Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 299

Tang Wenhao coldly broke off her hand and didn\'t even look at her. He bent down to lift the box and walked downstream. Ren Ruan Qin didn\'t look back. He made up his mind. If the night pearl didn\'t go away, he was determined to leave here completely, go back to death valley first, focus on doing a good job with Manny later, and don\'t think about the treasure anymore. Shit, for these treasures, My eldest brother can\'t even be a man. Now I can\'t take a night pearl for the woman I love. This woman is not human at all.

Therefore, the more Tang Wenhao thought about it, the more he felt wronged and worthless, and the more angry he became.

Ruan Qin followed him for two miles. Seeing that Tang Wenhao\'s expression was still cold and dismissive, his heart suddenly cooled. He couldn\'t help but stop and cried sadly, "Wen Hao, don\'t you love me at all? Don\'t you know I can\'t live for a few days after you leave? You really have the heart to leave me alone in the mountains and wild forests and feed the wolf? But I love you!" he said, crying loudly.

The sad cry immediately defeated Tang Wenhao\'s confidence in moving forward. His heart suddenly hurt. He couldn\'t help putting his luggage on the grass. Looking back at Ruan Qin, the best young woman burst into tears and looked at him expectantly.

He turned and walked to her side. Naturally, he opened his arms. Ruan Qin jumped into his broad arms and cried. She was right. If she left her, she would not live for a few days. Tang Wenhao also had feelings for her. These days, the two people work together in addition to work. There is no day or night. They do it when they think about it. Tang Wenhao has strong demand, Ruan Qin is responsive to his needs. Under his training, he has made rapid progress in this field and will take the initiative to cooperate or even attack.

Some people say that love comes out of relationships, which has a certain reason. Tang Wenhao falls in love with Ruan Ling and Manny\'s beautiful twin sisters not because of relationships. Almost all of her beauties fall in love with them because of relationships.

Moreover, the current state of the two is very similar to the situation when he and sister Ah Mui were together at that time. Lonely men and few women are tired of being together every day, and their feelings naturally develop very fast day and night.

But when she thought that she had given up for her purpose of coming here and asked her to look at herself with that kind of eyes, she felt very uncomfortable and said with a strong forbearance of anger, "Sister Ruan Qin, I can\'t stand you looking at me with that kind of eyes, and I think I don\'t want too much. Have you ever thought about it? My eldest brother almost left his life here because he entered the mountain this time, and I don\'t know whether he is alive or dead now. He is also for you? If you have a conscience, can you leave alive without us? You die here, Who dares to enter the mountain for Archaeology in the future? It can be said that your government will not send people to archaeology for decades. For decades, we have shipped all the treasures inside and taken them abroad. Besides, I just love my wife and want to wear the night pearl on her, because in my heart, she is the only one in the world who deserves the night pearl If Ruan Ling hadn\'t died, the Pearl of the night would have been worn around their sisters\' necks. Can you hold it in your hand? You\'re also a doctor. Don\'t you know anything about human and worldly wisdom? I don\'t want you to be grateful, but you can\'t look at your man with that kind of distrustful eyes? "Tang Wenhao vented his dissatisfaction with Ruan Qin.

"Wen Hao, I said, I\'m just an archaeologist. I\'m not as complicated as you think. Go back with me! If you really want to go, you can kill me here directly! I have no regrets to die in your hands, because I love you. My life is yours. Without you, I don\'t even have the motivation to live." Ruan Qin cried emotionally.

"Hum! Your life is not mine, it\'s your archaeological career. If it were me, you wouldn\'t look at me like that. Sister Ruan Qin, say another word, you should come with me. For the sake of our husband and wife, I\'ll take you out. After going out, you should stay with me. I will love you and hurt you as always. If you want to stay, I can\'t help it , I\'m not interested in the treasures in the cave now, so stay with your cultural relics! "Said Tang Wenhao, looking at Ruan Qin very seriously.

Ruan Qin didn\'t expect that Tang Wenhao was so stubborn. She secretly regretted that she shouldn\'t doubt Tang Wenhao\'s motives. He really did his utmost to himself and his motherland, but she would still doubt him. What should I do now? How can I save his heart?

Ruan Qin knew that the easiest way for a woman to heal a man\'s pain was to give him herself completely and let him pour out his dissatisfaction with himself in his body, so as to alleviate the tension. So she hugged Tang Wenhao\'s waist tightly and kept whirling his body, whining in her sweet lips, "Wen Hao, don\'t be angry. I know I\'m wrong. Anyway, I won\'t let you leave me. I love you. I can\'t leave you. You love me!"

Tang Wenhao knew that Ruan Qin was courting him. Although his anger did not subside, his frustrated body soon couldn\'t carry it. Ruan Qin felt his reaction and knew it was time. She quickly touched Tang Wenhao with her jade hand

After the passion, they both smiled with infinite satisfaction.

This is the case between men and women. They fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. Once things are done, they are cool, and any contradictions can be resolved.

"Hehe, Wen Hao, I knew you wouldn\'t be so cruel to leave me here alone. I\'ll rely on you in the future. Wen Hao, if you don\'t want me, I can\'t live." Ruan Qin whined.

"Alas! Sister Ruan Qin, there are so many treasures in the cave. Do you really refuse to give a night pearl to my wife? This is my only request. I\'m not for money, but because I like the night pearl too much. It\'s really suitable for my wife." Tang Wenhao said, looking at Ruan Qin seriously.

Ruan Qin was afraid that Tang Wenhao would leave her again, nodded and said, "Wen Hao, go back and take the night pearl with you! From now on, it will be your wife\'s, and I don\'t know about it!"

Tang Wenhao looked at her in surprise and asked, "really, sister Ruan Qin, did you really promise?"

"Well, Wen Hao, I promised. It was originally yours. As you said, if you don\'t tell me, don\'t mention the Pearl of the night, you can take all the treasures there. No one will find them. However, you still brought me. It can be seen that you are not a greedy man, which also shows that you are sincere to me. I can\'t hurt your heart too much. Let\'s try again He said, "Wen Hao, if I let you leave me because I broke your heart, what\'s the meaning of living? I can\'t live for a few days. My life is gone. What else can I study?"

"Sister Ruan Qin, are you forced to promise?"

"No, no, Wenhao, don\'t get me wrong. I\'m sincere. I\'ve figured it out. Really, I can\'t just consider my own feelings. I really should consider your feelings. Besides, your eldest brother almost took his life for us. Now I don\'t know what the situation is." Ruan Qin said sincerely.

Tang Wenhao saw that Ruan Qin was accepted by himself. Just accept it when you see it! So they got up from the grass. Ruan Qin glanced at herself and smiled shyly, "take me to the river to wash!"

"Hehe, who let me seduce me?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile, then picked her up and walked to the river.

Tang Wenhao took Ruan Qin to the river and washed it in the fast flowing river for a few minutes. Tang Wenhao took her ashore again and returned to the ancient cave with his box. He climbed up their thatched hut again and put things back.

They got into the ancient cave. Ruan Qin personally handed the dazzling night pearl to Tang Wenhao, and then motioned Tang Wenhao to close the iron door again and seal it. She said that it would not be opened until the government took over the ancient cave.

Tang Wenhao also respected her opinion, put away the night pearl and began to help her work again.

A few days later, Ruan Qin felt that she should go back to their last archaeological site. According to their plan, the six people should come back. If they didn\'t see her and Tang Wenhao, they must think something had happened to them.

Tang Wenhao also wanted to go back and have a look. He wanted to know the news of Jin Dacai so much that they set out with a gun.

After several days of fine weather, the river was not as fierce as last time, and the water level was lower. Tang Wenhao crossed the main river with Ruan Qin in his arms. After landing, they quickly walked towards the archaeological site.

However, after a hard day\'s trek, they were stunned when they arrived at the archaeological site.

The remaining tents at the scene were still there, but there were no other items. There was no way to take away except the items burned to ashes. There were no detectors and other things. It can be said that there were no reusable tools and items left at the scene, which shocked and saddened Ruan Qin.

"Wen Hao, how can this happen? You see, there are footprints. Have Professor Ruan and they have come?" Ruan Qin asked in surprise, pointing to the footprints on the ground.

Tang Wenhao said, "Sister Ruan Qin, there is no doubt that someone must have come here. As for who came, I don\'t know. When we left, it rained heavily, and there should be many items in the tent that haven\'t been burned, but now there\'s nothing. It\'s no use for ordinary people to take those things. It should be your colleagues who came back. Maybe they\'re nearby! Maybe They thought it was too dangerous and chose another living address. "

"Well, maybe! Come on, let\'s look in the nearby woods and the river." Ruan Qin said.

"OK, be careful. This place is very unsafe now. If the wolves still have revenge, they may be waiting for us nearby." Tang Wenhao looked around cautiously, and Ruan Qin looked around warily.