Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 297

When Ruan Qin reached the deepest part of the ancient cave, Tang Wenhao gave Ruan Qin the flashlight. She picked up the flashlight and shone it around. She was even more surprised. She found that the cave was simply a palace of culture and art. The surrounding walls were full of murals, on which many ancient men and women, adults and children, monks, dancers and adults were farming, Hunting, children playing under the trees, grazing, monks, some cross legged meditation, some bowing, and even some men and women hugging together. Ruan Qin was very excited, but she also looked very embarrassed, the same as Ah Mui\'s expression last time.

"Xiaoqiang, you know what? You made my dream come true ten, even twenty, thirty, forty years ahead of time. I made a vow that I must find the truth of this civilization and restore its true colors in this life. Xiaoqiang, you are so great. Why didn\'t you say it earlier? If you had said it earlier, we Professor Ruan will certainly not go back, and neither will their other colleagues "Yes." Ruan Qin hugged Tang Wenhao in surprise, wept with joy, and kept kissing Tang Wenhao\'s lips.

For an archaeologist, Tang Wenhao\'s unintentional discovery made her ideal completed ahead of time. Of course, she was very surprised. She was so excited that she didn\'t know what to do. Only by hugging and kissing Tang Wenhao could she express her gratitude and excitement to Tang Wenhao.

Tang Wenhao had no women for many days, so when Ruan Qin kissed his lips without scruples, Tang Wenhao really couldn\'t stand it. Like a volcanic eruption, he threw away his things and hugged her tightly. Then he catered to Ruan Qin\'s kiss, immediately turned passive into active, and quickly tore off Ruan Qin\'s wet clothes.

When they were tired of playing, Tang Wenhao brought in the dry food in the box outside to eat. After they had enough to eat and drink, they lit a fire, dried their clothes, lay on the hay they laid last time, hugged each other and had a good sleep.

"Xiaoqiang, how can you be so energetic? Aren\'t you tired? If you go on like this, I will be tossed to death by you sooner or later." Ruan Qin smiled contentedly after waking up.

"Happy death?" Tang Wenhao smiled proudly.

"Hehe, also, Xiaoqiang, what do you do? You must not be just a fashion designer. Look at you, your Kung Fu is so powerful and your body is so strong. I don\'t think our Vietnamese special police are necessarily your opponent!" Ruan Qin smiled curiously.

Tang Wenhao touched her and said with an obscene smile, "you Vietnamese special police are definitely not my opponent. At least they are definitely not as good as me in bed, right? Ha ha."

"Ha ha... Xiaoqiang, I just found out that you are more lecherous than your big brother. You\'ve been hiding, haven\'t you?" Ruan Qin said with a smile.

"Sister Ruan Qin, it\'s not called hiding, okay? I\'m putting up with it. A beauty like you always seduces me, and I\'ll go crazy if I bear it again. I can only say that I\'m letting nature take its course now. Anyway, it\'s already like this. It\'s not good for you or me to bear it again, is it?" Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Well, it\'s not a good thing to be patient with men. If you want to think about it in the future, sister Ruan Qin is always your person. Xiaoqiang, I think I really love you. In addition to you bringing me to this magical place and completing my research decades in advance, you also let me experience a happiness I\'ve never had before. I know that I must fall in love with you and be with you You are especially down-to-earth and have a sense of security. You are younger than Chen Tai, but you are more manly than Chen Tai. I like the bad smell on you. "

"Hehe, am I bad?" Tang Wenhao knew that the beautiful archaeologist had completely become her own prisoner. She couldn\'t leave herself in this life.

"Hee hee, aren\'t you bad? Hehe, but I like your bad." Ruan Qin smiled happily.

"Ha ha... So you women are also lecherous! Sister Ruan Qin, ask you a question!" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Hehe, ask! As long as it is my Xiaoqiang\'s question, I will answer unconditionally." Ruan Qin hugged Tang Wenhao and smiled happily.

"Hehe, sister Ruan Qin, is it true that you don\'t care about money or fame and wealth?" Tang Wenhao asked with a smile. He wanted to know Ruan Qin\'s real thoughts. He knew that as long as Ruan Qin knew this place, the priceless treasures in the cave wall could not be hidden, because she was an archaeologist, She won\'t miss studying any inch of the ancient cave, so she will find the treasure sooner or later.

At the same time, Tang Wenhao also knows that the beautiful archaeologist in his arms has deeply fallen in love with himself. He also likes her. He won\'t hurt her. Even if he kills her, the treasure in it is still his own. No one, whether the military or the police, will find her here. They all think she was eaten by wild animals, so, For Tang Wenhao, there is no risk in killing Ruan Qin.

There is no more risk. Tang Wenhao is reluctant and has no heart to hurt this pure beauty scholar. Not to mention that she is already her own woman, that is, ordinary people. Tang Wenhao, who is kind-hearted by nature, will still not hurt.

But that doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t like the baby inside. He likes it too much. No one will be indifferent to those jewelry. In addition to their great value, their charm is enough to impress anyone.

Ruan Qin smiled and said, "Xiaoqiang, it\'s impossible to say that he doesn\'t care at all. Everyone yearns for a better life, but there are primary and secondary. Money and fame and wealth are nothing for me if they are compared with my research. If everything we have is handed over to our country and our country also provides us with a carefree living environment, that\'s right Fame and wealth is really not a big thing for me. Xiaoqiang, are you hiding something from me? I\'m already your woman, and in the future, no, I\'ll be your woman all my life. You can be honest with me. No matter what you hide from me, according to what you brought me here today, I\'ll thank you all my life. "

Tang Wenhao thought it was time and said with a smile, "hehe, sister Ruan Qin, if I told you that I didn\'t get lost this time, but went into the mountain to dig for treasure, do you believe it?"

Ruan Qin looked at Tang Wenhao in surprise, looked at him and nodded, "Xiaoqiang, I believe, with the skill of you and your brother, you are by no means ordinary tourists. Even if people like you get lost, there will be no problem. Do you come to this ancient cave?"

"Well, sister Ruan Qin, I wandered here by chance. Later, I found that there were many rare treasures in this ancient cave. At that time, I didn\'t take the baby away because of some special reasons. This time, I came in with my eldest brother to take some of my favorite babies out, but we didn\'t want to take them all for ourselves. We just wanted to take some of them out for auction. Now we lack one A lot of money. "

"Ah? You mean there are treasures in our ancient cave?" Ruan Qin looked at Tang Wenhao in surprise.

"Yes, it\'s so rich that you can\'t believe it." Tang Wenhao smiled. At the same time, he was also observing Ruan Qin to see how she would react.

"Oh!... that\'s right. It\'s completely right. It\'s exactly the same as the legend. However, Xiaoqiang, I want to beg you not to think about this treasure, okay?" Ruan Qin asked seriously.

"Why? I came here specially for this. Moreover, my eldest brother almost lost his life for this. Now his life and death are uncertain. You let me give up like this. Give me a reason?" Tang Wenhao also looked at her seriously.

"Hehe, Xiaoqiang, if it\'s true as you said, these treasures are not simple treasures. They are cultural relics and history. The research value of their existence is far greater than what you understand. I\'m an archaeologist. These things have always been priceless treasures in my eyes. They are living records of history. From them, we can find that they have long been Lost historical memory, so I hope you don\'t take anything inside. If you need money, I can apply for a national reward with you. For example, you have found such a large priceless treasure with great cultural relics value. I\'m sure our government\'s reward can meet your requirements, "Ruan Qin said sincerely.

"Really?" Tang Wenhao asked suspiciously.

"Really, our government has relevant regulations. For example, you found a millennium site that we haven\'t found in all dynasties in Vietnam for thousands of years. How much money has been saved for our country? There will certainly be a large amount of reward money for you. You have to trust me." Ruan Qin said seriously.

"How much money do you mean?" Tang Wenhao asked with a smile.

"At least one million yuan will be converted into RMB! It\'s enough for you to live in Vietnam for half your life," Ruan Qin said.

"Hehe, sister Ruan Qin, we can\'t even afford a house in Shanghai, China." Tang Wenhao sneered.

"Xiaoqiang, why don\'t I try my best to apply for more? But promise me not to destroy this place. Everything here is cultural relics. In fact, we shouldn\'t light a fire in it. I\'m afraid to damage the environment and cultural relics. Let\'s go out and sleep in a straw shed later! I\'ll sort out the cultural relics in it bit by bit." Ruan Qin looked around the ancient cave anxiously.

Tang Wenhao saw that Ruan Qin had no interest in the treasure. In an instant, he felt that he really fell in love with this beautiful scholar who regarded money as dirt. A principled person is always the most attractive, especially she is still a beautiful woman.

"Well, sister Ruan Qin, for your sake, I\'ve given up the occupation of all the treasures in the cave. From now on, I\'ll accompany you to protect them. I\'ll give you all the money you apply for?" Tang Wenhao smiled. In fact, he had this feeling in his heart from the moment he decided to bring her. The treasures in the cave may never belong to him.