Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 732: getting better

Even if he accepts the transformation of the Old God, Deathwing is not the Old God after all, logically speaking, his regeneration should be limited.

Just like Benedictus, even if he becomes a faceless man, he cannot regenerate unconditionally and permanently. When the energy in his body is exhausted, all regeneration abilities will lose their effect.

N\'Zoth established a connection between Deathwing\'s body and himself through his own flesh and soul, and completed infinite regeneration by absorbing the essence of Azeroth.

But doing so also has a disadvantage.

Once Deathwing is slain, N\'Zoth\'s soul is irreversibly damaged.

N\'Zoth calculated the recovery time of Xalatas, which would take at least three months.

During these three months, Deathwing can completely walk sideways in Azeroth, unless the guardian wastes energy to seal him, no one can kill him.

But by all means, N\'Zoth hadn\'t calculated that Sinestra would figure out how to cut off his blessing in this way.

Not only was Deathwing\'s **** scrapped, but his soul was also seriously injured.

The three black dragon siblings stared blankly at the fading light in the sky.

Nefarian, who was usually very impatient with Sinestra\'s discipline, sobbed in a low voice, Onyxia\'s eyes were dull, unable to recover for a long time.

Ebixien suppressed his grief, and slapped his brother and sister heavily with his wings.

"Please cheer up! Mother entrusts the future of the black dragon on us, and we must not let her down!"

The four dragon kings entrusted by Sinestra felt a little heavy in their hearts. Seeing Ebixian, who was trying his best to comfort the other black dragons, they finally had some comfort in their hearts. At least the black dragon has a successor.

"Ahem~ Sorry to bother you."

When the scene was immersed in the sadness of parting, a simple small aircraft appeared above the Dragon Clan, and a sharp mechanical sound came from the speaker.

Andrea raised his eyebrows, "This voice, Mimiron?"

Mimiron didn\'t hear Andrea whispering far away in Anaxis, and continued on his own, "Everyone, I am Mimiron, the guardian from Ulduar, and my colleague Azadas has something to say. Ask me to convey it to you, especially the black dragon."


Mimiron adjusted the sound line of the mechanical voice, trying to simulate the thick voice of Azadas as much as possible.

"I am Azadas, the forging guardian. I am sorry to disturb you at this sad moment. I have good news for the Black Dragon Clan."

"Mimiron\'s outer space monitoring equipment witnessed the fall of the guardian of the earth, and with the help of the star soul of Azeroth, he recovered the power of the guardian of the earth from Neltharion."

"The Black Dragon Clan, please determine the successor as soon as possible. At that time, I will go to the Dragon Rest Temple to give the new Black Dragon King the power of the guardian of the earth that you have lost for many years."

Mimiron\'s voice returned to his original sharpness again, "This is the end of Azadas\'s message. Thank you Black Dragon for your sacrifice to protect Azeroth. The dead Tyr will be proud of you."

Mimiron\'s sudden intrusion made Andrea a little dumbfounded, but his interruption finally diluted the sad atmosphere at the scene, and also brought good news to the Black Dragon Clan who had suffered heavy losses.

Andrea didn\'t have time to think about Sinestra, and after confirming Deathwing\'s demise, he immediately turned his attention to the overwhelming number of naga near the coastline.

Senkinlai\'s coastal defenses were crumbling under the joint impact of Twilight Dragon and Naga, and Andrea urgently sent 100,000 troops to support them.

As the Dragon Clan adjusted their mentality and joined the battlefield, the precarious situation was finally relieved, and the number of Twilight Dragons was decreasing day by day under the pressure of the repressed Dragon Clan.

In more than a month, the focus of defense shifted from Twilight Dragon to Naga.

These fish tails are not only huge in number, but when they attack the beach, they will send even more murloc cannon fodder troops to consume the defenders\' stamina and mana.

When the good news of Al\'Akir and Ragnaros\' successful crusade came one after another, reinforcements from various tribes in the Eastern Continent finally arrived near the Broken Isles.

A large number of Naga blocked their voyage westward to reinforce Kalimdor. The reinforcements from various organizations and countries could only temporarily stay in the Broken Isles to help the Tirisfal Council resolve the local Naga crisis.

As a large island in the sea, all areas of the Broken Isles will be attacked by naga.

Valshara relied on the strength of Black Rook Castle to block the Naga to the west of the coast, and Suramar also possessed powerful magic power. The Naga\'s attacks on these two areas did not cause any damage.

The tauren and drogbar in Highmountain can also block the Naga from landing near the north shore, and Odin\'s Hall of Valor provides powerful support for Stormheim.

Only Azsuna, which had been neglected before, suffered the most damage. Naga and murlocs could be seen everywhere on Azsuna Beach.

The Phantom Night Watchmen led by Farondis could only barely defend the central Narsalas Academy area together with the Tirisfal Council, and the Watch Island was also impregnable under the defense led by Sera Moonguard.

But other areas have been completely reduced to the Naga\'s paradise, and the reinforcements from the Eastern Continent are mainly to provide support for Azsuna.

Sometimes, a large number can also cause qualitative changes, and the inexhaustible number of Naga also brought enormous pressure to Kalimdor.

Under the attack of Azshara\'s innumerable Naga, the ancient Dark Night Republic fully utilized its military potential. Every day, countless arcane puppets came off the production line and rushed to the front line.

Although the situation was very dangerous, Andrea, who was dispatched in the middle, managed to barely maintain the battle situation by virtue of the long-term stay up that made him lose his hair, and supported it until Garald led one of the main forces to return from the south.

The Land of Fire was breached under the leadership of Freya, Hodir, and Thorim. Ragnaros, who hid back in the palace, ushered in his own end in despair.

Hodir, the ice guardian, took advantage of Ragnaros\' weakness and forcibly frozen him with a frost hammer, and bestowed death on the king of fire elements in the most shameful way—freezing to death.

Not all members of the fire element are of one mind with Ragnaros. With the intervention of the three guardians, UU Reading quickly elected a new fire element king who is relatively close to mortals. It is said that he His name is Smolderon.

On the side of the wind element, Al\'Akir, who was loyal to the ancient god, finally died in the hands of Sunderland the Windchaser, and the drama of father\'s kindness and son\'s filial piety finally came to an end.

The wind elementals and fire elementals immediately turned their backs after changing their leaders, and in turn joined the camp of the guardians of Azeroth to attack the naga who invaded the coastline.

The end of the two-front battlefield not only allowed the night elves to draw more troops, but also gained two strong reinforcements.

Meanwhile, there is good news from Vashj\'ir\'s underwater forces who helped the water elementals repel the Naga.

Using the submarine mothership as an arrow, the night elves\' underwater troops finally broke through the Naga\'s defenses and formally entered the Throne of Tides, which was being attacked by Naga and sea monsters.

On the other hand, Goel and other Earth Ring shamans also sent the latest information.

After repairing the Pillars of the World in the Earthen Ring, Therazane the Stonemother agreed to join the Guardians of Azeroth in defeating the last of the Old Gods, N\'Zoth.

Andrea, who worked overtime until her hair fell out, let out a sigh of relief and leaned softly on the back of the chair.

Celes, who had already left the shelter, massaged his temples distressedly, and Andrea closed her eyes and smiled in relaxation.

"Things are finally getting better."

"Speaker! Azshara... Azshara finally made a high-profile appearance!"

Andrea: "…"

"MMP, can\'t you give me a break?!"