Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 234

"Well, it must be true. I also discussed this matter with sister Ah Mei, and she agreed!" Tang Wenhao said. He did discuss with Ah Mei, ah Ya and ah Zhu that he would apply for an official visa to enter Liangshan after sneaking back again, so that his identity would be legal and smooth in the future. It\'s not free to live here illegally all the time.

Another point is that if his identity is illegal, he can\'t compete with Abu. He\'s not afraid of Abu now. Anyway, Ruan Ling has been killed. Don\'t worry about the police catching Abu and implicating Ruan Ling. As long as his identity is legal, Tang Wenhao can boldly fight Abu and Heilong. He must replace Ruan Ling and ah Ju, Alan, lotus and other dead sisters revenge, otherwise, he Tang Wenhao still has the face to live in this world?

It can be said that these beauties died because of him. He didn\'t appear in the death valley. They all lived well. When he came, he was killed one after another. How could his conscience be safe if he didn\'t bring Abu to justice and kill Abu?

"Great, baby, come back early! The police and military in Liangshan have stopped checking, and the checkpoints have been cancelled. They say they have caught the murderer!"

"Really?" Tang Wenhao thought, this is a ghost. The murderer is himself. How can they catch the murderer? Isn\'t that strange? Can\'t it be the military\'s hard to get, the smoke bomb?

"It\'s true that it has been broadcast on TV that it was done by a drug trafficking gang! But it didn\'t say who it was. Anyway, you can come back!" sister ah Hui said.

After Tang Wenhao and sister ah Hui talked for a while, Qing\'er answered the phone and told sister ah Hui that she was very happy with Tang Wenhao, which reassured her. Ah Hui asked her if she slept with Tang Wenhao. She hesitated for a long time, blushed and said, ah Hui on the phone was very happy. Where did she know? Qing\'er just wanted to reassure her.

After hanging up sister ah Hui\'s phone, Tang Wenhao asked ah Zhu to call Ah Mei, ah Ya and Ah Mei to the factory office. He wanted to discuss with the beauties about returning home.

After the beauties arrived, Amy was worried when she heard that Tang Wenhao was going back home again. She pulled Tang Wenhao\'s arm and whined, "baby, I won\'t let you go. If you want to go this time, I\'ll go back with you!"

Qing\'er immediately showed jealousy, glanced at her unhappily and said, "little fox, I know I\'m clinging to my uncle to complain. I\'ll never let you follow, and I must be with my uncle and let him become my man. You can\'t always occupy my uncle alone!"

Ah Mui knew that Qing\'er was eating may\'s vinegar and didn\'t point it out. She smiled and said to Tang Wenhao, "baby, you really need to go back, otherwise your identity is always illegal, and we can\'t really fight Abu, but have you ever thought about where to smuggle? The place where you used to smuggle must not be. After those people were killed, the military must strengthen patrols in that place!"

"Yes, baby, sister Ah Mui is right. The place where you and sister ah used to smuggle must be unsafe. Although you are not a murderer, you are a smuggler. Once caught by the military, it will be very troublesome. I know a place can be convenient for entry and exit!" said Aya.

Everyone focused on Aya.

"Ah? Aya, tell me, where?" Tang Wenhao asked pleasantly.

Aya smiled at Tang Wenhao, "North Vietnam Gaoping Tuolong port, which borders Longzhou, Guangxi, China. It should be more convenient to go out from the border near this port. If you are familiar with the terrain and find local villagers to lead the way, it\'s easy to leave there!"

"Ah? Isn\'t that far?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"It\'s not far. Our death valley is actually in the northernmost part of Lang mountain. It\'s not too far from the southern mountain area of Gaoping. It\'s estimated to be more than one or two hundred miles. As long as you are careful along the way, there will be no problem. I\'m very familiar with this road. I\'ll take you there!" Aya smiled.

Ah Mei was silly now. She pouted and said, "sister Aya, why don\'t I take the baby with you?"

Qing\'er said unhappily, "I\'m going with my uncle!"

"Qing\'er, your martial arts are not good. Don\'t drag us down, baby!" Ah Mei said impolitely when she saw Qing\'er pointing at her.

"I\'m not good at martial arts, and I can get my uncle out of danger. If you don\'t believe me, ask my uncle and sister Ah Mui if I protect my uncle on the way here? Don\'t think it\'s great that you can sleep with my uncle. I can. If you have, I\'m still no worse than you. If you don\'t take off your clothes, I don\'t believe my uncle won\'t like me!" Qing\'er knew that Tang Wenhao liked her, Now, excited by may, the depression of more than half a month has been vented.

Amy has always been spoiled by Ruan Ling and Tang Wenhao. She is very confident in her body. She immediately stands up and takes off her clothes. "Compare, see if baby likes me or you?"

"All right, sit down! May, what\'s better? Babies like you. Besides, you\'re already a baby\'s woman. Be content!... Qing\'er, don\'t worry. May has no bad heart. She\'s unlikely to go out with baby this time, or you go with baby! However, you have to go back to get a passport and leave the country through formal channels. It\'s a problem if you don\'t come back!" Ah Mei was shocked when ah Ya said this. Even ah Ya wondered why she couldn\'t go. She was the most familiar with the road.

"Sister Ah Mui, why don\'t you let me go and let her go? She will really make trouble, isn\'t she sister ah ya?" Ah Mei looked at ah Ya angrily and said.

Aya didn\'t speak and looked at Ah Mei suspiciously. Ah Mei smiled, "sister Aya, we\'re all relieved to have you with the baby, but what about death valley when you go? Your ability here is the strongest, baby. He has good Kung Fu anyway and doesn\'t need someone to protect him!"

"But, sister Ah Mui, Qing\'er is really bad at martial arts. Maybe it will really drag down the baby!" ah Ya said.

Ah Zhu also nodded and said to Ah Mei, "sister Ah Mei, ah Ya has a point!"

Ah Mui looked at Tang Wenhao with a smile and said with a smile, "baby, you\'d better explain!"

Tang Wenhao first hugged Ah Mei and kissed her, laughing, "May, I know you don\'t want me, and I don\'t want you either. However, we should all focus on the overall situation. Now Death Valley is the time to hire people. You have good Kung Fu and good brain. At the critical moment, you are brave and resourceful. With you, Aya and ah Zhu, I\'m confident. Qing\'er doesn\'t know martial arts anyway. Staying here can\'t help you, but she wants to stay with me Together, it will work. She is intelligent and has a strong ability to adapt to changes. Once I encounter any problems on the road, she will block and deal with them for me, and she will follow me. Basically, she can avert danger. I hope you and she can coexist peacefully in the future and be my favorite little wife, okay? "

When may saw Tang Wenhao saying this, Du Zui nodded, but she was still unhappy.

Qing\'er glanced at her proudly and said with a smile, "hum! What? My uncle is in love with me. I...!" she still had to go on and was held by Ah Mei.

Ah Zhu and ah Ya smiled at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Ah Ya said with a smile, "baby, since you have decided, let\'s do it. When are you going to start?"

"I think we can start as soon as possible. If we have time, we can go back to Ruan\'s drugstore first. I wait for Qing\'er to get her passport and visa, and then we go to Gaoping together. After she accompanies me to find the stowaway point you said, I\'ll send her to Tuolong port, let her wait for me first, and then I\'ll go back to find her from the stowaway point!" Tang Wenhao said.

"Aya, is that ok?" Ah Mui knew that Aya had experience and was busy consulting her.

Aya thought about it, nodded and said, "it should be OK. Later, I\'ll draw a topographic map of the smuggling point for them, so that they can take fewer detours!"

"Is it safe for qinger to be there alone after she arrived in Longzhou, Guangxi?" ah Zhu asked anxiously, rarely walking outside.

"Yes! Qing\'er doesn\'t know martial arts. If the baby\'s smuggling doesn\'t go well, can she be there alone?" Ah Mei asked with concern.

Tang Wenhao saw that may took the initiative to care about Qing\'er, smiled and hugged her small waist, kissed her, and said with a satisfied smile, "don\'t worry! I can also let my eldest brother fly to Nanning and take a taxi to Longzhou to pick her up. It should be all right!"

Qing\'er smiled gratefully at May and said, "may, several sisters, thank you for your concern! I\'m not afraid. I\'ll take good care of myself!"

After the decision was made, Tang Wenhao and Qing\'er hurried back to the cave to prepare for the trip. In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, Ah Mei asked everyone to keep a secret and said that uncle and Qing\'er had gone back to Liangshan to do business.

When she got to Ruan Ling\'s room in the cave, Ah Mui left Tang Wenhao alone in the room. She took out several bank cards from her body and handed them to Tang Wenhao. Tang Wenhao looked at them, pushed them away and said, "sister Ah Mui, I haven\'t used up the money ah Ling gave me last time. Don\'t use it!"

Ah Mui\'s eyes were ruddy and choked, "baby, it\'s not sister Ah Mui\'s, it\'s Ling\'s. at that time, as soon as she found that we were surrounded by those animals, she stuffed all the valuable things on her body into my hands and said that if I wasn\'t caught by those animals, I would definitely hand them over to you. She said that the money in these cards was enough for us to spend our lives!"

"Ah? Sister Ah Mui, I\'d better stay with you! It\'s no use asking for so much money!" Tang Wenhao refused.

"It\'s no use staying with sister Ah Mui. All the people of sister Ah Mui are yours, and your life is yours. It\'s not safe to put money here. Sister Ah Mui won\'t do anything. In case any sister knows, such a huge sum of money may harm sister Ah Mui, what do you say?" said Sister Ah Mui.

"Why don\'t you let Aya take care of it?" Tang Wenhao confidently said that as soon as he heard Ah Mei say so, he was really afraid that this huge sum of money would harm sister Ah Mei, so he recommended ah ya, who can fight the most, to keep it. Tang Wenhao now trusts ah Ya very much because he feels ah Ya\'s worship and obsession with him. It is no exaggeration to say that he has made ah Ya worship him. They almost want to be together Stealing food, even if they go out to escort drugs together, they never leave at night. Of course, Tang Wenhao also feels a different delicious taste from Ayana.