Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 252

Tang Wenhao wanted to go after him. He was stopped by the black dragon, and the black Feng stopped him. He took his arm and said, "Wen Hao, forget it! Will you talk about it next time? Don\'t make it too difficult for my eldest brother. After all, Abu is my eldest brother\'s younger brother. At least my eldest brother has to defend him in front of my brothers, otherwise my eldest brother can\'t convince everyone."

Tang Wenhao nodded expressionless, giving black Feng face.

"Ha ha, that\'s right! Brother-in-law, brother-in-law really didn\'t expect you to be the man of Ruan Ling in death valley. So Ruan pharmaceutical is yours now? According to Abu, Ruan pharmaceutical\'s employees are young and beautiful girls, is that so?" Heilong asked obscene.

Heifeng looked at his eldest brother Heilong and Tang Wenhao suspiciously and asked, "Wen Hao, is what my eldest brother said true? Is your wife really the landlady of Ruan\'s pharmaceutical? Is she really pregnant with your child? She was killed by Abu together?"

At the mention of Ruan Ling and the unborn child in her belly, Tang Wenhao immediately became excited and responded with grief and indignation, "Sister Feng, yes, what elder brother said is true. However, Ruan\'s pharmaceutical still belongs to Ruan\'s family. Elder brother, Abu Na bastard must have told you! Ruan\'s family also has descendants, Ruan Ling\'s sister Ruan Yu. She has married me and will go to death valley to reorganize Ruan\'s pharmaceutical soon."

"Yes, they as like as two peas," he asked curiously.

"Yes, I fell in love with Ruan Yu at first, but I was not confident at that time. I went to Vietnam to find my wife. As a result, I mistakenly entered Death Valley and met Ruan Ling. Later, after we fell in love, Abu began to play tricks in it and wanted to occupy Death Valley and Ruan Ling. As a result, both sides opened fire. Abu\'s people were killed by us. The boy held a grudge and killed him Tang Wenhao gave a brief introduction to the Heilong brothers and sisters about his marriage with the Ruan sisters.

After hearing this, Heilong nodded and praised Tang Wenhao\'s character and Yanfu. He said that his sister Heifeng found Tang Wenhao and was looking for the right man.

"Brother, do you mean you don\'t force Wen Hao to be your assistant? Can you let Wen Hao go?" Heifeng asked excitedly. Tang Wenhao also looked at Heilong carefully until his reply.

The black dragon smiled cunningly, "hehe, of course, I won\'t force my own brother-in-law. Brother-in-law, my sister can follow a man with your character and ability. I\'m very happy. Of course, I won\'t force you to do things you don\'t like. In the future, as long as you are good to my sister, it\'s easy to say anything."

"Brother, don\'t worry. Since Sister Feng is already my woman, I won\'t be sorry for her. It\'s late today. I want to go back and see Ruan Yi and them, OK?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Ha ha, no, I\'ve asked someone to invite them. Brother-in-law, I already know that ah Hui, the owner of the drugstore, is also your woman? Last night, we carefully watched the video. During the process of your big challenge arena, this woman was almost crying under the stage. Especially when she saw you beaten by K, she was very distressed!" Heilong smiled.

"Hehe, brother, I\'m sorry! I have so many women, don\'t you feel wronged Sister Feng?" Tang Wenhao smiled shamefully.

"No, men! There are many women, which means that they are capable. How many women can\'t be too strong for a man as powerful as his brother-in-law. Brother can figure it out. My sister is willing, and what else I don\'t want. Let\'s go to the Shangri La Hotel, and your two women may have arrived." Heilong smiled.

You mother, I didn\'t expect things to go smoothly. No wonder Heifeng said that as long as he wanted her, her eldest brother Heilong couldn\'t help him. It seems that Heilong really loves his sister.

Tang Wenhao and Heifeng sat in Heilong\'s Cadillac and soon arrived at Shangri La Hotel, the only five-star hotel in Langshan.

Black dragon didn\'t take advantage of him. In a big box, Tang Wenhao really saw Ruan Yi and sister ah Hui. The two beauties were stunned when they saw Tang Wenhao being held by a very sexy and charming woman!

Tang Wenhao was a little embarrassed to go to ah Hui and Ruan Yi and introduced Heifeng to two beautiful women. The two sisters also knew that an excellent man like Tang Wenhao could not monopolize them. They were originally given to Tang Wenhao by ah Jie Ruan Ling, so it was easy to understand and communicate.

Besides, they also see that Tang Wenhao can\'t afford to offend Heifeng because she is Heilong\'s sister. Maybe their combination is good for everyone.

"Landlady, Miss Ruan Yi, since you are all my brother-in-law\'s women, you are a family. Don\'t worry. In the future, when you are in Liangshan, as long as someone dares to touch you, you will tell me Heilong and I will help you,... Miss Ruan Yi, did Chen Xinxiong promise to divorce you? You can only be my brother-in-law\'s woman, not your feet Step on two boats, "said the black dragon with a bad smile.

Ruan Yi was flushed by the black dragon and said shyly, "brother black dragon, we left at 10 a.m."

Tang Wenhao looked at her in surprise, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart. He knew that Ruan Yi could be his woman openly and aboveboard from now on.

"Ha ha, that\'s good! Brother-in-law, brother envies you very much! I can remind you that I have so much energy to deal with so many beauties! My sister has a big appetite. Don\'t regret it if she can\'t eat it!"

"Brother, did you say that about your sister?" heifengjiao smiled.

Next, everyone chatted very naturally. Heifeng made a suggestion to ah Hui and Ruan Yi. She wanted her eldest brother to buy her a big villa in Liangshan and let ah Hui and Ruan Yi move in. Their sisters served Tang Wenhao together and said that everyone would take care of him.

Heilong didn\'t even hesitate. He immediately agreed to his sister\'s proposal. He said that as long as Tang Wenhao agreed, he would immediately ask his men to look for high-grade single family villas, swimming pools and fitness venues.

Tang Wenhao turned his eyes to ah Hui and Ruan Yi. The two beauties fully agreed and said that there was another sister, Qing\'er, who was also Tang Wenhao\'s woman. At that time, he also moved in together. Heifeng said there was no problem. He could move in together with Ruan Xi and Ruan Ping.

Tang Wenhao\'s heart is so beautiful! There is also a fixed place in Liangshan. It\'s refreshing!

During the dinner, ah Hui told Tang Wenhao to call sister Ah Mei later. Sister Ah Mei will call to ask Tang Wenhao about her situation these two nights. She will be worried to death in death valley.

Sister a Hui\'s words also reminded Tang Wenhao that he had to call Jin Dacai. Otherwise, the Jin family\'s father and son and sister-in-law a Ying must be worried about his safety.

Where\'s Manny? Big brother won\'t tell her about the big challenge arena, will he? Tang Wenhao thought to himself, it\'s time to call Manny, but how? She wants to ask about ah Ling. How can she answer her? This is a problem that Tang Wenhao has never dared to face. We\'d better wait until we meet her back!

After having enough to eat and drink, Heilong opened a luxury suite for Tang Wenhao and Heifeng in Shangri La, saying that they would spend their honeymoon in Shangri La. Tang Wenhao said it was unnecessary, but Heilong insisted. Heifeng also said it was necessary, but Tang Wenhao had to agree.

Tang Wenhao wanted sister ah Hui and Ruan Yi to accompany him and Heifeng, but Heilong said to himself that he should let his sister be a comfortable bride these days and wait for him to buy a new villa for them and move in directly.

Tang Wenhao was so enthusiastic about his uncle Heilong\'s matchmaking with himself and his sister. He was so concerned about himself. He was both grateful and confused. He always felt that he was not practical, but he didn\'t know what was not practical.

Three days later, Heilong actually chose a single family villa, Dragon Palace villa, for his sister Heifeng, which is located in the outer suburb of Langshan into death valley. There are only 20 villas in the whole villa area. It is said that it is the most luxurious high-end villa in North Vietnam. It is specially developed by developers for foreign investors. The decoration fee alone is equivalent to 5000 yuan per square meter, which is for Vietnam, It\'s a sky high price house. Only gangsters like black dragon can afford it.

Under the arrangement of Heilong, Tang Wenhao moved into the new villa with all the beautiful women on the fourth day. It can be said that Tang Wenhao\'s childhood is better than that in death valley. The environment and conditions here are far better than those in death valley. Moreover, with Heilong, his uncle, he no longer has to live in hiding. In the words of Heilong, as long as Tang Wenhao makes his sister Heifeng comfortable, In Liangshan, he doesn\'t have to worry about anything.

But Tang Wenhao neither wanted to enjoy the tenderness of beautiful women such as Heifeng, Ruan Yi, sister ah Hui, Ruan Xi and Ruan Ping, nor was he interested in enjoying this luxurious material life. His heart had long floated back to Shanghai, China, and back to Manny and Ganoderma lucidum.

Two days ago, he talked to Manny on the phone and said that Manny had completely entered the normal track. She asked Tang Wenhao to go back to pick her up immediately. She missed him and her sister Ruan Ling very much, and Ganoderma lucidum girl was anxious about Tang Wenhao because she missed and worried about Tang Wenhao. She had gone to Manny to find Tang Wenhao. At present, she lives with Manny and mother-in-law a Xiang.

Manny asked about Ruan Ling. Tang Wenhao made up a lie and said that she was rectifying in death valley, so Manny didn\'t have to worry about it. But Manny said that she always felt flustered and restless a few days ago, and couldn\'t contact Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling. She was worried about them and always felt that something had happened.

Tang Wenhao asked Manny when it was. The date she said happened to be the day Ruan Ling jumped off the cliff. Tang Wenhao thought, it\'s a twin sister in the end. She has a good heart! Maybe Ruan Ling was thinking of her sister Manny when she jumped off the cliff!

When talking to ganoderma lucidum on the phone, she always mentioned Ruan Ling, sister Ah Mui and the three sisters of lotus. After all, she had feelings with several beautiful women, so Tang Wenhao basically endured suffering when talking to her. He had to deal with Ganoderma lucidum\'s concern for several beautiful women and endure the pain of losing ah Ling and lotus.

Heifeng was surprised to know that Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er were going to sneak back. Tang Wenhao told her the real reason. Of course, he didn\'t tell her that he was the one who killed more than a dozen Vietnamese soldiers. He just said that he came here last time. This time, it\'s best to sneak back. In the future, he will go in and out through legal channels. In this way, his identity will be legal and it\'s convenient to do things. Heifeng just ignored it, He said that as long as her brother Heilong was there, he wouldn\'t even have a passport. He could get Tang Wenhao a Vietnamese ID card, but Tang Wenhao refused. He said he didn\'t want to rely on Heilong. He wanted to solve the problem in his own way.