Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 251

"No, they are much younger than my aunt. My aunt is twice as big as them. Don\'t I find myself two strong love enemies?" Heifeng refused Tang Wenhao.

"Hehe, beauty, to tell you the truth, more than half of all my women are not over 20 years old, but do you know who my favorite and favorite woman is?"

"Who?" asked Heifeng suspiciously.

"My wife, she is three years older than me, and my wife, her sister, is seven or eight years older than me." Tang Wenhao refers to Ruan Ling, Manny and sister Ah Mei. These three sisters are indeed the most important in his heart.

"Really? Boy, do you like women older than you?" Heifeng asked in surprise.

"No, but their sisters may have a deeper fate with me. In short, you don\'t have to worry about who competes with you. In my eyes, all my women are the object of my love. Just like Ruan Yi, she is not my favorite woman, but I will still work hard for her. Isn\'t that enough?"

"Enough, as long as you can fight with others for me, I\'m willing to be your concubine."

"Do you still eat the vinegar of Ruan Xi and Ruan Ping?"

"No, but my eldest brother may not agree. If you take me away, you have to take his men away. He won\'t lose his wife and lose his soldiers?"

"Whoever asks him to make a trick for me will be cracked as long as he makes a trick for me, because a woman who has been my woman can never leave me. I have this confidence." Tang Wenhao smiled proudly.

"Smelly boy, my aunt can\'t live without you before she\'s your woman! Don\'t you really want me? Boy, don\'t make me sad any more? I\'m going to be your woman now, and I\'ll let you die for me in the future." Heifeng took the initiative to hug Tang Wenhao, passed her sweet lips, and waited for Tang Wenhao to attack her.

Tang Wenhao felt that the time was ripe and there was no need to hold himself back enough, so he held her to the table and pressed her whole body up

Tang Wenhao smiled triumphantly on his face. He knew that Heilong had nothing to do with himself since then, because his baby sister could no longer be separated from himself. He had completely accepted her.

After waking her up, Heifeng hugged him and couldn\'t let go. Tang Wenhao was hungry and thirsty. He didn\'t eat or drink water all morning.

"Boy, I still want to eat after dinner. Let my sisters send the meal here! Let\'s continue after dinner." Heifeng said.

"Hehe, OK, let\'s go! It\'s up to you to settle your brother. As long as you can settle your brother, we\'ll have a good life in the future. In addition, try to take Ruan Xi and Ruan Ping away." he said, holding Heifeng\'s jade arm and opening the door.

"Don\'t worry! My brother is my sister. I\'m already your woman. No one dares to force you to do anything."

Looking outside, sure enough, there was no one in the whole basement. They were cleaned out by Heilong. They smiled at each other, got on the elevator and went directly to Heilong\'s office.

However, when the two of them arrived at Heilong\'s office, there was a man standing next to Heilong. Tang Wenhao was anxious at the sight of him. He threw off Heifeng and suddenly ran up.

"Beast, I\'ll kill you." Tang Wenhao roared.

It turned out that the person standing behind the black dragon was no one else. It was Abu who forced Ruan Ling to jump off the cliff and raped and killed the lotus. The black dragon\'s bodyguard immediately stopped Tang Wenhao.

Abu sneered at Tang Wenhao. Heifeng looked puzzled. He walked over and pointed to the black dragon with Tang Wenhao\'s arm and asked, "brother, what\'s going on? Why did my man kill Abu?"

"Ha ha... Sister, it\'s all a misunderstanding. Abu accidentally killed Mr. Tang\'s wife and woman. At that time, there was a festival between them, which had nothing to do with our black dragon gang. It was before the Abu brothers surrendered to our black dragon gang. My brother wants them to shake hands and give my brother face today. Mr. Tang, since you are already my brother-in-law, I invite you In the face of me and my sister, let go of brother Abu. Brother Abu also said that he will no longer be an enemy with you in the future. He will no longer interfere in the affairs of your death valley. How about? "The black dragon smiled.

"Ah? Wen Hao, what my brother said is true? Did Abu kill your wife and woman?" Heifeng asked with concern.

Tang Wenhao\'s tears instantly dropped from Jun\'s eyes. He endured his grief, pointed to Abu and said angrily, "Abu, you can\'t escape. I swear I will avenge my wife, children and my women. Brother Heilong, it\'s not that I don\'t give you face, but that I kill my wife and children. I can\'t do it. Brother Heilong, you know? He killed three of my women in total. Can I let him go? How can I live up to my dead women in heaven Ling, either he or I die today, and only one of us can survive. "Tang Wenhao\'s handsome eyes have revealed a strong killing opportunity, and he hates Abu in his heart.

Abu knew Tang Wenhao\'s power and retreated in fear, while the eagle claw king and the iron leg King blocked his body in front of Tang Wenhao.

"Brother Wen Hao, ah Ling\'s death was an accident. I never wanted to kill her. I have feelings for her. I can\'t be willing to kill her. I didn\'t think she was pregnant with your child. As for ah Ju, you saw that ah Xiong killed her, not me. I just think that the little girl\'s death was indeed... We did something too much... I\'ll admit my mistake, OK "Is that right?"

"No, do you want to write off the hatred between us when you admit your mistake? You delusion, Abu, I must kill you to avenge my women. You two get out of the way! Don\'t think you beat me last night. You can win me today? Last night, I told you." Tang Wenhao said angrily, and then glared at the eagle claw king and the iron leg king.

This angered them, and the eagle claw king shouted, "OK, smelly boy, you\'d better not let us today. If you want to kill brother Abu, you can put us down first!"

"Ruan Biao, Chen Ba, if you dare to touch my man, I want your head to blossom immediately." then Heifeng took out a pistol from his waist and pointed the muzzle at the head of the eagle claw king.

"Sister, stop. It\'s none of your business here. My brother decides everything. Put down the gun and don\'t get angry." the black dragon shouted quickly.

Tang Wenhao was very moved that Heifeng protected himself so much. Heilong\'s sister has completely become her own woman.

But he didn\'t want Heifeng to participate in the hatred between him and Abu, so he also said to Heifeng, "Sister Feng, you go aside! This is between me and Abu, the son of a bitch. We\'ll solve everything by ourselves. Eagle Claw king and iron leg king, you\'d better get away. I said that I asked you last night. Don\'t force me to kill." Tang Wenhao said, secretly lucky, he wanted to remove the obstacles in front at one fell swoop.

Black dragon saw the killing intention from Tang Wenhao\'s eyes. Worried that the situation was out of control, he quickly stood up and walked to Tang Wenhao, "Brother in law, why don\'t you let go of the hatred between you and brother Abu? Today is a happy day for you and my sister, and it\'s not suitable for fighting and killing. Brother, go outside and set up a few tables to celebrate the perfect combination of you two first. What about other things later?"

"Brother, no, I swore when I saw the remains of my woman lotus. As long as I met the beast Abu, I would kill him. I must avenge the lotus. Brother, do you know? My woman lotus was ruined to death by the beasts Abu. After death, the body was eaten by wild wolves. When we found her, there were only a few bones, Brother, do you think such hatred can be resolved? Can my conscience be at ease if I don\'t avenge them? Therefore, no matter what you say, I must end it with him today. "

As soon as Tang Wenhao said this, Abu\'s head began to sweat. He didn\'t expect that Tang Wenhao had taken Heifeng, Heilong\'s sister, in just two days. His eldest brother, Heilong, had become Tang Wenhao\'s eldest brother, and his relationship must be closer than himself. This was unexpected.

Today, he came back from the outside. He heard that the brothers in Huaxiang never sleeps were preaching Tang Wenhao and passed Tang Wenhao on. He watched Tang Wenhao\'s challenge arena. He saw that it was Tang Wenhao. At that time, he was very beautiful. He thought that as long as he told black dragon about Tang Wenhao\'s true identity, he could certainly get rid of him by the hand of black dragon. Unexpectedly, Tang Wenhao had given black phoenix to him.

Seeing that Tang Wenhao\'s heart and will to kill Abu are indestructible, Heilong is in a dilemma. Agreeing that Tang Wenhao will fight Abu here is undoubtedly tantamount to killing Abu, because he knows that Abu\'s Kung Fu and Tang Wenhao\'s Kung Fu are not at the same level at all, and Tang Wenhao will kill Abu within a few moves; if he doesn\'t agree, Tang Wenhao will have extreme behavior, If, as Tang Wenhao said, he let Ruan Biao and Chen Ba kill them last night, and now he really killed his two close bodyguards in order to kill Abu, he won\'t lose much. Ruan Biao and Chen Ba are much higher in his heart than Abu.

Thinking of this, he smiled and patted Tang Wenhao on the shoulder and said, "brother-in-law, otherwise, you and Abu\'s hatred, brother, don\'t care. You can solve it in your own way."

As soon as Abu heard this, Putong knelt down. Even Ruan Biao and Chen Ba were surprised. Ruan Biao said, "brother, can\'t you? Brother Abu is loyal to you. He\'s not Mr. Tang\'s opponent at all. Don\'t you care. Don\'t let brother Abu die?"

"Presumptuous, I have my own way, and I didn\'t say to let them do it now! In this way, brother-in-law, you give big brother a face. After all, this is big brother\'s territory, Abu is also big brother\'s brother, and you are big brother\'s brother-in-law. This relationship, if you do it here, won\'t it make big brother difficult? Big brother means that if you leave big brother\'s territory, anywhere, You can seek revenge from brother Abu, except today, because you have just been with my sister. You can\'t let my sister follow you and see you kill! "Heilong said, winking from Abu and motioning to get out quickly. Abu got up quickly and left his office under the protection of Chen Ba and Ruan Biao.