Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 121

However, Tang Wenhao didn\'t forget that Ah Mui, who was hurt by her feelings, didn\'t let her only envy. Instead, he spent more than 2000 yuan to buy a Buddhist bracelet for Ah Mui. He said he hoped that sister Ah Mui would be healthy, safe and happy all her life from now on. Ah Mui began not to let Tang Wenhao buy it. She felt inappropriate. She was just a maid of the Ruan family, But Tang Wenhao insisted. Ah Ju also said she should buy it. She also saw that Tang Wenhao loved sister Ah Mei very much.

At this moment, two pairs of eyes were staring at the three of them in surprise. At the same time, their eyes were shining with hatred.

These two people are not others. They are Abu and ah Xiong who were killed by Ruan Ling. It turned out that after they were driven out of death valley, they fled to Liangshan and hid. Although their team was gone, they dare not call the police and can only look for opportunities to retaliate.

Today, the two brothers strolled around the mall doing nothing. They just found Tang Wenhao and the three of them. "Brother, the boy and ah Ju are out. The opportunity is coming. Do you want to find a place to kill them?".

"Hmm! But you can\'t be here or in Liangshan. In this way, you go... I\'ll be there right away. They can\'t go back this time. Hum! Ruan Ling, don\'t you like this boy? Wait to collect his body! Brother, go!" Abu glared at Tang Wenhao fiercely, and they soon disappeared into the crowd.

Where would Tang Wenhao know that it was calm when they came out, but they were startled step by step and full of killing opportunities all the way back. Can the three of them reach Death Valley safely? Wonderful continue.

Before leaving Liangshan, Tang Wenhao called Ruan Ling and told her that the three of them would start back immediately. Ruan Ling was very happy to hear that. Tang Wenhao asked them to be careful all the way. Don\'t worry. After all, they brought a lot of things back and had to carry them for several days! She loves Tang Wenhao and is afraid of tiring him.

At three o\'clock in the afternoon, the three of them entered the mountain on time, which is a law known to all people in death valley, because they have to find a place to rest around the middle of the night. They can\'t drive the mountain road too tired at night. It\'s very dangerous. In the front jungle, there is a place called Hutou stream that can rest. There is a relatively flat place next to Hutou stream, with cliffs on three sides, One side is the side of the mountain road, which is spacious and flat. A shed is built below for passers-by to rest. Tang Wenhao and ah Ju spent a passionate night here when they came out of the mountain, just as they completed ah Ju\'s first visit in xiugu.

Tang Wenhao found that there was an essential difference between walking with something on their back and empty hands. When shopping, they felt that there were not many things, and the weight was only ten or twenty kilograms. But when they walked on the mountain road for several hours, they felt different. Because they all carried a lot of things, they walked and rested all the way, not to mention that Ah Mei and ah Ju were still women, Ah Ju used to have a very good physique, which is nothing to say, but in the past three days, she has played a double tour with Tang Wenhao in bed every day. She has a severe physical overdraft and some energy. Ah Mei didn\'t eat well or sleep well because of her divorce. Especially last night, she was tossed by the cries of Tang Wenhao and ah Ju all night, The mental state is not much better.

Tang Wenhao is only one person no matter how powerful he is. He can\'t carry everything to him. Ah Ju can\'t bear to give up. Ah Mei can\'t bear it, so she walks very slowly.

When they arrived at Hutou stream, they were more than two hours later than ah Ju. The three put their trip in the shed, lit a bonfire, and casually ate some fast food bought from the mall. They were all sleepy.

Ah Mui is from the past. She knows that Tang Wenhao and ah Ju are newly married. She has a strong interest in that aspect. She learned it last night and this morning. They have a pair of eyes on the way. They have content in their eyes. She is afraid that they can\'t stay up at night and have to work, so she smiled at ah Ju, "ah Ju, why don\'t you sleep in the shed with my uncle and I can have a rest by the campfire.".

"How can this work? Sister Ah Mui, I\'m a man. I want to protect you. You sleep with ah Ju, and I\'ll watch it for you here," Tang Wenhao said firmly.

"No, sister Ah Mui, baby, you two sleep inside and I\'ll watch outside." ah Ju flatly rejected Tang Wenhao\'s idea.

"Ah?", Tang Wenhao and Ah Mei looked at ah Ju in surprise. Tang Wenhao thought to himself, there is no mistake! That\'s not a mess? Ah Mui was even more frightened. How could she sleep with her uncle? He is Ruan Ling\'s man. It can be said that he is her master. If Ruan Ling wants to know, isn\'t she mad?

"Hehe, sister Ah Mui, baby, isn\'t this outside? I can\'t help it. Grievance! Sister Ah Mui, I don\'t believe you? Our baby is also a gentleman. We can rest assured that he\'s okay. We must arrange it like this," ah Ju said with a smile.

"Definitely not, ah Ju. Sister Ah Mui can only sleep here. You and your uncle sleep in it. It\'s natural that you are husband and wife." Ah Mui won\'t give in.

"You are all women, ah Ju, let\'s do it! It\'s most reasonable for me to stay here for you. Ah Ju, don\'t always think of me as a man, OK?" Tang Wenhao said unhappily.

"Baby, are you still angry? Hee hee, are you a man? Sister and I know best that you are the most man in the world, but what! To survive in the jungle, you have to listen to me. This is my command and my own decision. I can\'t let my baby be a little dangerous. When I came, I swore to sister that I must use my life To love you and protect you, I can\'t let you do anything dangerous, because you\'re not a Ju alone. You still have a sister and sister Manny. I have to be responsible for both of them, "a Ju said with a smile.

"So it\'s most appropriate for me to come! You and your uncle are... Newly married, or don\'t... Separate... Sleep, ah Ju, sister Ah Mei sleep here, don\'t argue," Ah Mei said shyly.

"Hee hee, sister Ah Mui, it\'s okay. Can we hold it for just one night? If our baby can\'t hold it to find you, I promise not to interfere or be jealous," ah Ju joked.

Ah Mui blushed and stared at ah Ju in a whiny way, "dead girl, dare to say anything".

Tang Wenhao was also completely speechless. He quickly turned his head to one side. He felt that he could not focus too much on Ah Mei, otherwise the evil force in his body would rise again and could not be contained.

Shit, no wonder Wu Kui\'s grandson always said that once you meet a very attractive and lasting young woman, it\'s more difficult to resist than any beautiful girl. At that time, he scoffed at this sentence. Now it seems that it\'s really reasonable. Since he got married with sister Ah Mui in that situation, sister Ah Mui has become a distant expectation in his heart. He knows that it\'s unrealistic, But the devil is always making trouble.

"Hehe, don\'t tease you, sister Ah Mui. You don\'t know kung fu, and your ability in this environment is very weak. It\'s not suitable for vigil. You really don\'t want to argue,... Baby, I\'m really not jealous. Just sleep in with sister Ah Mui! It\'s okay. Don\'t take off your clothes? It\'s not as embarrassing as you think. It\'s all your own people. Besides, I\'m so close to you It\'s almost the same to sleep here, "ah Ju said seriously.

Ah Mui glanced shyly at Tang Wenhao, meaning to see what others thought. Tang Wenhao knew Yanfu had found the door and could not escape. He was also afraid of hurting sister Ah Mui\'s self-esteem, so he had to nod and answer, "well, sister Ah Mui, let\'s do it! I\'ll go to bed first, ah Ju. If you\'re tired, call me and I\'ll change you.".

"Well! OK, sister Ah Mui, go to sleep, too! I\'m sleepy too," ah Ju said with a smile.

"OK, ah Ju, be careful. Call us if you have something," Ah Mei followed into the shed.

Tang Wenhao offered a better place to sister Ah Mui. Sister Ah Mui wanted to change with him. He smiled and said, "sister Ah Mui, don\'t be too polite. As ah Ju said, we are all a family. There\'s no need to be too polite. I\'m a man and should take care of you, but I can\'t take ah Ju.".

"Hehe, uncle, ah Ju loves you. Besides, she is really used to this life. She is more suitable to watch outside than us. Uncle, please rest early!".

"Well, sister Ah Mui, you can sleep too! You\'ve been tired all day," said Tang Wenhao. He hid in a corner and closed his eyes, but his heart drifted to Ah Mui opposite. In his mind, Ruan Ling kept holding a lantern for him that night, pulling out thorns and bandaging sister Ah Mui\'s wounds by herself. The scenes seemed to reappear in front of him. It was also the dead of night, It\'s also in the wilderness. How similar the situation is. However, I can\'t see her threatening style again tonight. No, I\'m afraid I won\'t have a chance to enjoy her beautiful spring scenery in my life.

Don\'t scold Tang Wenhao for not being a thing. Any man would have such dirty ideas and psychology. In fact, it is a great test of one\'s willpower and reason. After all, both sides are normal gourmet men and women. It would be good if Tang Wenhao could carry it like this.

In fact, Ah Mui can\'t stand it better than Tang Wenhao. She knows very well that the best handsome uncle lying opposite knows too much about his body. Did he look very carefully that night, would he want to? Will he compare himself with ah Ling and ah Ju? Will he like himself?

No, definitely not. He is the most handsome man in the world. He is his uncle and Ruan Ling\'s man. How can such an excellent man be interested in himself?

Therefore, neither of the young men and women lying in the shed fell asleep easily and were flirting with each other. On the contrary, the ah Ju girl outside had a wide heart and soon fell asleep.

At this moment, two pairs of vicious eyes are watching them closely, waiting for the opportunity to mature and send them to the West together.

The reason why the wolf is powerful is that it knows how to choose opportunities to attack its prey.

Abu is such a wolf. He knows that when people are tired, it is the easiest time to attack and succeed. Moreover, he also knows that three or four o\'clock in the morning is the best time for people to enter deep sleep.