Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 104

"Well, I don\'t think so. Alan is just a little low self-esteem, nothing else," Aya said.

"What does she feel inferior?" Ruan Ling asked suspiciously.

"She always thought she was the least beautiful of our sisters."

"Where? She has such a good figure. Which man doesn\'t want a girl like her? Her figure is no worse than you and me." Ruan Ling smiled.

"Yes! If I were a man, I would rather have her than Ah Ying. Ah Ying is too petite and not feminine. How feminine she is! She has advantages in what attracts men most in women." ah Ya smiled.

"Hehe, you can\'t say that. Don\'t underestimate our Ah Ying. There are many men who like her. I think brother Jin really likes her, and your uncle also treats her..." speaking of this, Ruan Ling realized something and stopped quickly.

"Sister, you don\'t have to hide. We all know that my uncle is sleeping with Ah Ying these days?" ah Ya said with a bad smile.

"Ah? You all know? Alan knows too?" Ruan Ling asked shyly.

"Hehe, I didn\'t ask her, but I think I can guess from the IQ of our sisters. Moreover, Alan and I have had men and know more about this. The rooms in our cave are so close, and the space inside is so small. Ah Ying, a fierce man like my uncle, calls so scary, like crying and laughing, and can\'t tell how happy she is! Who can\'t understand Come on? "

Ruan Ling thought about it and said to Aya in a low voice, "don\'t talk to your sister. His eldest brother has no fertility. Borrow seed from your uncle!"

"Ah? Can a man as fierce as brother Jin be a waste man? I can\'t believe it."

"That\'s not true. He can have a normal husband and wife life and won\'t let women get pregnant. Understand? So he has to borrow it from my uncle."

"Ah? You can borrow all this! Sister, I can\'t find a man in the future. I\'ll borrow it from you, uncle. Can you borrow it?" Aya said with a bad smile.

"Smelly girl, dare to make fun of elder sister, find a fight! Ha ha." Ruan Ling and Aya started fighting in front, laughing at Tang Wenhao and ah Zhu.

When she arrived at the factory, in order to make the play more realistic, Ruan Ling called some beauties who knew makeup and really began to put on bridal makeup with Aya.

There was also some festive atmosphere in it. Ruan Ling led Tang Wenhao to check the surrounding situation and found nothing wrong. She came to the place where they wanted to catch the thief and the king first.

Xiaobai building conference room.

Ruan Ling checked every mechanism point very carefully, especially under the table, "Baby, do you know? As long as Abu enters this conference room, he basically has no possibility to escape. You see, there is a turning board at that place as soon as he enters the door. As long as I move the remote control in my hand, the people who go to that place will fall down; also, I also have a button under the table. When I move this button, there are two splints on each seat. People sitting on the seat People were firmly clamped on the seat by the splint before they could react. "

"What if people don\'t sit? Besides, doesn\'t Abu bring people in? Some younger brothers will certainly not let them sit, and they are likely to stand behind Abu." Tang Wenhao put forward his own point of view.

"There\'s also a way. There\'s still a flip board behind the chair. After I start the button, the flip board turns up immediately. The people standing on the flip board fall off before they have time to respond. Moreover, the design below me is also exquisite. It\'s an independent small space. The people who fall off can only live in a very small independent space. No matter how high our martial arts are."

"Oh, no wonder you are full of confidence." Tang Wenhao said with a smile. After that, he went to the table and operated it according to Ruan Ling\'s instructions. Sure enough, the button moved and the flip plate started to rotate immediately. He also went to the flip plate and looked down. It was really a small pit more than three meters deep. If he fell, he couldn\'t come at all unless someone saved him.

"How? As long as I catch Abu today, I\'ll shut him down. Baby, you\'ll take Aya to take over the test base immediately. Abu, without the base, let him honestly accept my conditions and get out of the valley of death." Ruan Ling smiled proudly.

"Well, wife, I promise to finish the task," Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Hee hee, baby, our death valley will no longer be death valley. Baby, shall we work together to turn death valley into a paradise on earth?" Ruan Ling smiled, then hugged Tang Wenhao, pressed her head close to his chest and felt the strong pulse of his heart.

"Ah Ling, as long as you stop making and selling drugs, you are the best wife in the world." Tang Wenhao happily hugged her and felt very happy. This is Tang Wenhao\'s truth. Ruan Ling has really become a very woman since she fell in love with him.

"Baby, really?" Ruan Ling stared happily at the handsome Tang Wenhao.

"Well, in fact, if you can melt me when you are gentle, I am willing to die on you." Tang Wenhao said emotionally.

"Hmm! Baby, stop talking. You\'ve made people think so much. I didn\'t have a good time last night. After our success today, I want you to stop resting like Ah Ying a few days ago. I want you to compensate me for those days all night." Ruan Ling said with a whiny smile.

"Ha ha, ah Ling, are you still jealous?" Tang Wenhao scraped Ruan Ling\'s small nose and smiled.

"Hmm! Baby, tell me the truth. Who do you like better, Ah Ying and I?" Ruan Ling asked Tang Wenhao suddenly and seriously.

"Ah?" Tang Wenhao was surprised. He didn\'t expect Ruan Ling to suddenly ask such a question, because in his opinion, Ruan Ling and a Ying didn\'t belong to the same kind of women at all, and there was no comparability. It can only be said that the feelings brought by the two beauties to him were different. He thought that, especially in the last few times, he and a Ying would achieve the perfect combination of spirit and flesh, An important reason is that he later had an obvious desire for possession and conquest. He knew that if his seeds took root in her body these days, it was basically their last madness, so he cherished them. At the same time, they also want to completely conquer her. This is the normal psychology that every man will have. Everyone hopes that the woman who has slept by herself will never forget herself all her life and regard herself as the strongest and best man in the world.

With Ruan Ling, it is a kind of love from the bottom of my heart. Different from the previous purpose, he is now completely conquered by Ruan Ling\'s tenderness. He completely falls in love with the twin sisters Ruan Ling and Manny at the same time. Therefore, when he is with Ruan Ling, he can easily reach the peak of love.

"Baby, do you like Ah Ying better?" seeing Tang Wenhao\'s delay in answering, Ruan Ling\'s beautiful eyes showed disappointment.

Tang Wenhao told Ruan Ling that he was completely in love with her now, so he asked Ruan Ling not to worry about her position in his heart. He honestly told Ruan Ling that her position in his heart was different from Ah Ying. Ah Ying brought him more freshness, and Ruan Ling brought him enjoyment of his soul.

Ruan Ling was very satisfied with this answer and excitedly almost pulled Tang Wenhao to love again on the conference table.

Without gossip, the time soon came more than 10 a.m. and Aya\'s bride sat in the conference room waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. At this time, Aya had already been dressed as beautiful as flowers by her sisters, and her perfect figure was fully displayed in Audrey\'s national clothes. Tang Wenhao drooled. Shit, Aya really wanted to marry that bastard ah Xiong, What a monster!

Ruan Ling saw Tang Wenhao staring at Aya with great jealousy. She glared at him fiercely. This eye was being caught by Aya. Her heart was overjoyed and thought to herself, "this handsome uncle doesn\'t like me too? At first, she thought he was the simplest. How could she like to see his own?"

Tang Wenhao finally received Ruan Ling\'s jealous eyes. He couldn\'t help smiling shyly, looking very embarrassed. At the same time, he smiled awkwardly at Aya.

Several people did not speak, but silently had a silent communication.

Just then, Abu led his brother, bridegroom a Xiong, and six younger brothers to Ruan\'s pharmaceutical factory under the leadership of Alan.

In order to be polite, Ruan Ling led Tang Wenhao and Aya downstairs and personally went downstairs to meet the bridegroom, "ha ha... Ah Ling, big beauty, we finally met again. Big beauty, you stay here every day and don\'t go to my base. Don\'t we cooperate?" Abu said with an obscene smile and smiled strangely at Tang Wenhao nearby, She stared at Aya\'s sexy figure and looked hungry. She wanted to vomit when she saw Aya.

"Dead Abu! Didn\'t I do the same before? I don\'t like walking around. You don\'t know. Why? Don\'t you want to cooperate with me, ah Ling? Ha ha." Ruan Ling smiled, then made an invitation gesture and asked them to go upstairs.

Abu glanced at Alan strangely and laughed, "ha ha... Ruan beauty, you are the most loved woman in Abu\'s life. Don\'t cooperate with you? Am I still alive? Ha ha... Little uncle, don\'t be jealous! Go, beauty, we won\'t talk about business today. Today is the wedding day of my brother and Aya beauty. We only talk about happy things." Then he waved to everyone to follow.

Seeing Abu\'s expression relaxed and arrogant, Ruan Ling had a bad feeling. In particular, she just observed that Abu glanced at Alan, and Alan seemed to be awake, and her reaction was very slow.

What the hell is going on? Did Alan really betray himself? No! Then why did her eyes become so dull that she couldn\'t really be drugged by Abu? As soon as the idea appeared, Ruan Ling shouted in her heart, because Alan was also very familiar with the mechanism here.

No, I have to change to my own office, because her office also has organs, and only she knows how to operate.

However, Abu and others had been taken to the door of the conference room by her. She turned around, looked back and smiled awkwardly at Abu. "Abu, why don\'t we go to my office? I haven\'t let you go to my office before, but today is a happy day for Aya. It\'s time to go to my side and talk. Let\'s go! It\'s over there." she said, Ruan Ling raised her feet and walked in another direction.

"Hey, big beauty, I think I\'d better not! It\'s good here." then Abu suddenly pulled out the pistol, the eye of the gun was aimed at Ruan Ling\'s forehead, and there was a lustrous light in her eyes.

Tang Wenhao, Aya, ah Zhu and other beauties in the back looked bad and were just about to start. They were all held by Abu\'s men with guns.