really shouldn\'t do such rude words." Tang Wenhao also playfully touched ah Xiu.

"Hee hee, stop playing..." ah Xiu smiled shyly.

"No, go back and settle accounts with some of them who are not pregnant. I\'m afraid I\'ll make you miscarry. What should I do?" said Tang Wenhao, putting on clothes for ah Xiu.

On the way, ah Xiu whispered, "baby, is that sister Yuanyuan innocent?"

"Of course, ghost girl, why do you ask?" Tang Wenhao wrung her small ear and smiled.

"I think it\'s not easy for her to live in that environment every day." ah Xiu smiled.

"That\'s right. My women are all boutique women, just like you! They have to go to the hall, go to the kitchen and get out of bed. They are good wives." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

They were flirting in the taxi. Suddenly, his phone rang. Tang Wenhao took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the Ruan family. He quickly pressed the button and said, "I\'m Wenhao."

"Baby, come back quickly. Sister Ah Mui is starting to hurt. She has to be sent to the hospital immediately. It is estimated that she will have a baby." Manny said anxiously on the phone.

"Ah? OK, we\'ll be there soon. You pack up your things first and I\'ll be home in about five minutes." Tang Wenhao became nervous as soon as he heard it. He has had such an experience and knows that it\'s very painful for women to have children.

Hang up the phone. He asks the driver to hurry up. Ah Xiu is also very nervous when she hears that sister Ah Mei is going to have a baby. It seems that she is the one who has a baby.

A few minutes later, the taxi arrived at Ruan\'s house. Tang Wenhao asked ah Xiu to give the money to the driver. He got off and rushed in. He thought all the beauties in the mountain were there! None of them fell. Sister Ah Mui sat in her chair and her head was sweating with pain. All her beauties looked at Tang Wenhao anxiously.

Tang Wenhao was in love with Ah Mei. He walked over and picked her up. Chen Yuanyuan took the car key to her and said, "Wen Hao, go, I\'ll take you to the hospital."

"Hmm! Manny, you are all waiting for news at home! Let\'s go." Tang Wenhao said, holding Ah Mei sweating all over his head and walking outside.

"No, I\'ll go with you, sister ah Hui. I\'ll leave it to you at home. I\'d better go with my baby!" Manny followed with a small bag.

"I\'ll go too, I\'ll go too." Ruan Yi and ah Xiu followed.

Tang Wenhao looked back, waved his hand and said to them, "you are all waiting at home! There are more people and more chaos."

Seeing Tang Wenhao speak, Ruan Yi and ah Xiu dare not follow, and her beauty dare not.

In this way, Chen Yuanyuan flew Ah Mei to Liangshan hospital. Less than ten minutes after Ah Mei pushed into the delivery room, a nurse came out with a child in her arms. She smiled at Tang Wenhao and Manny and said, "it\'s already born. You sent it in time. You\'ll have to be born in the car later."

Tang Wenhao was stunned. Shit! At that time, Ah Ying almost died and couldn\'t give birth. Sister Ah Mei gave birth to the child as soon as she entered the delivery room. It\'s great! Is it because she had children? Tang Wenhao thought.

"Doctor, is it a boy or a girl?" Manny asked excitedly.

"Hehe, he\'s a boy. He\'s really lucky." the doctor smiled.

Tang Wenhao excitedly took the child into his own hand and carefully observed his pink face and unconsciously opened his eyes. It\'s so cute! Is this your son? I have a son? No, I have to report the good news to my family. Thinking of this, he smiled at Manny, "Manny, hold our son first, and I\'ll call my parents."

"Hehe, OK, I\'ll take my son and Yuanyuan to see sister Ah Mui first. You can fight. Don\'t forget to report the good news to Ah Ying and your brother Wu Kui." Manny reminded.

In this way, Tang Wenhao informed several close relatives in China one by one, including Mr. and Mrs. he denang. Mr. and Mrs. he denang were very happy when they heard that Tang Wenhao had a son. However, they were still somewhat disappointed. If their daughter Lingzhi didn\'t die, they would be born in a few months, and they could be grandparents themselves.

In fact, Tang Wenhao knew that he would call Mr. and Mrs. he denang, which might touch their sensitive and fragile nerves. However, if he didn\'t tell them about it, he was afraid that their husband and wife would be distracted. This was the most difficult place for Tang Wenhao, so he made up his mind that at least one of his sons would follow he denang\'s surname in the future, Let the couple have a thought in their hearts, so as not to be so desolate.

After the phone call, Tang Wenhao turned to the ward and saw Ah Mei with a proud and happy face. Tang Wenhao came to her, leaned over and kissed her sexy red lips, smiled gratefully, "sister Ah Mei, on behalf of our Tang ancestors, I thank you for succeeding our Tang ancestors!"

"Hehe, baby, it\'s all your credit. I just love you. My main task is to love you desperately, hurt you and spoil you. However, from today on, you still need to love our son. Won\'t you be jealous?" Ah Mui was full of strong love, which made Tang Wenhao\'s blood boil. If Ah Mui hadn\'t just given birth, he really wanted to jump on her.

Five days later, Tang Wenhao took Ah Mei\'s mother and son back to Ruan\'s house. All the beauties scrambled to hold the elf, especially Ah Xiang\'s mother-in-law. This is the fourth generation that the old man saw. When he saw the little guy, he couldn\'t close his mouth.

According to Manny\'s suggestion, Tang Wenhao named the child Tang Guan, which means first, the first child of the Tang family. Tang Wenhao began to feel something wrong. After all, Wen Ying was his first child. When he thought that Wen Ying should belong to the Jin family, he agreed to this suggestion.

Soon after Ah Mei\'s mother and son came back, Chen Jianfeng came with a lot of gifts to congratulate Tang Wenhao on his son. After putting down the gifts, he hugged Tang Guanqin enough, and then pulled Tang Wenhao out to talk.

When they arrived in his BMW, Chen Jianfeng said with a smile, "Wen Hao, I know you have just had your son these days, and I didn\'t bother you. Today, in addition to congratulating you, I want to discuss with you what to do next. According to Ah Xiang, after seeing you in my office that day, Lin Haonan stepped up his action and asked his brother to rescue the four King Kong of Heilong."

"Ah? He didn\'t discuss such a big matter with you?" Tang Wenhao asked in surprise.

"No, we also have a gentleman\'s agreement. He is responsible for security and I am responsible for operation," Chen Jianfeng said.

"So you mean you want to act? By the way, how was my mother-in-law that night? Were you two together?" Tang Wenhao said with an obscene smile.