Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 324

"I don\'t have to lie to you. You have to agree. I\'ll ask my mother-in-law out tonight. I\'ll let ah Xiu go back to Ruan\'s house, and you can go home with my mother-in-law." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Ha ha... You guy, OK! Let\'s meet first. If we can\'t see it, we\'ll find another way." Chen Jianfeng smiled.

The two were talking here. Chen Yuanyuan brought Ah Xiang in. Ah Xiang walked to Chen Jianfeng with a small bag on her back and smiled gratefully, "President Chen, thank you!"

"Well, it\'s all right. It\'s not a big deal. By the way, Ah Xiang, don\'t tell anyone about it. Otherwise, people will ask me to borrow money like this. It\'s hard for me to deal with it in the future, okay? I won\'t be so good to anyone because you are loyal to the company and have the ability. I\'ll treat you like this," Chen Jianfeng said.

"Mr. Chen, I won\'t tell anyone. Don\'t worry! I\'ll keep in mind the kindness you and miss treat me." Ah Xiang smiled gratefully.

"By the way, even President Lin can\'t let him know. Do you understand? If he knows, it\'s bad for you and me. He will retaliate against you and have a grudge against me, affecting unity." Chen Jianfeng told him.

Just then, someone outside said with a smile, "brother, do you have any guests? I\'m in."

"It\'s Lin Haonan, Ah Xiang. Go! Don\'t let him see you take the money." Chen Jianfeng said to Ah Xiang.

"Well, I know. The lady gave me RMB and I put it in my bag." Ah Xiang said, and then walked outside with her bag and Chen Yuanyuan.

"Mr. Lin, please come in!" Chen Jianfeng shouted.

As soon as Chen Jianfeng\'s voice fell, Lin Haonan pushed the door in, glanced at Chen Yuanyuan and a Xiang in surprise, and brazenly smiled at the two beauties. It was a greeting. Chen Yuanyuan and a Xiang nodded coldly at him and went out.

Then his eyes focused on Tang Wenhao, and a sneer flashed in his eyes, but he pretended to be very generous on the surface, "Ha ha... Isn\'t this Mr. Tang? Why do you have time to come to Huaichun? Is Mr. Tang still short of women? Does Mr. Tang like older or innocent girls? Do you like fat or thin? As long as you like, my brother will arrange it for you right away. How about a 50% discount? Ha ha..."

"Hehe, Wen Hao, we Lin are always joking. Don\'t worry, ha, by the way! You all know each other? Then I don\'t need to introduce... President Lin, I heard that our business was good last night? We received several batches of European tour groups?" Chen Jianfeng smiled.

"Hehe, brother, it\'s really good. I almost drank myself to death. Those European savages drink very much. They have to ask our boss to drink with them. Brother, you weren\'t here last night, so you have to do it for me. Hey? Mr. Tang, what\'s your advice when you visit our company today?" Lin Haonan smiled strangely. In fact, he already knew that Tang Wenhao must have asked Chen Yuanyuan, because her little brother who monitored her just told him that Chen Yuanyuan had been with Tang Wenhao from yesterday afternoon to today and should have cooked rice, so he had to go to Chen Jianfeng\'s office to find out.

"Hehe, come and visit." Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

In the evening, Tang Wenhao and Chen Jianfeng first sent Chen Yuanyuan back to Ruan\'s house, and then the two men drove to Li Meihua\'s community. In the afternoon, Tang Wenhao had contacted Li Meihua and said to invite her to dinner in the evening, which excited Li Meihua, an old woman, and immediately agreed.

Tang Wenhao knew that the old mother-in-law wanted to be crooked again and didn\'t point it out. After meeting, she naturally understood her intention. With his understanding of Li Meihua, as long as Chen Jianfeng can see her and wants her, it is estimated that he will follow his Uncle Chen Jianfeng.

"Wen Hao, yesterday you said you wanted to teach elder brother internal skills. Is it true or false? Elder brother is serious." Chen Jianfeng smiled while driving.

"Of course it\'s true. As long as you are willing to learn, there\'s no problem." Tang Wenhao smiled. He understood that as long as he didn\'t teach acupoint pointing skill, Jin Dacai would not blame him.

"Ha ha, when are you going to teach me?" Chen Jianfeng smiled.

"At any time, as long as you are ready, I can teach you." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Does this need any preparation?" Chen Jianfeng smiled suspiciously.

"At least make up your mind! Then eliminate distractions and concentrate on cultivation. It\'s hard to cultivate internal skills. Later, you can do whatever you want. You can practice yourself under any circumstances, for example, now! Even if I\'m sitting in the car, I can practice, close my eyes and raise my mind, recite the formula silently, cooperate with Tuina, and even lie down in bed, so I\'m still very happy It\'s convenient, but the key is to insist. "With Tang Wenhao\'s current skills, he basically practices before going to bed at night or after practicing with his women for more than ten minutes in the morning. In short, he will choose to practice in any spare time to stabilize and improve his internal skill cultivation.

"So convenient? Well, you can teach me from tomorrow. How long will it take?" Chen Jianfeng is most concerned about this problem. There is a new lady in his sleepless city. Her nickname is wild rose. She was dug up by Lin Haonan from a large entertainment city in Hanoi at a high price. She is very beautiful and charming. A pair of eyes can fascinate people. Chen Jianfeng couldn\'t help asking her the first day she came. As a result, wild rose despised him and said that the boss\'s level is too low. She doesn\'t feel old at all The board was over. Chen Jianfeng almost died of shame and vowed to practice with her after practicing well.

As a result, he lent wild rose several times to ask for her again in the name of salary increase. Chen Jianfeng failed every time. He was despised by wild rose and told him blatantly that his kung fu was not as good as Lin Haonan.

Chen Jianfeng wanted to kill wild rose, but when he thought she was in this business, he didn\'t care about it with him. Besides, he didn\'t make others happy, and it was nothing to say a few angry words. Later, when Chen Jianfeng had physiological needs, he found another young lady who could handle it, and didn\'t annoy wild rose, but it was a pain in his heart.

A man lives to conquer a woman, but he is defeated by a woman. Can he feel comfortable? Moreover, the wild rose taunted him and said he was not as good as Lin Haonan. Men taboo this and are afraid of losing to other men, because this is almost an important sign for women to judge whether a man is a real man.

Yesterday, he listened to Tang Wenhao and envied him. Tang Wenhao was willing to teach him this kind of Kung Fu. He was even more overjoyed. He was so excited that he didn\'t sleep well all night.

When Tang Wenhao and Chen Jianfeng arrived at the door of the community, Li Meihua had already been waiting at the door with a small bag. Before opening the door, Tang Wenhao said with a smile, "brother, she is my mother-in-law Li Meihua. How about it? Can you see it?"

Li Meihua, a half old Xu Niang, specially dressed up and put on Tang Wenhao\'s favorite Audrey dress, which well covered her slightly bloated figure, making her look much more graceful. In addition, her facial features are still beautiful and her temperament is also very good, which undoubtedly added a lot of points to her overall image tonight.

Chen Jianfeng suddenly felt that he really liked the old woman, so he whispered to Tang Wenhao, "Wenhao, no problem, I\'d like to. He looks very energetic."

"Ha ha, that\'s OK, big brother. It\'s eight to nine." Tang Wenhao smiled. He was more excited than Chen Jianfeng, because if Chen Jianfeng could meet his mother-in-law in the future, he would have done a good thing.

Tang Wenhao quickly got out of the car, rushed around and looked around. Li Meihua smiled, "Mom, get in the car!"

Li Meihua thought he was taking a taxi. Unexpectedly, Tang Wenhao came by BMW, so he has been paying close attention to the taxis on the road.

She looked at her son-in-law with more and more flavor in surprise, took another look at the BMW behind him, and asked, "Wen Hao, you came in this car? Who\'s that?"

"Mom, get in the car first! Let me introduce you." Tang Wenhao smiled, then went to the back and opened the door for Li Meihua.

Li Meihua got into the luxury car. Tang Wenhao turned to the co pilot and sat down, and then began to introduce them, "brother, she is what I told you. My mother-in-law, Li Meihua, the warden of women\'s prison, mom, he is my brother, the boss of Huaichun never night city, Chen Jianfeng."

"Hello, warden Li, Hello, Mr. Chen." they greeted each other, and Tang Wenhao asked Chen Jianfeng to drive away.

The three got out of the car at a farmhouse in the outer suburbs. Li Meihua took advantage of Chen Jianfeng\'s order to pull Tang Wenhao to a quiet place and asked suspiciously, "Wen Hao, why do you invite us to dinner? He\'s from the underworld. Don\'t mess with them. Several girls in our prison come in from them. Mom doesn\'t want you to have anything. Don\'t forget that ah Xiu already has your children. You can\'t take care of yourself. Now that you have ah Xiu and her children, you have to treat them The two women are responsible, okay? "

"Hehe, mom, don\'t worry! He\'s my brother-in-law. It\'s all right. His sister is my woman. Ah Xiu knows and will be fine." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Ah? When did you have another wife? You dead boy, you can\'t spend so much. Don\'t hurt your body. Are all the women in the family pregnant, so you..." Li Meihua asked with an ambiguous smile.

Tang Wenhao was annoyed that she liked to play with herself, but it was not easy to attack, so she had to smile awkwardly, "hehe, mom, where do you want to go? No, let\'s talk about it later! Please come over tonight. First, my eldest brother really wants to know you. Second, I want to ask you about the men\'s prison."

"Ah? I say it\'s no good for you bad boy to find your mother? I think it\'s mainly to ask your mother about things? I\'m an old lady, but I\'m a big boss. How can I want to know me? Just coax your mother!" Li Meihua said with a whiny smile.

"It\'s true, mom. You don\'t know others. They know you. My eldest brother says you are the most delicious woman he has seen. He says you have a kind of mature beauty." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

This coaxed Li Meihua out of her mouth with a smile and said in a whine, "fuck you, dead boy, don\'t mom know how many kilograms she has? Just know that it sounds good. By the way, dead boy, how old is boss Chen?"