Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 103

After the comprehensive judgment of several people, everyone agreed that Alan was probably drugged by Abu, and it was hard to say what she had done to her. Therefore, Ruan Ling decided to let Jin Dacai leave here with Ah Ying, Manny, mother-in-law a Xiang and Ah Mei in advance to avoid accidents. Moreover, this matter should be kept absolutely confidential.

Ruan Ling set Jin Dacai\'s departure time on the next night. After dinner, when everyone had a rest, she quietly left. Upon hearing this arrangement, Jin Dacai urged Tang Wenhao and a Ying to go back to their room to do business, and asked them to broadcast several more times in the remaining two days and nights, so as to maximize their chances.

"Elder brother, don\'t be so anxious?" Tang Wenhao smiled shyly.

"Ha ha... Big brother wants your sister-in-law to drain you in these two days. I don\'t believe it. Can\'t you conceive like this? Will you bump into it once?"

Several people agreed by the stream that Jin Dacai would lead the three generations of beautiful women, old, middle-aged and young, to leave the mysterious death valley the next night. They were ready to go. Tang Wenhao and a Ying went back to their room to continue their journey of making people, while Ruan Ling began to arrange the specific matters of going out of the mountain.

To be on the safe side, Ruan Ling invited Manny, a Xiang\'s mother-in-law and Ah Mei to Jin Dacai and Ah Ying\'s residence and announced her decision to several people. Manny has a spectrum in her heart. Ah Xiang\'s mother-in-law and Ah Mei have been covered in her bones. I don\'t know why Ruan Ling did this.

Ruan Ling lied to them that Jin Dacai was eager to take Ah Ying home to meet her two old parents, so she had to go back to her hometown to officially register for marriage with Ah Ying as soon as possible. She just escorted Manny and them out, and asked Jin Dacai to help ah Xiang\'s mother-in-law and sister Ah Mei handle their passports, accompany Manny back to Hong Kong and meet Manny\'s mother in Hong Kong, In order to fully understand Manny\'s experience as a child.

"Girl, are you hiding something from your mother-in-law?" although she couldn\'t find the flaw in her words, mother-in-law a Xiang still had some doubts about Ruan Ling\'s arrangement.

Ah Mui also asked, "yes! Ah Ling, why do you leave late at night? And you and her waitress don\'t know. Only ah Ju and brother Jin send us. Why on earth?"

"Grandma, sister Ah Mui, it\'s like this. First of all, there are fewer poisonous snakes and beasts in the forest. It\'s safer. In addition, I offended some underworld people outside for business reasons. The situation along the way is complex. You are all my relatives. It\'s best not to let irrelevant people know your situation. This is also to avoid complications. In addition, brother Jin has high martial arts skills Qiang, it\'s the best choice for him to take you away this time. Don\'t worry, mother-in-law. I\'ll take good Wen Hao to Hong Kong to find you right away. "Ruan Ling\'s true and false words really fooled mother-in-law a Xiang and Ah Mei.

After this matter was settled, Ruan Ling took out a bag and took out a mobile phone and a wallet from the bag. Jin Dacai recognized it as his own and knew that Ruan Ling should return it to its original owner.

Ruan Ling smiled shyly, "brother, I\'m sorry. These are all your things. See if there\'s anything missing?"

"Hehe, sister-in-law, there will be no less." Jin Dacai happily picked it up and saw all the bank cards. He thought that with this wallet, he would have confidence to go to his mother-in-law\'s house. The bank cards in his wallet were enough to pay all the expenses for the wedding with Ah Ying. There were millions of bank cards in seven or eight bank cards and hundreds of thousands of credit cards that could be overdrawn, And they are all RMB, not vnd, so as long as these cards are in, he is not afraid of anything.

Jin Dacai has thought about it. This time, he must let a Ying Feng marry himself and be generous, so that the a Ying family can suddenly move from poverty to wealth. It is also worthy of a Ying marrying a half old man at such a young age. According to her age, a Ying can really be his daughter.

Without gossip, the happy days passed in the blink of an eye. Tang Wenhao and a Ying, who were in tune with each other, finally ended their happy life for three days and two nights.

He felt it. Ah Ying had a very happy life these days and nights. She was like her wife. She accepted him happily and cooperated perfectly. She gave her to him completely and unreservedly.

Because Ah Ying also felt Tang Wenhao\'s true feelings for herself. The affectionate mark he left on himself will be engraved in the depths of her heart forever. She deeply knew that her soul will always be accompanied by this man she thought was the most handsome, affectionate, intelligent and explosive man in the world.

She will always remember Tang Wenhao\'s tireless fighting enthusiasm. He must be the only man in the world who is so obsessed with his body and so crazy. There is no doubt that his man Jin Dacai still lags behind him. At least her excellent cooperation with him is something Jin Dacai can never achieve. She thinks, Her cooperation with him was perfect.

Therefore, when Jin Dacai and ah Ju led Manny, Ah Ying, mother-in-law a Xiang and Ah Mei out of the cave and into the jungle late at night, Ah Ying glanced at Tang Wenhao and burst into tears. The feeling of parting was expressed in words, which moved Jin Dacai on one side, but he didn\'t eat Tang Wenhao\'s vinegar at all. He knew very well that after Tang Wenhao\'s hard cultivation for three days and two nights, His little wife must have fallen in love with his brother, which is inevitable, because he is very confident in his brother\'s skill and charm, and both of them are affectionate.

Manny was also inseparable from Tang Wenhao. Meimou couldn\'t stop crying. At the moment when she was about to break up, she rushed into Tang Wenhao\'s arms and broke her heart. She choked, "Wen Hao, please protect yourself and a Ling. I want you to come back to me unharmed, okay? I promise you that as long as you and a Ling return to Hong Kong to find us, I will marry you immediately. No one can stop me." She is different from mother-in-law a Xiang. She deeply knows that Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling will face danger tomorrow, so she is very worried about them.

Tang Wenhao hugged her excitedly and said emotionally, "Manny, I promise you that I will give you myself and ah Ling intact. Don\'t worry. I won\'t let others hurt me if I don\'t marry you."

"Fool, if you marry, you can\'t let others hurt you." Manny cried.

"Hehe... Elder sister, don\'t worry! I won\'t let anyone hurt our baby. I have to wait to enter the bridal chamber with you again! It\'s getting late, you go early! As long as you get out of the gutter, you\'ll be basically safe. Ah Ju and Ah Ying, you\'ve passed through the gutter many times. You must protect your mother-in-law and sister Ah Mei, understand?"

"Elder sister, don\'t worry! With ah Ju and Ah Ying, my mother-in-law and Ah Mei will be fine, I promise." ah Ju said confidently.

"OK, ah Ju, it\'s hard for you. You haven\'t had a good sleep these days. When we succeed, sister-in-law\'s promise to you will be fulfilled. Remember, you sent your mother-in-law and them over the gutter and immediately returned to ah Ya\'s wedding. When you come back, do what sister-in-law told you, okay?"

"Sister, don\'t worry! I\'ve remembered it all." ah Ju smiled comprehensively.

"OK, let\'s go!" Ruan Ling ordered.

Jin Dacai walked up to Tang Wenhao, gave him a brotherly hug and said, "Brother, big brother is waiting for your good news. Remember, when your life is threatened, don\'t be merciful. Start hard, fast and accurate. If you don\'t kill people, they will kill you. There\'s no life. All mercy is empty. In fact, big brother really doesn\'t trust you. You\'re too kind."

"Hehe, brother, it\'s all right. I remember. You and your sister-in-law must be careful. Ah Ling said that Abu\'s power is not small in Liangshan. You must be careful and protect Manny, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Ah Ling and I will give it to you." Tang Wenhao said emotionally.

"Brother, you can rest assured that you will return Miss Manny and them to your husband and wife completely. Finally, brother still wants to remind you that Abu is not a simple man. Don\'t take it lightly. Alan was lying on ah Xiong\'s bed for no reason that day. There must be something fishy. In addition, Abu bought some kind of soul seducing gun. Maybe he will deal with you tomorrow, to tell the truth Then, brother, I don\'t trust you very much. You don\'t have rich actual combat experience and are kind-hearted. Your brother-in-law and sister-in-law are women. Now you can\'t say who can trust and who can\'t trust. "

"Brother, it\'s all right. Don\'t worry! I know in my mind. Let\'s go early! We\'ll all please give it to you husband and wife, Ah Ying. Don\'t think too much if elder sister has something wrong with you." Ruan Ling walked over and smiled at Jin Dacai and ah Ying.

"Elder sister, you don\'t have anything to be sorry for Ah Ying. Ah Ying is only grateful to you and has let you... These days." Ah Ying glanced shyly at Tang Wenhao.

"Hehe, well, don\'t mention this. If you mention it again, elder sister will really be jealous, and elder brother will be jealous. That\'s it. Mother-in-law and sister Ah Mui, be careful all the way. Ah Ling will go to see you as soon as possible." Ruan Ling smiled at ah Xiang\'s mother-in-law and Ah Mui.

The next day, Aya was escorted to Ruan\'s pharmaceutical factory by Ruan Ling, Tang Wenhao and a Zhu. According to Ruan Ling\'s and Abu\'s agreement, in the morning, the bride and groom should celebrate in a Ling\'s factory, and then take the bride to the base and enter the bridal chamber.

On the way, while ah Zhu was talking to Tang Wenhao, Ruan Ling took a few steps and stressed to ah Ya again, "ah ya, do you remember our plans that day? Look at my gestures when negotiating with Abu. As soon as you see that I did it, you will control ah Xiong immediately. Your uncle will control their younger brothers. You must be quick, okay?"

"Sister, don\'t worry! I won\'t be soft hearted. In order to restore the purity of our death valley, Alan and I have made up our minds to help sister drive away Abu and their wolf like men." Aya smiled confidently.

"Well, OK, but you should also be wary of Alan," Ruan Ling whispered.

"Ah? Elder sister, why? I think Alan can be trusted now! She hates Abu and ah Xiong now." Aya asked in a puzzled way.

"Elder sister knows, but she doesn\'t know what\'s going on. Elder sister just thinks Alan is wrong. Just for one or two days, she hasn\'t been right since she lived in ah Xiong that night, but she can\'t tell what\'s wrong. Anyway, it\'s better to be careful."

"Sister, do you think Alan will betray us?"

"It\'s not reasonable. She betrayed elder sister, and elder sister didn\'t take her for anything. Moreover, she already knew that she was ruined by Abu and ah Xiong in turn. How could she betray elder sister again? Do you think she is such a person? Elder sister doesn\'t think so." Ruan Ling analyzed.