Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 120

"Wu Kui, please do two things. I may not be able to go back for some time. You tell my parents that their daughter-in-law is pregnant with my child and they will have grandchildren soon. Let them rest assured that we are arranging the schedule for going back. This is the first thing. And, if you can do your best, take care of Ning Kexin Believe what she said, she must have had to leave me, so I don\'t hate her at all. Tell her, I never really hated her. ".

"Do you still love her?" Wu Kui asked seriously.

"No, I don\'t love her anymore. The women I love now are my wife Ruan Ling and miss Manny. You tell her, don\'t think about me. Everything is over, but I still miss our good life. I still sincerely hope that her emotional road will be more and more smooth in the future.".

"Well, brother, I\'ll tell her and try my best to help her. By the way, I\'ll get married next month. Can you come back then?", Wu Kui said with a smile.

"Ah? Have you finished your mother-in-law so soon?" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Grass! What do you mean to get rid of your mother-in-law? It\'s so fucking ugly," Wu Kui scolded.

"Ha ha... You deliberately misinterpret what I mean? Don\'t you always say that Shanghai\'s mother-in-law is difficult to deal with? You\'re getting married. It means you\'re done! Is there anything wrong?".

After making an international call with Wu Kui for more than an hour, Tang Wenhao then called Manny. She and her mother-in-law a Xiang are already at home in Hong Kong, but she said that her family does not recognize her identity as a Vietnamese. Her mother insisted that she is her mother\'s biological daughter and could not have been picked up in Vietnam. She said that these characteristics mentioned by her mother-in-law a Xiang must be a coincidence.

"Manny, how do you feel?" asked Tang Wenhao.

"Baby, I can\'t tell you clearly. I can\'t believe my own mother; but I also believe in mother-in-law Ah Xiang, sister Ah Mei and ah Ling, but I can tell you one thing for sure. No matter what the facts are, baby, I have regarded ah Ling as my own sister and mother-in-law as my own mother-in-law from my heart. I will be with you forever , I\'m going to quit the post of president of mans, but I can\'t control many things. Baby, come back early! If we are together, it may be better. Anyway, Abu has left now. It\'s estimated that there will be no problem there in a short time. Why don\'t you come back early? ".

Tang Wenhao vaguely felt that Manny had something to say, but he refused to say it clearly, so it was inconvenient to force her. Finally, Tang Wenhao told her that they would go back together when Ruan Ling was most likely to miscarry. Manny was very happy and asked him to go back and take good care of Ruan Ling.

Finally, Tang Wenhao called Kim Tae Choi again. The guy had already brought Ah Ying home. The old man and the old lady were so happy that they couldn\'t close their mouths. Ah Ying was also very filial to the two old people. However, he said that he couldn\'t return to Vietnam in the short term. During his disappearance, many things happened to his company. Several subordinates turned against him and took the opportunity to embezzle a lot of money, He is going to raise his legal weapons to protect his legitimate rights and interests.

"Baby, let\'s go to bed! Aren\'t you tired?" seeing Tang Wenhao calling for several hours, ah Ju finally couldn\'t help laughing in his ear.

Tang Wenhao looked at ah Ju who had put on his pajamas with a bad smile and smiled at the phone, "brother, next time, ah Ju is urging me to sleep.".

"Who?" Jin Dacai asked in surprise, because Tang Wenhao had not told him that ah Ju had become his woman with honor.

"Ah Ju, it\'s my wife who loves me. I didn\'t have a beautiful woman to accompany me to bed when I went back to Liangshan, so I specially allocated a beautiful woman for my brother to enjoy. Envy it!" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Ha ha... I\'m so jealous that I want to cry, my God! Why did my brother take all the good things? It seems that all the hundreds of beauties in death valley will not become brothers, will you? Then I have to go back quickly and get some light", Jin Dacai said with an obscene smile.

After the phone call, Tang Wenhao was dragged into the bathroom by ah Ju. People had already prepared bath water for him. "Baby, I\'ll wash it for you." ah Ju said and began to take off his clothes with Tang Wenhao.

"Ah? You wash it for me? Aren\'t you afraid... Sister Ah Mui, hear me?" Tang Wenhao pointed downstairs. He didn\'t know that ah Ju had told Ah Mui that she was already Tang Wenhao\'s woman.

"Hehe, sister Ah Mui knows all about it. How else would I sleep with you! Hurry up! After washing it for you, let\'s go to bed early." ah Ju smiled and began to pick up Tang Wenhao\'s clothes.

Seeing ah Ju doesn\'t care, Tang Wenhao doesn\'t care. Ren ah Ju stripped himself off. He stepped into the bathtub and lay down. Shit! That\'s great.

Ah Ju carefully scrubbed his body like a virtuous wife. Looking at Tang Wenhao\'s strong muscles, ah Ju couldn\'t help praising, "baby, your body is so sexy, tall and strong.".

Tang Wenhao puffed his muscles and said with a proud smile, "see, I\'m an authentic muscle man. Alas! By the way, ah Ju, what are we going to do tomorrow? Go straight back? Is there any special program?" Tang Wenhao asked with a smile while lying in the bathtub.

"Sister Ah Mui said to buy some baby supplies for sister ah! When your child is born and needs it, get ready first.".

"Ah? I\'ll buy it in about two months?" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Sister Ah Mui is from here. Let her do it. It\'s not easy for us to come out. By the way, I\'ll take you to Liangshan. You certainly didn\'t visit when you first came?".

"No, no time. I wanted to find my daughter-in-law in Hanoi the next day!".

"I\'m sorry I didn\'t go! Otherwise, where could I meet my baby! Hee hee, baby, I\'m so happy with you. If only you could accompany us in death valley all your life," ah Ju said, with some uncertain things flashing in her beautiful eyes.

"Ah Ju, yes, since I married you, I will not leave you. Don\'t worry! We are pregnant several times a day these two days. It is estimated that you will be pregnant in two months. I have confidence in you. Like ah Ling, the water and grass are fertile and the land is fertile, which is convenient for seed growth, and I have more confidence in myself," Tang Wenhao said with an obscene smile.

Ah Ju powder fist gently hit Tang Wenhao\'s shoulder and said with a whiny smile, "baby, you\'re so bad!".

"Hehe, how can I clean up you and your sister if it\'s not bad?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

After taking a bath, Tang Wenhao went to bed with ah Ju in his arms. They ran happily to their happy life.

The next morning when they came to Liangshan, a ray of sunshine shot through the gap of the curtain into the room where Tang Wenhao and ah Ju slept. After a crazy night, they woke up with the penetration of the sun.

At this moment, Ah Mui, who lives downstairs, has already made breakfast. She is tidying up her trip, waiting for Tang Wenhao and ah Ju to get up and eat, and then directly take her trip to the mall to buy baby products for Ruan Ling, and then go directly into the mountain.

As soon as she finished her trip, she heard the voices of Tang Wenhao and ah Ju upstairs. Ah Mui was stunned and felt uncomfortable all over. She began to be hot and jealous, or envious! God, after tossing for so long last night, what will you do this morning? No wonder ah Ju said that only when she was his woman did she know how good it was to be a woman! My uncle is too energetic!

In fact, Ah Mui didn\'t sleep well all night last night. Either she thought about her husband and children, or she was tossed and couldn\'t sleep by the new couple upstairs. Her uncle Tang Wenhao was completely like a fighter, tireless, and ah Ju enjoyed it unscrupulously. When ah Ju told her how happy the woman who was her uncle was at night, Ah Mui\'s heart was actually bitter.

Because there is no man to let her be a real woman. Even the man who is very frustrated in everything despises her. When the divorce certificate was sent to her yesterday, she knew that the relationship between the two was completely over, and the child returned home with her husband. Now she is destined to be alone and helpless, I can only spend the rest of my life with mother-in-law a Xiang and her little master Ruan Ling in death valley.

An hour later, ah Ju and Tang Wenhao finally went downstairs. She quickly got up and said with an unnatural smile, "uncle, ah Ju, are you up? Then eat quickly! After dinner, I\'ll clean up my home and we\'ll go shopping in the mall. Uncle, if you want to have a stroll, we can go shopping with you more.".

"Hehe, sister Ah Mui, no need. No man likes shopping. Let\'s go back immediately after shopping! It\'s not good to let ah Ling alone at home. She\'s also very boring. We\'d better go back early to accompany her.".

"OK, ah Ju, that\'s settled. I\'ll take it with me when I travel. Let\'s buy something in the mall and go into the mountain?".

"OK, dinner is ready, baby, do you want me to feed you? Hee hee", ah Ju showed her love for Tang Wenhao without scruples. She was loved by Tang Wenhao for another hour just now. It\'s so cool that she still remembers the ecstatic and erosive passion moment.

Ah Mui glanced at her with envy and said with a smile, "don\'t do this with ah Ling. Be careful and be careful that she eats your vinegar.".

"Sister Ah Mui, no, sister ah said she wanted me to treat him like a baby." speaking of this, ah Ju looked happy.

The first time Tang Wenhao and his colleagues went to Langshan, they also mentioned that most of the goods in the shopping malls here are Chinese goods, many of which are cheaper than in China. Tang Wenhao and his colleagues spent less than 500 yuan after shopping for a long time. Tang Wenhao was kind enough to buy a ring for Ruan Ling and ah Ju when they saw that there was a gold shop in the shopping mall, Although it is worth three or four thousand yuan, it is Tang Wenhao\'s intention. Ah Ju is so happy that she hugs Tang Wenhao\'s neck and kisses constantly, which means that Tang Wenhao treats her and Ruan Ling equally. Of course, she is happy and envies Ah Mei. His husband has married her for more than ten years and hasn\'t bought her a decent gift. Now she has nothing after being swept out of the house.