Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 298

"Ha ha, Xiaoqiang, as I said, I\'m not interested in these. I\'ll focus all my energy on studying this ancient cave in the future. If I have you with me, it\'s the greatest happiness in my life. As long as I have you, money is a waste to me. With you, I think I have everything. You see, before I met you, we worked hard to explore, explore and conclude If you and your eldest brother show up, we can turn bad luck into good luck even when we are in danger. The most important thing is that with you, my research results will be realized in advance. Xiaoqiang, you are the priceless treasure of my life. "Ruan Qin said passionately, and then looked at Tang Wenhao with deep affection in her beautiful eyes.

Tang Wenhao moved to hold her to himself and felt that it was time to tell her everything, so he kissed her and said with a smile, "sister Ruan Qin, in fact, my name is not Xiaoqiang, my real name is Tang Wenhao, and my eldest brother is Jin Dacai. We are not brothers, but we are better than brothers."

Unexpectedly, Ruan Qin smiled faintly and said, "I\'ve known for a long time. When you opened that box, I saw your brother\'s passport and understood everything. But I don\'t blame you, Wen Hao. I only like you. Your actions have proved that you are not an insatiable villain. I can understand that you risk going into the mountain to find treasure. Even if you really take away a few treasures, I have nothing to say to you, because you\'ve lost everything After doing well enough, you can not tell me that there are treasures here. Even now you can kill me, and then God unknowingly takes all the treasures in the cave away. No one will doubt you, because no one knows the existence of these treasures. Therefore, Wen Hao, I have only gratitude and love for you. Even if you deceive me, I won\'t blame you. "

Ruan Qin is a very intelligent woman. Her words have won Tang Wenhao high praise, which makes him feel embarrassed to play the idea of this hole full baby in the future, let alone hurt her. It is impossible for her not to worry about Tang Wenhao hurting her. After all, Tang Wenhao and she have just met, and he has revealed his purpose. People come for treasure, she said I love Tang Wenhao, but she is not sure that Tang Wenhao loves her so crazy.

But she was generally sure. From the moment Tang Wenhao and Jin Dacai resolutely risked fighting wolves to save their seven lives, she knew that the two Chinese men were very kind. If they were bad people, they could kill them with the help of wolves. No one would know about it. They didn\'t have to do it themselves.

Tang Wenhao saw that Ruan Qin trusted him so much, so he told Ruan Qin his true identity and told her his real intention to urgently need the fund, not to spend too much wine and wine, but to fulfill Ruan Ling\'s wish.

After listening to Tang Wenhao\'s narration, Ruan Qin admired and admired him even more. She said that she would try her best to persuade the government to give Tang Wenhao more rewards, and even persuade the government to build a new plant and expand the scale for Ruan\'s factory. She also said that she had heard of Ruan Ling, because she knew Ruan\'s pharmaceutical and that Ruan\'s head of the family was a beautiful woman. She didn\'t expect to be her own man wife.

"Wen Hao, since you are Ruan\'s uncle and I am your woman, Ruan\'s business is my business. I will try my best to do it for you. Although our unit has no real power, we also have some relations. I\'ll run for you and get some government support funds for Ruan at that time." Ruan Qin smiled.

"Hehe, it doesn\'t matter. Sister Ruan Qin, I just want to fulfill Ruan Ling\'s last wish as soon as possible. In addition, I have so many wives now. I hope to build some comfortable villas for them to stay together. Will you go and live with us in the future?"

"Ah? I really want to, but I can\'t do without my work!" Ruan Qin smiled in embarrassment.

"Can you live without me?" Tang Wenhao said with an obscene smile.

"Oh, bad guy, what can I do without it? I\'m an archaeologist. I can\'t do anything except archaeological research!"

"Ha ha... I think it\'s quite understandable to do... When I move, you know how to cooperate. It\'s a female doctor, knowledgeable and intelligent." Tang Wenhao joked.

"Hee hee, you\'re sarcastic! Villain, I\'ll say you\'re more lecherous than your big brother! Why do you always look at others?" Ruan Qin smiled shyly and charmingly.

"Ha ha, anyway, this is our world." Tang Wenhao said, obviously feeling his reaction again. Shit, Ruan Qin is really a goblin to become a woman. As long as you don\'t talk about archaeology, you can\'t control it.

Ruan Qin also realized that Tang Wenhao wanted to do bad things again. She said with a whiny smile, "Wenhao, you won\'t want to do it again? Don\'t die?"

"Ha ha, what\'s wrong? This is my normal level." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

Ruan Qin smiled contentedly, "do you live like this every day in death valley? Can your wives stand you? Endless?"

"They are never satisfied. Like me, not most of them are pregnant. I am too busy every day." Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Ha ha... How many are there?" Ruan Qin smiled.

"Nearly twenty, half of them are pregnant." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Ah? So many? Don\'t you have more than a dozen children at once? By the way, I\'m in danger now. I\'m sure I\'ll be pregnant!" Ruan Qin asked anxiously.

"Of course, I\'ve never let my women down. I\'m sure if you\'re really in danger, we\'ll have children in ten months." Tang Wenhao smiled proudly.

"Ah? How can I do that? My thesis must be in the critical period. If I\'m really going to be pregnant, my work will stop. Wen Hao, what should I do?" Ruan Qin said with a frown.

"Then I can\'t manage so much, sister Ruan Qin. Don\'t care so much. How nice we are to be happy together!" said Tang Wenhao. His naughty nature rose again and forced others to ask Ruan Qin, "if you want to have children, tell them honestly. If you want our children, I\'ll punish you again.".

After playing enough, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Qin left the ancient cave temporarily. They put on dry clothes and built a thatched house outside the cave. Although Ruan Qin is a female, they have a good set of skills in building a thatched house. After carefully exploring the surrounding environment, Tang Wenhao used local materials according to her design ideas and methods, and built the thatched house in less than two hours.

It turned out that in order to avoid the attack of poisonous snakes and beasts, they built the thatched house on a millennium old tree next to the ancient cave mouth, built hanging stairs, built fences around the cave mouth and designed some mechanism traps to prevent the attack of wild animals.

In this way, from this night, they slept on the big tree every day and lived a happy life of birds in pairs.

A few days later, Ruan Qin led Tang Wenhao to sort out the cultural relics in the ancient cave, but she had to sort them out roughly because she didn\'t have any tools. In order to let Ruan Qin appreciate the amazing style of the rare treasures in the ancient cave, Tang Wenhao knocked down the iron door. Ruan Qin was completely shocked by the style of the treasure. This was the first time she had witnessed such rich treasure in her life, And the compelling charm of these treasures.

"Wenhao, no wonder you want to take them away. It\'s so beautiful. You see, if the value of this night pearl is auctioned, it will be less than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan." under the jewel, Ruan Qin happily picked up a night pearl and said to Tang Wenhao.

Tang Wenhao looked at the hole full of gold bricks, gold bars, jewelry and jade. He regretted that if he didn\'t bring Ruan Qin, all the treasures in it would be his own. He took the night pearl in Ruan Qin\'s hand and couldn\'t put it down.

How beautiful it would be if the night pearl were worn on Manny\'s jade neck! If Ruan Ling had not died, perhaps the night Pearl would have become something on her neck.

"Wenhao, what\'s the matter with you? You don\'t really want to take it away?" Ruan Qin looked at Tang Wenhao with some worry.

"Oh! A little... Hehe, sister Ruan Qin, to tell you the truth, I really regret it. If I don\'t bring you here, all the treasures here are mine, but they are not mine now. However, I want to discuss with you. I really want to take this night pearl. I don\'t want to take it out for auction, but I want to wear it on my wife. I think it\'s so beautiful, even I think this night pearl is spiritual. I like it at first sight, OK? "Tang Wenhao\'s tone was a little excited.

Ruan Qin looked at Tang Wenhao warily and seemed to have doubts about him. Her eyes made Tang Wenhao very unhappy. He felt that his sincerity and dignity had been seriously insulted. Shit, if I was a greedy man, what kind of treasure could I not take away?

Tang Wenhao glanced coldly at Ruan Qin, stuffed the night Pearl back into her hand, and left the treasure cave without looking back.

Ruan Qin saw that Tang Wenhao was angry and rushed out. She realized that her eyes hurt Tang Wenhao. "Wen Hao, don\'t be angry! I just think it\'s a cultural relic and don\'t want to lose it in my hand."

"Your hand? I don\'t bring you here. You can\'t find it all your life. Besides, what\'s the name of loss? I took it away, but I just wore it on my wife. Besides, my wife is also your Vietnamese and hasn\'t lost abroad. Since I fell in love with you and planned to bring you here, I didn\'t want to possess these treasures. If I were greedy Will the rich man bring you here? Can you live to the present? Look at your eyes just now. It\'s a waste of my sincerity and trust in you. Since you don\'t believe me, you can study here yourself! I don\'t want anything and go back. "Then Tang Wenhao climbed into the comfort nest of the two and took down the box of himself and Jin Dacai.

Ruan Qin stood pitifully under the tree. Seeing that Tang Wenhao really wanted to go, tears poured out and held Tang Wenhao. "Wen Hao, don\'t go. I don\'t mean anything else. I\'m just an archaeologist. It\'s not as complicated as you think. Experts always attach great importance to the cultural relics they study and don\'t want them to be lost."