Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 236

"Know, sister ruanyi and sister ah Hui will rob me?" Qing\'er said jealously.

"No one will rob you, girl. As long as your energy can keep up, you don\'t have to worry that others will rob you, because I can satisfy you at any time. I\'m afraid you can\'t afford it!"

After they got up and put on their clothes, they cleaned up their trip and continued on their way.

For this reason, Qing\'er\'s attachment to Tang Wenhao is obviously stronger. He follows him step by step. Tang Wenhao must hold his hand. After that, he calls him from time to time.

Tang Wenhao knows that this is a common problem of Huaichun girls and will never be satisfied.

After a passionate night in xiugu, Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er passed through the gutter safely the next day. Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er also went to the place where Ruan Ling jumped off the cliff to pay a memorial. They swore to the gutter again that he would catch Abu to pay tribute to their dead. They stayed in Hutou stream for another night and fondly missed his beloved ah Ju again in the shed.

Tang Wenhao knew that he would never forget these two sad places in his life.

It\'s sad to be sad. After all, there are young girls involved in personnel. Two days later, the two people who are happy all the way finally returned to Ruan\'s drugstore in Langshan. As sister ah Hui said, the police and the military did withdraw, and no one was on duty at all checkpoints.

They stepped into the drugstore. Ah Hui, who was guarding in front of the counter, looked at Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er in surprise. He hurriedly welcomed them out and said with a smile, "baby, Qing\'er, you\'re back. You want to die, sister ah Hui. Come on, come on in!"

They walked to sister ah Hui\'s room. Tang Wenhao missed Ruan Yi and asked, "sister ah Hui, where\'s Ruan Yi? Why didn\'t you see her?"

"I\'m back. I just called back and said that her husband refused to divorce. She must tell her the reason for divorce. You\'re not here, she can\'t say. She wants to take you to see her husband when you come back and let her husband completely die!" sister ah Hui said.

"Oh, then call her and let her come back! It\'s a big deal. I\'ll go with her?" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Is that ok? Baby, I\'m worried about an accident. Her husband is also a young man and works as a security guard in Huaxiang sleepless city. I\'m worried that if you fight, it will be bad for you. After all, you\'re still a stowaway!" ah Hui looked at Tang Wenhao anxiously.

"It doesn\'t matter. I won\'t let him fight with me. I just want him to retreat in spite of difficulties. Sister ah Hui and Qing\'er, you three are all my women. You two should feel that if you are my woman, will she and her husband still be happy? Will she still be interested in her husband? Certainly not, so it\'s better to divorce directly and do it in a down-to-earth manner My woman! "

Ah Hui said with a sweet and sour pout, "we all know. Let me call you!" Qing Er smiled.

As soon as Ruan Yi received a call from ah Hui, she took a taxi to the drugstore. When she saw Tang Wenhao, she hugged Tang Wenhao and cried. She said that her husband hadn\'t slept with her these days. Now she saw that she was going to divorce and scolded her as a bitch. She was so angry that she hit her and asked Tang Wenhao to look at her little hand. Sure enough, there was a mark on her arm. It was estimated that it was something.

Tang Wenhao hugged her painfully, kissed her jade arm, comforted her, and then said angrily, "go, now take me to settle accounts with him!"

"He\'s going to work now. Don\'t wait for him to get off work! I miss you so much now!" Ruan Yi said with a whine.

Tang Wenhao knows that the little girl hasn\'t been with herself for so long. At an age like her, as long as quantity doesn\'t want quality, she must be choked for a long time. She just wanted to ask ah Hui for advice.

Ah Hui on one side smiled helplessly, "girl, come first!"

"Sister ah Hui, you\'d better come first! I... Say whatever!" Ruan Yi said shyly.

"OK, go to the basement! Qing\'er, go home quickly and let your family do the passport with you. Baby is waiting for you in the store!" ah Hui smiled at Qing\'er.

Ruan Yi looked at Qing\'er in surprise and asked, "Qing\'er, what are you doing with your passport? Are you going abroad?"

"Well, I\'ll go back to China with my uncle!" Qing\'er smiled proudly.

Ah Hui knocked her on the head and whined, "ghost girl, you still call him uncle! You have to call him baby with us. This is the rule set by ah Jie!"

After Qing\'er came home, ah Hui immediately closed the store and hung a sign that it was closed for business. Ruan Yi knew that the happy moment was coming. Sister ah Hui was going to serve Tang Wenhao with her, so she grabbed Tang Wenhao\'s hand and went to the basement.

Ah Hui was so happy that her tears came down. "Baby, I knew you would love our sisters and want to die. Our sisters sit on the counter and talk about you, miss you and miss you all day!"

Tang Wenhao spent more than two hours to satisfy ah Hui and Ruan Yi. The three went to the Chinese restaurant outside to replenish their nutrition. Ah Hui asked the hotel to stew Tang Wenhao a wild pheasant to nourish him.

After eating and drinking enough, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Yi went to her house to wait for her husband to talk about breaking up after work. Ah Hui went back to the drugstore and waited for their triumph. Before leaving, ah Hui asked Tang Wenhao not to be rough, so as not to make things difficult to deal with. Tang Wenhao said he would pay attention to discretion.

Ruan Yi\'s home is actually the same as Tang Wenhao\'s in Shanghai. She also rents a local house. Her husband is only a security guard in the entertainment city. His salary is very low, which is not as good as her salary. Therefore, she can\'t afford to buy a house. Because of the frequent economic exchanges with China in recent years, Langshan\'s economy has developed rapidly, which is much more developed than other provinces such as Gaoping, Therefore, the house price is not low. Ordinary children like them are unlikely to be able to afford a house in Liangshan.

They rented an old one bedroom house with a rent equivalent to about 300 yuan per month, which is not very expensive in Langshan, but it is not cheap for ordinary people like them.

After the two entered the house, Ruan Yi asked Tang Wenhao to sit down. She began to pack up her things, because after a showdown with her husband, she would follow Tang Wenhao back to the drugstore. She would no longer live here. She only cleaned up her clothes, took off her wedding rings and other headdresses, put them on the table, and cleaned them up, They sat on the old sofa and chatted.

After chatting for more than two hours, Tang Wenhao also learned something about Ruan Yi\'s husband. Her husband is still a soldier and works as a soldier on an island in the South China Sea.

Late at night, a heavy knock on the door made them realize that it was time to really face the reality.

Ruan Yi went to the door and opened the door. Tang Wenhao looked up. A young man in a security uniform stared at him in amazement and looked at his new wife. He immediately understood.

This guy was so angry that he rushed over to slap Ruan Yi in the face and scolded in Vietnamese, "bitch, I really found a man behind my back!"

Without waiting for his hand to fan Ruan Yi, Tang Wenhao hurried over and fastened his wrist. Seeing this, the boy tried to buckle Tang Wenhao, but failed. He was surprised that Tang Wenhao\'s strength was greater than him, so he quickly set aside another hand to attack Tang Wenhao. Before he could do it, Tang Wenhao pressed him again. He wanted to move, but he couldn\'t move.

"Brother, I don\'t want to fight with you. I\'m here to have a good talk with you!" Tang Wenhao said in Chinese.

The boy looked at Tang Wenhao in surprise and asked Ruan Yi in Vietnamese, "is this boy Chinese?"

"Yes, Xinxiong, I\'m sorry! I love him and he loves me too. Let\'s divorce!" Ruan Yi nodded and said guiltily.

"No, I won\'t divorce you. AI, you are mine and I won\'t leave you. You let the boy go and tell him that unless I die, I will never agree with you to marry this man. If you fall in love with us Vietnamese, I will complete you without saying a word, but if you want to marry him, you will die! In addition, tell him to get out as soon as possible Egg, let me see him in Liangshan later. Even if I can\'t beat him, I\'ll let my brother kill him! "Said the boy, with a fierce light in his eyes.

Although Tang Wenhao didn\'t understand what he said, he also felt a deterrent from his fierce eyes. This boy is not a good stubble.

Ruan Yi translated her husband Chen Xinxiong\'s words to Tang Wenhao. Upon hearing this, Tang Wenhao knew that it was really not as simple as he thought. This guy was not so easy to deal with. Considering his identity as a stowaway passenger, he should not make things stiff. He let Chen Xinxiong go first, then smiled friendly at him and said to Ruan Yi, "Ruan Yi, you tell him that since you have no feelings with him, who you marry has nothing to do with him. Let him stop unnecessary entanglement. You say I will compensate him for a sum of money!"

Ruan Yi nodded and translated Tang Wenhao\'s meaning to Chen Xinxiong. He sneered and said, "Do you think you can do whatever you want with money? How many rich old men do harm to our young and beautiful women? Although the boy is very handsome, I feel uncomfortable when I see the man and rob my women. Who cares for their bad money? Tell him, it\'s not necessary to talk about it. Let him go quickly, otherwise, when I call all my brothers I\'ve called the police. He can\'t be so comfortable! "

Ruan Yi\'s heart sank, looked at Tang Wenhao in embarrassment, and told Tang Wenhao what her husband meant. Tang Wenhao also lit a fire. He suppressed his anger and said to Ruan Yi, "Ruan Yi, otherwise, I\'ll subdue him and let him have a good sleep. We\'ll go back first and talk to him tomorrow. Now it\'s dead of night. Once the quarrel breaks out, let the left and right neighbors know that it\'s not good for you and him. What do you think?" Tang Wenhao wants to let him retreat through his acupoints and figure it out tomorrow.

"Ah? Baby, don\'t hurt him. He\'s still good to me. I beat me in the morning because I\'m sorry for him. I don\'t hate him!" Ruan Yi said.