Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 253

Heifeng stayed with Tang Wenhao day and night over the past few days and had a certain understanding of his character and temper. She didn\'t insist too much for fear of causing Tang Wenhao\'s unhappiness, but she wanted to go with Tang Wenhao. Tang Wenhao didn\'t agree and said there was no need to let her go to China, and her identity became illegal again.

On this day, Qing\'er finally returned from her hometown and completed her passport. When Tang Wenhao and Heifeng received her from the Dragon Palace villa, she was stunned. Tang Wenhao told her all the recent events. The little girl repeatedly exclaimed. Unexpectedly, there were so many things happening after less than 20 days\' separation. Now she and sister ah Hui, Sister Ruan also lived in such a luxurious villa.

At present, the room arrangement in the Dragon Palace villa is that Heifeng, ah Hui and Ruan Yi live alone, and Ruan Xi and Ruan Ping live together. When Qing\'er comes back, Heifeng arranges Qing\'er in Ruan Yi\'s room and lets them live in one.

A few days later, Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er\'s preparations were all ready. They began to set off for Gaoping. In order to facilitate contact, Heifeng bought Tang Wenhao a mobile phone. When they separated from the beautiful women, the beautiful women were reluctant to give up. Tears filled their beautiful eyes, which moved Tang Wenhao very much.

At the parting moment, Heifeng asked again with concern, "baby, really don\'t tell my brother? He can provide protection for you, so I\'m also reassured!" now Heifeng and their title to Tang Wenhao have changed with sister ah Hui. Ah Hui told Heifeng that all women of Tang Wenhao call him baby, and she also thinks it\'s comfortable to call him baby, I soon got used to it.

"Hehe, Sister Feng, it\'s okay. I know what\'s going on. Don\'t worry! I\'ll never be okay." he said and took Qing\'er\'s little hand into the taxi.

Gaoping province is located in a mountainous area and is dominated by agriculture. The main crops are rice and corn. Due to the constraints of history, geography and transportation, Gaoping\'s economy has obviously lagged behind other provinces in Vietnam for a long time. The per capita GDP of the province is less than half of the national average of Vietnam. However, the poorer the place is, it is easy to do things as long as money is made, So Aya said to find local villagers and spend some money to get out of the country safely.

Qing\'er, who is in love, is naturally the most relaxed when she can come out alone with Tang Wenhao this time. She said that although the Dragon Palace is very good, life is very comfortable, and all sisters treat her well, she always feels that there is too little time alone with Tang Wenhao. She likes to enjoy Tang Wenhao\'s love alone.

Other beauties are not like her, and their mentality is relatively peaceful. When Tang Wenhao looks for them, they will happily cater to him. If Tang Wenhao doesn\'t look for them, they will honestly wait for his luck and won\'t pester Tang Wenhao to ask for it all day. This is the rule set by Heifeng and ah Hui. No woman is allowed to be jealous, which makes Tang Wenhao feel heavy, Let him have absolute freedom in this regard. Whoever he wants, he will accompany him happily. He can\'t complain about him without his turn.

But Qing\'er is different. He will always discharge Tang Wenhao when everyone doesn\'t pay attention..

After more than two hours\' drive, Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er got off at a place called Badou mountain. According to the route drawn by Aya at that time, entering the jungle from Badou mountain and approaching Tuolong port is the nearest. Although Badou mountain road is more dangerous, it is very convenient. As long as you find local villagers and give them some money, they will take you out of the country safely, These villagers almost go in and out of the border every day. Tang Wenhao planned that after Qing\'er found the villagers with him, he would send Qing\'er to Gaoping and ask her to leave the country after her visa. He would find a high-end hotel in Longzhou, Guangxi and wait for him.

What Tang Wenhao as like as two peas in the woods is that the sneak journey is surprisingly smooth. It is almost the same as Aya said. They went deep into the jungle according to Aya\'s route map, and found the village in the mountain and the local villagers, only two hundred yuan was fix.

After sending Qing\'er out of the dense forest, Tang Wenhao and his fellow villagers returned to the border. Tang Wenhao\'s grandfather was from Longzhou, China. His hometown was in the village opposite the border. Later, he fell in love with the girls in the stockade here and settled here. Therefore, they all have border people\'s permits and can go in and out at will, but no one in their village will choose to go in and out through formal channels, Because the mountain road ten minutes out of their stockade entered Longzhou, and it took more than an hour to pass through Tuolong port.

After the fellow villagers took him to Longzhou, Tang Wenhao gave the fellow villagers hundreds of dollars more in order to leave a way for the future. He was so happy that he couldn\'t close his mouth. He even said thank you!

When he arrived at his own site, Tang Wenhao was not afraid of anything. According to the guidance of his fellow villagers, he stepped out of the mountain forest. After turning in the forest for more than half an hour, he arrived at the Shuikou port of Longzhou, and spent another 200 yuan to hitchhike to Longzhou.

Before he arrived in Longzhou, Tang Wenhao received a call from Qing\'er, saying that she had been waiting for her in Longzhou hotel. Tang Wenhao said that he was also on the way. Everything was going well, which reassured Qing\'er.

There was nothing to say on the road. For more than an hour, Tang Wenhao saw Qing\'er waiting anxiously in Longzhou hotel. After they met again a few hours apart, they hugged each other tightly.

After staying in Longzhou hotel for one night, they flew to Shanghai Pudong airport early the next morning. At noon, the plane slowly landed at Pudong airport. Manny and Ganoderma lucidum waited at the airport exit early. After meeting, they held each other tightly.

"Baby, I miss you so much." Manny smiled with tears in her eyes.

Tang Wenhao was also full of tears, but his heart was tangled. He knew that Manny would ask Ruan Ling about them. If she asked, how should she answer? I\'d better go back to the company and explain to her!

"Wen Hao, Ruan Ling, sister Ah Mei and Sister Lotus are all right?" Ruan Ling smiled before she could ask.

"Oh... Everything is fine. Let me introduce you. This is Qing\'er, and this is sister Manny and sister Ganoderma lucidum." Tang Wenhao quickly introduced Qing\'er to Manny and sister Ganoderma lucidum.

Manny is such a person, President of a large enterprise. At a glance, Qing\'er knows that this girl is very smart, so she likes the little girl from the bottom of her heart. Lingzhi also likes her very much. She thinks her temperament is very like lotus. Of course, Qing\'er also likes Manny and her sisters very much.

As soon as the three arrived at Mans, Jin Dacai\'s phone arrived, "brother, we\'re at mans door."

"Brother, come in! We\'re in Manny\'s office." Tang Wenhao replied.

After the two brothers met, they patted each other on the shoulder and hugged each other tightly. Then, Tang Wenhao said hello to her sister-in-law a Ying. This time a Ying\'s stomach obviously pushed up. After all, it has been several months. After seeing Tang Wenhao, her beautiful eyes were ashamed, but very happy.

Originally, Tang Wenhao wanted to immediately announce what happened in the death valley, but after seeing Ah Ying, he was a little impatient. Jin Dacai immediately saw the problem, and contacted Tang Wenhao\'s fight in the underground ring not long ago. He hurriedly asked, "brother, just tell me what you have! You\'re not an outsider."

Manny also felt that Tang Wenhao was a little upset when he came back this time. Her heart sank and asked, "baby, what\'s the matter? Is something really wrong with ah Ling?"

Tang Wenhao adjusted his mood, but when he thought of Ruan Ling, her baby in her stomach and the few remaining bones of lotus, tears surged out and choked, "well, ah Ling and lotus are... Dead." then he burst into tears.

Manny was stunned! Meimou burst into tears. Meimou closed her eyes, covered her chest and almost fell. Tang Wenhao held her in an arrow. "Manny, you must be strong! It\'s all because I didn\'t protect her."

Ah Ying immediately cried, "sister, sister... Poor sister." Jin Dacai quickly hugged her.

"Baby, what\'s the matter? Ah Ling\'s Kung Fu is so good, and you have such great Kung Fu, who can kill her?" Manny asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes! Brother, just by your Kung Fu, you can\'t find someone who can kill you in Vietnam? Also, how can you go to the ground to fight black boxing? What happened to you these days?" Jin Dacai asked a series of questions.

Then, Tang Wenhao briefly introduced the whole process of his smuggling with Ruan Ling, Ah Mei and lotus. Ruan Ling and lotus were arrested, and then he was forced to kill all those people. Later, he began to escape and hid in Ruan\'s drugstore. Ruan Ling and her three sisters went back to death valley and met Abu. Ruan Ling was forced off the cliff by Abu, and lotus was raped and killed. Manny, Ganoderma lucidum and a Ying cried their hearts and intestines.

After their sisters\' emotions stabilized a little, Tang Wenhao gave a general description of how he and Qing\'er went back to Liangshan, how to fight black boxing and how to get married with Heifeng\'s sisters.

"Baby, I can\'t stay for a moment. I\'m going back to find Arlene." Manny said anxiously.

"Ah? Manny, Ruan Ling has jumped off a cliff and died. It\'s a bottomless abyss. I\'ve seen it at the scene. It\'s absolutely impossible for people to survive if they jump down. How can you find her?" Tang Wenhao said painfully.

"I don\'t care. I want to see people alive and corpses dead. I must find ah Ling." Manny\'s beautiful eyes showed resolute eyes.

Whatever Tang Wenhao said, Manny just wanted to go back to Ruan Ling and start as soon as possible. She didn\'t want to delay for a moment. There was no way. Tang Wenhao had to agree. In fact, at this time, he didn\'t want Manny to go to Vietnam. He always felt that the matter between himself and Abu hadn\'t been finished. He was worried about her safety. If Manny had another three long and two short comings, He doesn\'t want to live anymore. The women he deeply loves have died one after another. What\'s the meaning of his life?

Manny was gentle in appearance, but she did things quickly and decisively. When she had a strong idea of going back, she immediately convened the company\'s senior executives and middle-level cadres for a meeting, including her current executive vice president Wu Kui. Manny spoke highly of Wu Kui. She said that although he was a little greasy, he had strong ability to handle affairs, strong execution and good temper, She thanked Tang Wenhao for recommending a rare talent to her.