Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 105

"Abu, what are you doing?" Ruan Lingjiao shouted.

"Hum! Big beauty, I still want to ask you what you want? You think I don\'t know. Your conference room is full of organs. What do you want? Do you want to take this opportunity to attack Abu? Ah Ling, I\'m sincere to you and live and die with you, but you treat me like this. Where can I be better than this little white face? I tell you the truth, today, when ah Xiong and ah Ya entered their bridal chamber It\'s also the time for me and your sister to enter the bridal chamber. At the same time, I want you to enter the bridal chamber again. I swore that I must get you in my life. I regret not meeting you. Today, I want your sister. She has to compensate me. I want you sisters to sleep with me all your life. The little white face behind me! Just be our experimental object Now, hum, brothers, do it. "When Abu pulled the trigger first, she heard the servant\'s voice. Ruan Ling felt the earth spinning and soon lost consciousness before she reacted.

Tang Wenhao, Aya and other beauties were also knocked down by ecstasy guns,

A few minutes later, Ruan Ling and others were tied up by Abu. Led by Alan, they entered the conference room. Abu lifted all the mechanism buttons and woke up several people.

When Ruan Ling woke up, she found that she had been tied up. She was so angry that her eyebrows were turned upside down and her apricot eyes were staring, "Abu, you bastard, let this girl go, otherwise, you won\'t come to a good end."

"Ha ha... Really? I\'d like to see who we are. We don\'t come to a good end." he said. He walked to Ruan Ling and looked back at Tang Wenhao, who was about to burst out sparks in his eyes. His eyes were full of pleasure.

He stretched out his tongue and licked disgustingly. Then, with one hand, he grabbed Ruan Ling\'s beautiful hair, raised her head, looked at Ruan Ling\'s sexy red lips, and said with a smile, "big beauty, my sweetheart, dream lover, I want to kiss you under the witness of your man, okay?"

Ruan Ling was so frightened that tears came out and shook her head, "no... Abu, please, no, please, let me go."

"Let you go, ha ha... I just like you like this. You know, I have to think about you every night before I can fall asleep. Every time I sleep with another woman, I have to think of you. Otherwise, I can\'t be interested in any woman. You know why I don\'t get married in my 40s? I just want to wait for you, because I only have you in my heart and I want you , I want you. You are the only goal in my life, but you gave your best first time to that little white face. Is he really so good? Say, what do you like about him? "Abu said fiercely.

"Abu, don\'t get excited. Don\'t get excited. I love him. I don\'t love you, but I don\'t hate you. It\'s not a matter of one or two words. It\'s a matter of emotion. Abu, I ask you for the sake of our cooperation for such a long time. For the sake of I just want to catch you and don\'t want to harm you this time, don\'t hurt me. Let\'s sit down and have a good talk, okay?" Ruan Ling has calmed down now. She knows that no matter how angry she is, it won\'t help. Instead, she will arouse Abu\'s Revenge heart. She can only calm down and deal with him. She must drag ah Ju back, otherwise, she will really be ruined by Abu, so she might as well die!

"Hum! Ah Ling, I don\'t think you have a little conscience for me. Your people have long been destroyed by me, so I ordered that you don\'t kill any of your men and take good care of your family. As long as you and your sister follow me, I guarantee that this death valley is still yours."

Ruan Ling secretly congratulated herself on the correctness of her decision. Fortunately, she let Manny and them go back in advance. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. Her family would really be ruined by Abu. She knew Abu too well. As long as Manny and sister Ah Mei had the opportunity, Abu would never let them go.

Just then, a little brother came in with a walkie talkie outside the door and said to Abu, "brother, brother three called and said that except for five maidens in sister\'s cave, she was not there."

"What? They\'re not here. You tell the third man that you\'ll find Manny even if you dig three feet. I won\'t go to her today and kill you all." Abu fiercely waved his gun and roared at Tang Wenhao and them.

Ruan Ling was afraid that Abu would really make his cave a mess. She was afraid that he would destroy the room he had spent a lot of effort designing. She was more worried that Abu would spread all his anger on Tang Wenhao and hurt him.

"Abu, you told them not to look for any more," said Ruan Ling.

"Well, where are they? As long as you tell me where they are, I\'ll forgive you first. Hey, hey, as long as you can let me have your sister, I can consider letting you and her relatives go. How about?" Abu\'s eyes are red. It can be seen how eager he is to find Manny. Everyone in the experimental base knows that Abu is most interested in virgins, There is a box in his room, filled with many white scarves with blood. Those blood are girls insulted by him. In this regard, he is addicted and even abnormal. As long as he hears that there are virgins in the base, he tries to sleep the girl. Therefore, every time he opens the box and looks at his achievements, he feels particularly proud.

"They left death valley long ago, and now they are almost back home," Ruan Ling said coldly.

"You\'re lying! Ah Ling, I warn you. I\'ve been monitoring you ever since you fell in love with this little white face. Your every move can\'t escape my eyes. Yesterday afternoon, my people saw your sister and your mother-in-law and sister Ah Mei walking outside the cave. Don\'t think I believe you when you say it casually? How can they be so far away from Liangshan in death valley Is it possible to get out of the mountain? Arlene, I advise you to cooperate with me well, otherwise, don\'t force me to kill. "Abu said coldly.

"Abu, I really didn\'t lie to you. My sister and my mother-in-law really left long ago. You can\'t catch up with me if you want. I know you like me, but I can\'t like you. I hope things between us can be properly solved. You know, it\'s not good for anyone to make things stiff. Ruan\'s pharmaceutical is also a famous pharmaceutical factory in Vietnam. You take me away If I\'m killed or I\'m missing, the government will trace it. Because if I die, Ruan\'s pharmaceutical will be closed. Even so, the government will dig out who has the secret recipe of our family. In this way, do you think you can escape? "

"Hum! Ah Ling, don\'t scare me. I\'m not stupid. I won\'t kill you or hurt you. If I want to kill, I\'ll kill your little white face. Then, hey, I\'ll let you be my woman honestly. Ah Ling, you won\'t have no confidence in the products you study?"

"Ah?... you, Abu, I warn you. If you dare to touch my husband\'s hair, I swear, I will not let you go. Even if I die, I will never let you succeed." Ruan Ling cried when she heard that Abu was going to kill Tang Wenhao.

"Abu, if you look like a man, do you dare to duel with me?" Tang Wenhao challenged him.

"What? Duel, boy, aren\'t you sick? You\'re already a prisoner of Laozi. The outcome has been divided. Still duel? Do you treat Laozi as a three-year-old child? Brothers, take them all to our base. Remember, don\'t let the beautiful women outside find problems. We need stability here."

After that, Abu turned to Ruan Ling and said with an obscene smile, "big beauty, please cooperate. Wait a minute, I\'ll untie you, but your little lover will be wronged. I have to tie him into a bag and let my brothers carry him away. If you cooperate, he has nothing to do. You dare to order us to deal with us. I\'ll kill him first, brothers, do it."

In desperation, Ruan Ling watched eagerly as Abu\'s men tied Tang Wenhao up and stuffed him into a big bag. Ruan Ling was so distressed that Tang Wenhao was her darling!

Tang Wenhao, who was tied up, was even more anxious. He felt that he had a skill but couldn\'t make it out. He really regretted that he didn\'t control these animals first. Now he has become so passive.

"Go, my beauties, remember, don\'t try to escape. The guns in our hands can make you fall asleep in five seconds. No one has the ability to escape in such a period of time, let alone force me to kill. I said, we don\'t want to kill."

Considering that Tang Wenhao was in their hands, Ruan Ling had to order the freed Aya and azhu to cooperate with Abu\'s order, humiliatingly escort Abu\'s people and leave the pharmaceutical factory with gongs and drums.

Although Ruan Ling\'s beautiful bodyguards were surprised, because according to the original arrangement, they should make a fuss here first, and the bride was picked up by the bridegroom, but now they are walking so suddenly and so strange, when they see Ruan Ling in it, they have no other ideas except doubts.

After entering the jungle, Alan still led the group in front. Ruan Ling wanted to go over to ask what happened to Alan several times, but Abu stopped them. He didn\'t want Ruan Ling to touch Alan.

Tang Wenhao had been released by them, but his hands were still tied by them. He recalled kicking the boy\'s acupoints in front with his feet for a few times, but he was not sure. He still held back and had to wait for other better opportunities.

When the party walked into the jungle, suddenly, Abu received a call from his men. As soon as he answered the call, Abu was stunned. It turned out that four people were shot dead by random arrows when his people were searching Ruan Ling\'s residence.

Abu angrily ran to Ruan Ling\'s front, grabbed her hair and roared, "ah Ling, four of my people have been killed by your mechanism. I warn you that you will pay for it."

"Then you\'d better ask your people to stop searching. I told you that my sister and my mother-in-law really left long ago. Even if you turn the death valley upside down, you will never find my sister. They left after dinner last night." Ruan Ling said coldly.

Abu looked at Ruan Ling and felt that she didn\'t seem to be fooling her. He nodded and said, "well, I believe you first. Ah Ling, hum, as long as you are in my hand, if they are still in the death valley, I don\'t believe they won\'t come to you."

With that, Abu then ordered the people searching Ruan Ling\'s residence to stop their actions with a walkie talkie, so as not to touch the internal organs. They only occupied and guarded the other side. Anyone who entered her cave would be arrested and sent to the base.

At this time, Ruan Ling was very anxious. She couldn\'t help worrying about the safety of her guards. She deeply knew that Abu\'s men were a group of inhuman coyotes. Maybe those beautiful little girls would be ruined and humiliated by Abu\'s men.