Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 119

"No, baby, keep your strength during the day. Let\'s go at night! We haven\'t even gone half the way. Don\'t worry about this time, okay?"

"No, ah Ju, didn\'t ah Ling tell you my rules?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

Ah Ju smiled shyly, "ah? There are rules. What did sister say?"

"Hehe, didn\'t she tell you that I have to do it at least four times a day? This morning\'s lesson is my compulsory course. She really didn\'t tell you?"

At noon, after lunch, ah Ju and Tang Wenhao went on hand in hand. Today, compared with yesterday, their intimacy was completely different. They hugged and loved each other all the way.

Tang Wenhao touched other people\'s ah Ju when he had nothing to do. He made other people\'s ah Ju more shy, but he also enjoyed the passion he brought to himself.

To make a long story short, they successfully crossed the gutter, trudged through the jungle for two days and one night, and finally entered the territory of Liangshan in the evening of the third day.

They first walked to the suburb of Langshan, took a taxi in the suburb and went straight to Ruan Ling\'s hometown, where ah Xiang\'s mother-in-law and Ah Mei lived.

The taxi was driving fast on the road. At this moment, Tang Wenhao was very excited and finally came out. He was so excited that he could call his parents as soon as he thought of it.

Ah Ju looked at Tang Wenhao at a loss. Knowing that he was too excited, she fell in his ear and said with a smile, "baby, are you particularly excited?"

"Well, why don\'t you take me to call first? I miss my parents so much." Tang Wenhao nodded.

"Well, don\'t worry! When you get home, you can call. Sister\'s home phone can make international calls. At that time, it was for the convenience of contacting Abu. Isn\'t he always running outside?"

"Oh, is it dangerous for sister Ah Mui to be at home alone?" Tang Wenhao asked anxiously.

"It shouldn\'t be. Besides, she just passed yesterday. We\'ll be there in a minute." ah Ju smiled.

"Oh, that\'s good. By the way, ah Ju, do you know that there is a city in Liangshan that never sleeps in spring?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Huaichun never sleeps? I seem to have heard of it. Is it in the northern suburb of the city? It seems to be invested by a Taiwanese boss. I heard that there is a gangster background. Why, baby, do you know this place?" ah Ju said.

"Ha ha, without this bird place, there is no us now!" then, Tang Wenhao told ah Ju how he and Jin Dacai came to Vietnam, how they got into gangs and were chased and killed by gangs.

"Baby, why do you like our Vietnamese girls so much? Is it worth coming all the way to us to find a wife?" ah Ju asked puzzled.

"I don\'t know about others. It\'s worth it for me. Otherwise, how can I be so happy these two days? By the way, if I live in arling\'s house tonight, will you continue to sleep with me or sister Ah Mei?" Tang Wenhao asked with a bad smile.

"Hehe, baby, what do you say? You can sleep whatever you want?" ah Ju smiled.

"Can you bear it? You haven\'t had a good rest these two nights." Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Baby, these two nights are the happiest nights of my life. Don\'t you want me to continue to be happy?" ah Ju whispered to Tang Wenhao.

"Ha ha... Are you addicted? I don\'t believe you won\'t be addicted." Tang Wenhao smiled proudly.

The two flirted all the way in the car. Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, they arrived in the urban area of Liangshan. Under the guidance of ah Ju, the driver turned seven and eight. Twenty minutes later, he stopped in front of a single family villa. There were scattered villas around. There was no plan. The distance between each villa was very far.

After getting off the bus, ah Ju gave the money to the driver and looked around vigilantly. Seeing nothing different, she walked towards the door of the villa with Tang Wenhao\'s arm.

When she got to the door, she rang the doorbell, and a cry came from inside, "who?"

"Sister Ah Mui, this is ah Ju. Here we are." ah Ju replied.

Sure enough, it was sister Ah Mei. When she opened the door, through the light emitted from inside, Tang Wenhao found that sister Ah Mei was obviously haggard, and her beautiful eyes were red and swollen. At first glance, she was too sad. Tang Wenhao was worried, alas! They all hurt her, so that she didn\'t even want her husband.

"Sister Ah Mui." Tang Wenhao shouted kindly.

"Hey! Uncle, come in quickly! You\'re hungry! Wash and eat first. Ha, ah Ju, come in quickly." Ah Mei is very happy and enthusiastic to see ah Ju and Tang Wenhao despite her bad mood.

After the two sat down, sister Ah Mui quickly brought the water for washing her hands and face to Tang Wenhao and said gently, "uncle, come and wash! You\'re tired! After dinner, have a good rest tonight. I specially cleaned up the room where ah Ling used to sleep."

"Sister Ah Mui, don\'t be so polite. I\'ll do it myself." Tang Wenhao was embarrassed.

After Tang Wenhao finished washing, Ah Mei wanted to return to change the water. Ah Ju stopped her. She stretched her hand into it and washed her face with the towel Tang Wenhao had used. Ah Mei was puzzled, but it was hard to say anything. She just smiled.

After the three said for a few minutes, Ah Mui took them to the restaurant for dinner. Ah Mui\'s workmanship is very good. She is a good cook. Her taste is similar to Chinese Sichuan food and is spicy.

During the banquet, ah Ju kept serving Tang Wenhao with dishes, rice and soup, and served him like a wife. At the same time, she watched him eat affectionately with that kind of extremely loving eyes from time to time, which confused sister Ah Mei, but it was hard to say anything.

After dinner, Tang Wenhao was anxious to make a phone call, so Ah Mei took him to Ruan Ling\'s room. She said the phone inside could make international calls.

Ah Mui couldn\'t help it any more after she left the room. She pulled ah Ju out of the room and asked unhappily, "ah Ju, is something wrong with you and your uncle? Don\'t be silly. He is the lifeblood of ah Ling. If ah Ling wants to know, she will kill you. Do you know the consequences?"

"Sister Ah Mui, don\'t worry! It\'s sister ah who let me follow our baby. We\'ve slept together on the way. He\'s already my man. Sister Ah Mui, I now know why sister ah can\'t live without him, because I know what a real woman is after being his woman." ah Ju smiled happily.

Sister Ah Mui smiled awkwardly and asked admiringly, "really?" in fact, Ah Mui has felt her happiness from ah Ju\'s beautiful eyes.

Tang Wenhao didn\'t contact his parents because his father\'s phone was turned off. Later, he called his brother Wu Kui. This guy was very excited when he received Tang Wenhao\'s phone, "brother, I thought you were dead? Can you breathe? Where\'s our mani beauty? Did she save you?"

"Oh, of course. She has returned to Hong Kong. Brother, can you contact my parents? I miss them very much and worry about my mother\'s illness. How is she now?"

"Brother, do you know you have parents? The old lady thinks you\'re crazy and worried, but fortunately, when I came back last time, I told him you\'re all right and found your daughter-in-law. I said that your daughter-in-law is in a deep mountain valley. She can\'t afford to buy a chicken feather. It\'s inconvenient to contact. She said that you\'re going through the formalities for returning home. The old lady is much better. Brother, you\'re here "What\'s the matter?" Wu Kui asked eagerly.

So Tang Wenhao told him about his mistake with Jin Dacai into the death valley. Wu Kui scolded him as a bastard and didn\'t contact him for such a good thing, so that he didn\'t even touch the hair of Vietnamese beauty in his last trip to Vietnam.

"Wu Kui, can you contact my parents with me?"

"I can\'t help it. Your father\'s cell phones have been sold, and I\'m on a business trip again? You don\'t know. Since this Manny beauty went to Vietnam to find you, Manny has been in a mess. A boy was transferred from Hong Kong to act as Miss Manny\'s agent and treat our brothers in the business department as cattle envoys. They have to go out to run lists every day. Grass! It\'s Manny beauty. I really want to kill her."

"Shit, she\'s my woman! Don\'t think about it. You\'ll be dead in this life." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Cao, you say you\'re such a person! You\'re blessed to be chased into the primitive jungle and can\'t kill you. You can even get a female drug lord. The female drug lord is Miss Manny\'s sister, and the other sisters don\'t want your dish. Shit! It\'s unreasonable!"

"Be jealous! Ha ha."

"Jealousy hurts. By the way, I\'ll tell you a great news. Of course, this news is only great news for your brother." Wu Kui smiled.

"What? Now I have something to be happy about in China?" Tang Wenhao asked suspiciously.

"Yes, absolutely. After listening to it, my brother should hold on. I tell you that your ex girlfriend, Ning Kexin, the wife of Liu Qiang, the second generation of the rich, has been driven into the cold palace by the second generation of the rich to find another beauty." Wu Kui smiled.

"Ah? What are you talking about? What\'s wrong with your heart?" Tang Wenhao was anxious.

"Look, damn it, you are the husband of others. Why are you worried? You don\'t still love that little girl now? You\'ve forgotten the painful lesson of that year?" Wu Kui scolded.

"Wu Kui, tell me directly. What\'s wrong with your heart?" Tang Wenhao asked eagerly.

"I don\'t know very well, but her condition is very bad. She went to the company to find you. At that time, I thought she wanted to show off in front of you. I told her that you had been missing for many days. The little girl cried as soon as I heard it. I put you through the loss of her for more than a year. Later, I angrily went to Vietnam to find a wife. I told her about the distress, little girl Nizi cried so hard that she wanted to go with me to find you. I ignored him and applied to go to Vietnam with Miss Manny, also to reassure your old man and wife. "

After listening to Ning Kexin, he also went to find himself and was devastated by his disappearance. Tang Wenhao\'s resentment against her disappeared in an instant. Maybe he never really hated her.

"Wu Kui, didn\'t you ask her why she came to me?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Yes, later we found a teahouse and talked for a while. She said she regretted it because she couldn\'t tell you the real reason. She didn\'t love you to leave you, nor did she marry Liu Qiang because of vanity. She had to."

When Tang Wenhao heard this, his heart suddenly hurt, "what\'s the reason?"

"She didn\'t tell me. Maybe she wanted to tell you one day! She just told me that she was not happy at all. She said Liu Qiang was an animal."