Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 235

As soon as Ah Mei heard that Tang Wenhao pushed ah Ya out, she shook her head without hesitation and rejected his proposal, "Baby, sister Ah Mui doesn\'t distrust sister ah ya, but it\'s important. This may be the family property saved by the Ruan family for several generations. Because you are a Ling\'s man and a Yu\'s man, only you are qualified to keep the money. In addition, no one can touch it, do you understand?"

Ah Mui\'s words made Tang Wenhao nod. Sister Ah Mui was right. The money really can\'t be touched by anyone. Once something goes wrong, how can she afford the dead Ruan Ling?

"Sister Ah Mui, why don\'t we put these two cards in the safe of ah Ling\'s house? When Manny comes, ask her what to do? How about going back with me this time?"

"No, honey, of course I want to go back with you, but I don\'t trust here. Although Aya\'s problem has been solved, I\'m still worried. After all, they are all outsiders. This death valley is another large asset here. I\'m here. They will also avoid some, Aya, ah Zhu, including Ah Mei, and some qualified sisters in the factory , it all depends on my sister Ah Mui\'s face. I can deal with any problems. Baby, don\'t refuse, just put it here. "

"No, sister Ah Mui, you don\'t know. No one can tell what will happen when I go out like this. I\'d better put it in Ruan Ling\'s box first! Or you can hide it first and wait until I come back, okay?"

"That\'s OK. It\'s really not safe to take it with you. Sister Ah Mei will pack up your things for you. You should go early and return early!"

Since Tang Wenhao decided to take Qing\'er back together, the little girl\'s face has been full of spring. She cleaned up early and waited for Tang Wenhao to say goodbye to all the beauties one by one.

Although Tang Wenhao was a sullen designer when he was at Mans, now, after such a thing, he has become a lot more sophisticated and knows how to buy people\'s hearts. He has talked with Aya, ah Zhu, Ah Mei and other beautiful women alone, so that every beautiful woman thinks her position in Tang Wenhao\'s heart is very important.

When several beauties separated from him, Mei\'s eyes were filled with tears, especially Ah Mei, who became a tearful person. Among these beauties, she was the youngest and most dependent on Tang Wenhao.

After saying goodbye to the beauties, Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er went hand in hand into the jungle and walked out of the mountain.

At this time, it was two o\'clock in the afternoon. They had to go to xiugu for a night before nightfall, so that it would be safer to travel the next day.

Since Tang Wenhao has been in and out of the jungle several times, he is also familiar with these mountain roads. Therefore, he walks faster. Qing Er is young and has good physical strength. He can basically keep up with his pace, but after a long time, he is still Jiao panting and out of strength.

"Uncle, have a rest! I\'m tired!" after walking for about three or four hours, Qing\'er finally walked around tired and bent down to let Tang Wenhao wait for her.

Tang Wenhao looked back and smiled. He turned to her, squatted down, patted himself on the back and said, "girl, come up! I\'ll carry you!"

Qing\'er\'s face immediately burst into a lovely smile, smiled and fell on his back, whining and said, "hee hee, uncle, may, if you carry me on the mountain road, you will be mad!"

Tang Wenhao patted her and said with a smile, "Why are you two so jealous? You should spank!"

Qing\'er pouted and said with a smile, "ha ha, I don\'t like her always picking up on you. Uncle, you said today that you want me and may to be your favorite little wife. Is it true?"

"Of course it\'s true. Don\'t you want to?" Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Think, uncle, I\'m going to be your little wife tonight, okay? Anyway, no one can control us. Hum! You don\'t want to run away tonight!" Qing\'er smiled proudly, said, boldly stretched out his head and kissed Tang Wenhao on the neck.

Tang Wenhao said passionately, "Qing\'er, do you know why I want to bring you out alone?"

"I know, my uncle also likes Qing\'er. My uncle wants Qing\'er for a long time, doesn\'t he?" Qing\'er smiled proudly.

"It\'s not all because I\'m worried that you will be bullied by their young ladies, and no one will bully you around me. However, girl, don\'t argue with them in the future, okay? You just need to know that I like you. There\'s no need to compare with them. Besides, in my heart, you and may are different, and they are also different from you, you Each has its own advantages. No one must be better than anyone. Besides, emotional things are two people\'s things, right? "

"Well, uncle, I won\'t do it in the future. In fact, may didn\'t bully me. I was too jealous of her. Only ah Meng and ah Xue bullied me. Uncle, I\'ve always wanted to be with you since we left the drugstore that day. Every day I heard you with may, sister Aya and sister ah Zhu, I was very jealous. I wanted to think about it, but you didn\'t want me. I\'m in a hurry I\'m dead, uncle. I like you and I love you! "Qing\'er said, hugging Tang Wenhao\'s neck excitedly.

He hugged Tang Wenhao so much that he had to stop, put her down, turned and hugged her face, hugged her slender waist, and had a different taste.

Qing\'er stared at Tang Wenhao\'s handsome face and a pair of handsome eyes, closed Mei\'s eyes and invited, "uncle, I want you to kiss me like Amy!"

Tang Wenhao smiled badly, gave her a dragonfly kiss on her sweet lips, and then quickly withdrew, because Qing\'er\'s delicate appearance had completely destroyed him, but he felt that the wilderness was not a place, so he had to play with her first, and then take her in xiugu in the evening.

In fact, he and Qing\'er know well, or Ah Mei, ah ya, ah Zhu and Ah Mei know well. Tang Wenhao calls Qing\'er to accompany him home, which is tantamount to announcing to several beautiful women that he will officially be with Qing\'er.

They are Tang Wenhao\'s women. They all know that their men can\'t stand Qing\'er\'s infatuation for him. Moreover, they all see that Tang Wenhao likes Qing\'er, which is the kind he likes in his heart.

Qing\'er thought Tang Wenhao\'s kiss would be very affectionate. Unexpectedly, she ran away with such a gentle touch. She was so angry that she scolded coyly, "dead uncle, bad uncle, ignore you!" said, pushed Tang Wenhao away and trotted away.

Tang Wenhao worried about Qing\'er falling or being scratched by some thorns, so he hurried to catch up.

I\'m really afraid of what comes. Before he catches up, I see that miss Qing\'er suddenly leans forward. Ah, after a sound, she falls down and lies down in the grass.

Tang Wenhao was distressed. He hurriedly ran over and picked her up. Although he didn\'t see her head hurt, her beautiful eyes closed and seemed to have fainted. Tang Wenhao couldn\'t help crying out with worry, "Qing\'er, Qing\'er... What\'s the matter with you? Are you all right? Don\'t scare me!"

After calling for a long time, Qing\'er didn\'t respond at all. In a hurry, Tang Wenhao had to put her down on the grass, and then began to give her artificial respiration for first aid.

Who knows, when Tang Wenhao\'s lips covered her sexy red lips, Qing\'er unexpectedly stretched out her hand to hold Tang Wenhao and put her arms around his neck. Xiang\'s lips rubbed against Tang Wenhao\'s lips desperately, because the little girl didn\'t know how to kiss, so she could only express her hunger and thirst for Tang Wenhao in this way.

Shit, he was played by the little girl. Tang Wenhao immediately reacted and wanted to withdraw, because he thought of playing with the little girl after xiugu. He thought this was not a place, but it was too late. Because Qing\'er\'s urgent appearance had inspired him to the extreme, and he immediately felt that he was ready to take the little beauty.

Qing\'er suddenly felt trembling, gave up resistance and accepted Tang Wenhao\'s attack. Of course, Tang Wenhao didn\'t take her down immediately, but kissed her for a while and released her.

Tang Wenhao shaved her little nose and said with a bad smile, "ghost girl, dare to lie to me? Do you think so? Don\'t you want to wait until xiugu? There are thatched huts there that can shelter from the wind and rain!"

"Hee hee, isn\'t it raining now? Don\'t you think the same, uncle?" Qing\'er squinted at Tang Wenhao and smiled.

Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile, "do you want to see it? Let you have an eye addiction first?"

"No, uncle, you know people want to tease people so much. You obviously want to! There is no one here. Even if there is someone, it must be the sister of our death valley. Uncle, I want it now, okay?" Qing\'er whined and begged.

Tang Wenhao saw that the little girl really wanted to be bad and suffocated. He gently picked up her pretty face and said softly, "Qing\'er, in fact, I want more than you, but I want you to start in a place with better conditions!"

"Uncle, I don\'t care where I am. As long as I\'m with you and you want me, I dare even in the street!" Qing\'er said emotionally.

Tang Wenhao was so moved that he hugged her in his arms and crazily kissed her sweet lips. This time, Tang Wenhao gave up all his selfish thoughts and concentrated on kissing her.

After kissing for less than two minutes, Qing\'er couldn\'t carry it. "Uncle, I\'m so sad. I want you to love me like Aya and may!"

"Ha ha, girl, I\'ll meet you right away!" Tang Wenhao glanced around, determined that there was no one around, and decisively stripped himself away.

No wonder Qing\'er dared to compete with Ah Mei to see who was more sexy and who attracted him. When Tang Wenhao saw her winning style, he was completely shocked.

Qing\'er has completely changed from a lovely girl to a top-notch young woman. Although this identity has changed a little quickly and cruelly, the facts can\'t be reversed.

After the passion, they hugged each other with infinite satisfaction, "how\'s it going, girl? Are you comfortable?"

"Well, uncle, I\'m so happy. No wonder may wants to stick to you every day. I can understand her now. I\'ll stick to you every day in the future!"

"Hehe, let\'s go. We\'ll continue to fight in xiugu thatched house. We\'ll feed you well these days. You won\'t be alone in the drugstore!" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.