Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 326

Chen Jianfeng smiled awkwardly and nodded, "well, we\'ve been together every day for the past three days."

Tang Wenhao couldn\'t help laughing. "Brother, is my mother-in-law infatuated with you? Then you should take good exercise, otherwise you won\'t be able to make her face."

"Hehe, so I want to learn from you! I\'ll teach you that internal mental skill when I\'m free." Chen Jianfeng smiled.

"OK, I\'ll copy it to you later. First practice the mental formula yourself, and then ask me where you don\'t understand. Brother, my mother-in-law didn\'t disappoint you?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Ha ha, no, absolutely not. She\'s much better than the young lady of our company. At least she\'s clean and healthy. However, we didn\'t go back to her house for fear of meeting her husband. We\'ve been living in a hotel these days. In fact, she\'s a good woman, but it\'s too long. She needs to release her excitement. She\'s also in good health. She\'s not like a woman in her late fifties. Wen Hao, don\'t say it, I think I\'m in love with her. Every time I leave her these days, I feel very lost. Shit, will I really fall in love with your mother-in-law? "Chen Jianfeng smiled.

"Stop, brother, I remind you, you two can play, don\'t touch the truth! She needs a man, you meet him, you need her help, she helps you, that\'s all. If you two are really emotional, you can\'t score, and even want to get married, then I\'ll be guilty. I\'m sorry for my father-in-law and ah Xiu!" Tang Wenhao reminded, He is really worried that Chen Jianfeng is infatuated with Li Meihua. What about ah Xiu\'s father?

"Wen Hao, don\'t worry! It won\'t embarrass you. I also know that our relationship can only be a partner. It won\'t work further. Yuanyuan won\'t agree with me to marry ah Xiu\'s mother. Then the relationship will be messy. I don\'t know what to call it. Maybe I\'m infatuated with her body! Wen Hao, to tell you the truth, what fascinates me most is that she knows too much about men I feel that it gives her a special sense of achievement and dignity to be a man. If she is ten years younger, I will be desperate to marry her and sleep in her arms all my life. "Chen Jianfeng said, his eyes full of love.

Tang Wenhao has fully felt from his eyes that his brother-in-law has fallen in love, and the object is his woman ah Xiu\'s mother Li Meihua. Although his brother-in-law knows that he and Li Meihua are impossible, he has unconsciously fallen into Li Meihua\'s warm and soft village.

Shit, it\'s broken. It\'s over if ah Xiu and Chen Yuanyuan know! Tang Wenhao secretly worried for Chen Jianfeng.

"Elder brother, did she tell you how to save the bodyguards of the black dragon?" Tang Wenhao said.

"Well, of course, Wen Hao, she told me that the best way is to cooperate inside and outside. As long as there are insiders, there are still many opportunities. She can arrange for me to meet the warden. However, he said that the warden is very greedy, has a big appetite and doesn\'t bleed much. It\'s difficult for him to get his help."

"Brother, as long as money can solve the problem, is it still a problem? Then you should start early! Contact him. I\'ll go back to death valley while you can\'t act these two days. I have something urgent to deal with. When I come back, you\'ll have almost the same contact. If you have anything urgent to find me during this period, you can ask Yuanyuan and Manny to say that they will find a way to contact me Fasten mine, "said Tang Wenhao.

"Ah? You\'re going back to death valley at this time? Isn\'t it four or five days?" Chen Jianfeng asked in surprise.

"Well, but soon, I think it\'s difficult for you to save Ruan Biao and them in four or five days. It needs a process. Anyway, your relationship with my mother-in-law has reached this point. She will guide you how to do it. I\'m useless here. Now I don\'t need to fight for you at this time, right?" Tang Wenhao asked.

Chen Jianfeng listened, thought for a moment, nodded and said with a smile, "Oh, yes, Lin Haonan doesn\'t dare to do anything to me now. Then go and come back quickly!"

"Well, brother, please take more care of these women in my family these days. I\'m afraid that Abu is secretly watching us every day! He may attack my women and children when he sees me go. I know him. He\'s a poisonous snake. He won\'t give up until he destroys my family." Tang Wenhao said anxiously.

Chen Jianfeng responded readily, "OK, don\'t worry! The eldest brother has also arranged people to protect your family secretly. After all, Yuanyuan is already your family. We are people on the same boat, so the eldest brother won\'t hurt your family. At present, Lin Haonan hates you, but he won\'t hurt you and your family easily. It\'s mainly to prevent Abu, but he should be more afraid of you, After all, he is a wanted criminal and doesn\'t dare to come openly. Therefore, as long as we are more careful, there should be no problem. "

"OK, that\'s settled. I\'ll copy the formula to you right away. You can practice it tonight. Brother, as long as you have enough perseverance and perseverance, it will be effective." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"OK, OK, Wen Hao, I can insist." Chen Jianfeng smiled happily.

Tang Wenhao asked Chen Jianfeng to wait in the car. He hurried back to Ruan\'s house and asked Manny to find a piece of paper and write more than a dozen lines on the paper. Ah Yu and several other beauties came together to read it, but they couldn\'t understand it. He only asked jokingly, "Uncle, what are you writing?"

"Uncle? I don\'t know the rules." Ah Mui glanced at her gently and said.

"Oh, sister Ah Mui, I\'m sorry! Baby, what\'s this written?" ah Yu quickly changed her mouth and asked with a shy smile.

Tang Wenhao held her little chin, kissed her sweet lips and said with a bad smile, "it\'s a secret between men. You don\'t ask a lot of questions in a girl\'s house, or I\'ll punish you at night."

"Hehe, we ah yu want you to punish her every day! Ah Yu, hurry to clean up! Come back to death valley with our baby later." Manny smiled.

"Ah? Really? Sister Manny, baby, do you really want to take me back?" ah Yu asked happily.

"Yes! Our baby asked you to go back with him. Why? You don\'t want to?" Manny smiled.

"Yes, of course. I\'ll prepare it right away." ah Yu went back to her room to prepare her personal belongings.

Tang Wenhao discussed with Manny when he was in the hospital. He wanted to go back to death valley to find Heifeng to know something about the past of Heilong. He felt that the deaths of Jin Dacai, Ganoderma lucidum and Ruan Qin must be related to Abu, but he needed more data and information to testify his guess.

Tang Wenhao gave Chen Jianfeng a note copying the formula of internal mental skill, and told him some essentials and precautions, so that he could eliminate all selfish thoughts and distractions during practice, concentrate and practice meditation. In a month, his energy and physical strength will be fundamentally improved.

Before Chen Jianfeng could thank Tang Wenhao, his phone came. When he took out the phone, he smiled proudly and viciously, "Wenhao, see? Li Meihua asked me out again."

Tang Wenhao suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Brother, don\'t hurry to answer the phone first. Let me remind you that during your practice, you can\'t have sex too often and be greedy for pleasure. Otherwise, it\'s difficult for you to practice. You have to make an agreement with my mother-in-law and ask her to cooperate. You\'d better control the frequency now so that your good days in the future can last for a long time, okay?"

Yeah? Wen Hao, how can you? Why can\'t I? Chen Jianfeng thought suspiciously.

After lunch, Tang Wenhao said goodbye to his wife and children and took ah Yu\'s little beauty into the mountain.

A Yu was very happy to be able to go back to death valley with Tang Wenhao alone. She clung to Tang Wenhao\'s hand all the way for fear that Tang Wenhao would lose herself.

At the edge of the jungle, the two got out of the car and began their jungle trip.

Tang Wenhao felt very funny when he glanced at ah Yujiao\'s lovely appearance. Ah Yu was only about one meter fifty-eight. She was very good-looking. Her beautiful eyes were flexible and divine. She liked it more and more.

Although ah Yu is petite, her Kung Fu is not the worst among the eight immortals. She is flexible, quick, quick and works hard. Therefore, ordinary men are really not her opponent.

Ah Yu smiled, holding Tang Wenhao\'s big hand and bouncing, "baby, why do you want me to come back with you?" ah Yu smiled.

Tang Wenhao took her little hand and kissed it. He said with a bad smile, "because I haven\'t had fun with you once. We have to get along day and night these days. I have to play well with you. How about that? Is this reason enough?" Tang Wenhao stared at her cherry mouth.

"Ha ha, villain, is this really the reason?" ah Yu said coyly.

"Right? You\'ll know later." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Why wait and see?" ah Yu smiled shyly.

"Because there are no conditions here! Ah Yu, when we are alone in the future, you will call me Wen Hao and I will call you baby." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Why? If sister Ah Mui, sister Manny and sister ah know, they won\'t scold me? I\'d better call you baby!" ah Yu said with a pout.

"It\'s all right, baby. You have to call me baby. I feel too uncomfortable. How old are you?" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Ah Mei is younger than me! How can she call you baby? You feel comfortable?" ah Yu said with a whiny smile.

"No, may looks more mature than you, and you are a little girl in my heart. You are a little girl who needs men\'s love, but you are also a little girl who is easy to make men crazy."

"Ha ha... Wen Hao, do you really like me?" ah Yu asked coyly.

"Do you want to prove it to you? Come on, I\'ll prove it to you right away." Tang Wenhao leaned down and held ah Yu up.

"Villain, what are you doing?" ah Yu blushed with shame.

Tang Wenhao didn\'t say a word. His lips suddenly covered her cherry mouth

Tang Wenhao held ah Yu in his arms as he walked into the jungle and played a boo game with her. Until ah Yu really couldn\'t stand it and begged Tang Wenhao to give it to her, Tang Wenhao took her and got into a deep grass with her